Wtf I love Rainbow Six now

wtf I love Rainbow Six now

I've been planning to get into it
I've played a lot of counter strike games, how do they compare?

a lot different, siege is a lot more slower paced and more tactical i'd say anyway.
you spend a lot more time trying to find the right opportunity to push and kill someone than shooting.
still fun as fuck though

Attacks vs Defenders
The main mode is a 2 point bomb defense.

Otherwise, very different.
I wouldn't call Siege slower paced/more tactical. People peek and run around the maps as 3 speed very often

thanks for letting me know, which version do you recommend?

anything but Starter

Siege is a lot different than most shooters I've played. The game demands that you play as a team, otherwise you just become dead weight. The game does a bad job conveying what kind of game it is, at a glance it looks like a slow paced twitch shooter, but it's a hero shooter. Every character brings a different factor in the equation and you can do some nutty shit if you have the right team composition and good communication.

And people always cry about peekers advantage.

I would definitely pick the game up if you have some friends that are down to play together. Solo queue is fun but it's annoying when you're stuck with a team who refuses to talk to one another.



So I have 3 shitty friends that I convinced to buy the game.

Which of the base operators would be easy enough for them to play?

i wanna FUCK ELA


Stop posting cat on Sup Forums.

Fuck off


Stop posting her.


Is this game good if I like to play single player?

depends what you mean by single player
>Solo Queue
It can be fun once you know the maps and the operators, some of my best moments is playing with shitters and carrying them
pretty much non-existent. they have some missions that are just glorified tutorials/


Probably not, I got bored of terrorist hunt after 20 hours.

I just got headshotted through a window, through a small ass hole in a wall.
Definitely do not get it if you get frustrated easily.

Also it's not a counter strike game, you have plenty of operators who have different abilities ranging from retarded useful to completely useless.


why is she so colour coded?

zofia > ela



Dokkobaba is an eggless trash dyke, worthless weeaboo diaperfur.

rook for defence since his main job is to press middle mouse button as soon as the game starts
for assault i don't know, someone braindead too, like ash or something

whos that next to thermite

Don't get the obsession over ela

She has stupid hair and sounds like a naggy babushka.


Fat ass in tight yoga pants


>get killed as IQ
>mfw that fucking ass

why did they give her such a fat ass?
you'd think a special forces operator would have a tight, toned ass

shes broken as fuck is the obsession

Tell me how waifufags can ruin even threads that are about a first person shooter. Tell me how a purely gameplay-oriented video game can be completely ruined by waifufags. You people fucking destroy everything. Back to

Nah, it's basically multiplayer only

awful list
blackbeard and montangne arent ok tier, theyre meta as shit

a lot of those viable picks should be in god tier as well (like thatcher/smoke/twitch/buck)

>Dev specifically put in female operators with fat asses in tight pants
>"Fuckin' waifufags ruin everything"

Stop bitching

Thatcher you can just follow hibana/thermite/ash around if you suck.


zofia is the best
shame i fucking suck ass at her, I've no idea how to use that fucking grenade launcher

waaah waaah

It's a first person shooter, not a waifufag game. Them having female characters in it doesn't make it a waifu game.



Yoga pants are for degenerates

IQ has a better butt, and in jeans

>Easiest attackers to play

>Easiest Defenders

breaching as in breaking a wall? or breaching as in throwing in a room and clearing?
should I even use the impact grenades? i've never ever hit anything with them

>I've no idea how to use that fucking grenade launcher
Use impact grenades to breach.
With concussion grenades, they go off by proxy. If they go off immediately it means someone was effected by it, so if you shoot it into a room and it immediately pops you disoriented someone.

this game triggers my "you are too old to be a member of a police tactical unit" feel

>hey guys look we have WEEB characters, buy now
>its really just western fucking garbage
>also its multiplayer only with the worst community known to mankind
not wasting a single cent

Breaching as in making holes in the wall.
Open hatches for your teammates and kill holes near the obj

What's the point of vigil? He just seems like a shitty caveira

It hurts. Needs more frames.

>shittier shit


>worst community known to mankind
Console player confirmed

he is extremely hard to snuff out unless you have a jackel, with drones you can only see his approximate location and he can relocate fast. Maybe even a better attacker time waster than caviera.

>also its multiplayer only with the worst community known to mankind
pubg ?



>hey guys look we have WEEB characters, buy now
I mean, they added the Japanese girl over a year ago.

>also its multiplayer only with the worst community known to mankind

Literally every single multiplayer game people say this

Thermite is pretty much always a better pick than Hibana but gotta go fast autists choose her.


I keep getting teams with 12-15 year olds on mic and of course they're fucking retards every game.


>hey guys look we have WEEB characters, buy now
Who are you quoting?

>hue hue im such an oldfag

Yea I hate how "muh OC donut steel" the operators got.
I think the first ones that went that way where the BOPE ones, the SAT ones are fucking retarded, then the GEO ones are pretty normal.
But then after that it just went straight fucking to hell with green hair, mommy, quirky nerd girl and pssht nothin personnel kid ninja.

is mah boi fuze still getting TK'ed every match?

>quirky nerd girl
At the very least, I'm glad they acknowledge that she adopted the nrrd grrl persona because it's what everyone expected of her.

>tfw unironically stopped playing ever since all this waifu pandering shit happend
Feels good

Wonder why that happened

The lady from the spanish expac was ok

Flashlight tag built entirely around map knowledge and where exactly to stand to look down the 4 pixel gap across two room and down a corridor

>dude, our game is a disaster
>just add waifus senpai
>Sup Forums eats it up

what went wrong

Monty is god tier on bomb

I don't mind female characters as long as they're like, I dunno, Mira or Twitch or Ash.
Not "hoodie wearing ultra IQ nip girl that knows 700 languages ranging from Japanese to Spanish to High Gothic from the fringes of the Imperium of Man", or "ultra ninja brutal ex-criminal brazilian that specializes in torture and does not make a sound when walking"

Is it just me or she looks like Hideo Kojima?

Those happened at the same exact time they got a female "writer" AKA someone who sucked and fucked their way into an at-home blogger job.

>no hot spetsnaz mommy
why even bother?


>People waifuing R6S operators
All SJW feminism INDEPENDENT STRONG WOMYN angles aside, a tier one rainbow operator would fucking snap you in half. You and I wouldn't be able to handle a girl like that.

>Sup Forums eats it up
Sup Forums alone doesn't make it the fifth most played team game

>Game is better now than it ever has been
>All the negative stuff is peripheral
Fine by me

do womyn even get to enter into a tier one group? i heard rangers let 2 pass last year

oh yeah look this thread again. please its already a miracle that this shitty tacticoolbro came back from the dead. its not necessary to start waifupandering this shit.

these threads are just like the league of legends viral marketing threads

very low IP count and tons of porn and fan art dumped

dont be fooled Sup Forums, these threads are made and sustained by MARKETERS WITH PROXIES

They're fictional you stupid shit.

>OP bullshit operators who have their abilities affected by their fanfic backstories
>people being banned in droves by battleye hourly

if waifu pandering is the worse thing about the game then that's fine by me

Not in real life, no way. But it happens in the R6 universe

tell me of 3 (three) OP operators

What region? You could maybe play with my friends and I.

she is so fucking disgusting in-game

>>Sup Forums eats it up

Who loves Siege just for the waifus? I love it because it's a really well designed multiplayer game

>anything but starter

I'm a poorfag but i still want to play

can i grind for better characters or stats for a bit or is everyone just gonna laugh at me for going to school with my hand-me-down jacket and 5 year old lunchbox