ITT: Games that we'll never see again

Because the videogame industry is shit.

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>posts every game before 2006.
Done. Can we go home now?

But Prey came out last year

But you are home.

Huuuge SS2 fan here. I played prey over the weekend, and it just might be better than SS2. There were few whiffs of SJW subplots but nothing too bad.

I was recently gifted Prey on christmas and I have system shock 2. Should I go through System shock 2 before Prey?

It really doesn't matter since they aren't connected in any way.

True but I've always wanted to play System Shock 2 but never got around to playing it.

Was wondering what the similarities were since yall were comparing the two

Go ahead and play SS2 first. That way you can appreciate a game like Prey even being made in this day and age.

How long would you say SS2 is?

I got 32 hours on my first playthrough. Got around ~50 on Prey.

Damn that's nice. I'll probably get to it after work tomorrow.

I know it's old so it's probably a little dated in a few places but I usually have an open mind and i'm not entirely picky

>Looking Glass Studios developed and published Thief Gold, Thief 2, and System Shock 2
>Went out of business because they weren't making money
It's not fucking fair. It's really not.

Anyone else cant get into nuPrey? I fucking love System Shock 2, Thief and Deus Ex but nuPrey looks so bland and boring. I cant get into it, it looks like a bad indie game tribute to the real deal.

Never forget.

So you haven't played it? At least give it a chance.

Tried 2 times, first time stopped at "dude its a simulation lmao", second time stopped at the 2nd mission where i had a glitch that the textures stopped loading for some reason.

my pc's to shit to run this, has anyone tried it yet?

>not even finishing the prologue


It's garbage. The original Prey is so much better and it's still not exactly a masterpiece compared to good singleplayer FPS games like Unreal, (original) Doom, and Quake 1.

the first one was more fun imo

People really need to get rid of their nostalgia goggles for this game, they'd appreciate it more.

>implying it's nostalgia
The first time I played this game was 2015. The atmosphere in SS2 is amazing.

I played it for the first time around 2011. It's still fantastic.

You can download graphical updates for it.

System Shock doesn't need a sequel because its DNA is in practically every modern scifi RPG.

Is that really from just one playthrough? Where did all that extra time come from for you?

Hmm, let's see.
Franchise or games with a style of a preceding game? Or a sequel worth something like the original?

I'll post something based on what I've played.

Franchise games:
Warcraft RTS
Potentially Mechwarrior ( 5 looks nice but heard rumours of no Mech customization )
Command and Conquer
Elder Scrolls
Duke Nukem

Games deserving of an update or a proper sequel:

What I can think of from the top of my head. And I've played more games but either they've been good one shot games, do not deserve newer games or are good enough as they are now.

Also, isn't there a System Shock 3 in development?

Yes and I don't know. It's safe to say 2-3 hours were added from me dozing off in my chair, but other than that I don't know.

At the very least, I can be thankful Night Dive was able to untangle the legal christmas tree lights SS2 was stuck in, so more people can experience what a great game it is.
Now let's just see how the SS1 remake and SS3 turn out.

>Also, isn't there a System Shock 3 in development?
Yes, and it's a "get the band back together" thing. Old looking glass guys are coming back for it, can't wait.

SS2 is overrated as fuck and falls apart in the second part and especially in the end.

After having played 1 and 2 I'm convinced the massive dick sucking of this game comes from nostalgia and group think everyone says it's the best game ever made so I like it too now. I don't think it's bad, but holy fuck it does not deserve the praise it gets.

What games do you think deserve praise?

ehh I never liked ss2 that much it kinda leads the player by the nose way more than it's predecessors like the original system shock and ultima underworld
also The new prey is good and all of arkane's games really, now that Raphael colantonio has left the company I fear the whole thing will be torn apart by bethesda



We're literally getting a system shock 3 though.

Call of duty 4
Halo 4
The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim


Easy replies, maybe

It's literally a remake of System Shock though.

i've tried to get into SS2 but i just fall off shortly after deck 2

SS Remake and SS3 are two different game.

They're making the massively worse remake of System Shock AND 3 sweetie

So it's an immersive sim, got it

they are remaking the original system shock and are planning on doing SS3 as well

>that last paragraph
If only people listened.

Imagine being so much of a pathetic manchild that people gift you videogames on christmans

Make sure to have OpenAL installed before playing System Shock 2 and to enable its features in the options menu. It makes it possible to experience the game's sound effects and propagation tools the way they were intended. The Dark Engine still does it best.

Prey is what you're looking for. I wouldn't be surprised if, assuming a change in management doesn't send them off the deep end or something, Arkane ended up as a something of a modern day LGS.

>SJW subplots
You mean the one pair of lesbians in the entire space station of 277 people? Sometimes a door is just a door, user.

Now this is one we'll definitely never see the like again. This game is simply too long and has too many things in it. Publishers aren't willing to put so much on a $60 price tag anymore and, because every game nowadays needs to have full voice acting and 4K textures a game like this would be like 300 GB large.

How does that make any sense?

but user, warren spector and the original looking glass studios guys are working on SS3, you actual literal uninformed dummy.

i was so pissed prey didn't win at the VGAs. it figures because it's just a popularity contest but that game deserved more attention than it got in 2017.

Almost as if the VGAs were voted by "journalists" indicated by a committee of publishers instead of an established organization of area professionals who know what the fuck they're talking about.

Say what you will about the Oscars and the AMPAS, but at least they don't exclusively give big prizes to hundred-million dollar superproductions. The Game Awards is literally on the fourth straight year of its four years lifetime of giving GotY to AAA titles.

>the only nominee Prey was a part of was best action game
>action game

What do you mean?
There are plenty of broken unfinished messes these days.

Meanwhile Overwatch wins an award in a category that was basically invented so that Overwatch could win an award this year as well.

>"Let's give an award for longevity to a one year old game!"

Everyone that made those old games great are dead, anons. They're all gone.
The sooner you accept, the sooner you can move on with your life.

>olden game devs were mostly 20-30 year old programming nerds
>somehow most of them died from 1999 to now

SS2 isn't a Hitchcock movie. LGS closed shop in 2000. Assuming no rules broken in your presence here, that was after you were born.

Still salty it's animated adaption was 3D & not the same 2D anime art style as the Bayonetta anime.



>mfw I hear Garrett's voice among the voices of the many

just play it, the graphics are well made so you will be immersed within the hour. DO NOT DOWNLOAD THE GRAPHIC PATCHES OF SSII. it's fanmade and they ruin some monster designs.

I have had the same problem. It looks so generic fetchy boring without a strong narrative or challenging gameplay. level design also looked BLAND AS FUCK reminding im in a bad way of bioshock 1.

replay SS2 instead, at least you get kickass music, mature rpg systems and grade A sound design.

>G̵̸̢̀͜l̕ò̴̡͟r̸̴͢͞y̢͠ ̴̨͢͝t̨̛͢o̕͟ ̀̕͘t̶̴͘͢͝h̨̡̛̕͡e̵͢͜ ̴̀͘m̀͠͝a̶̴̧͞n͘͞͝y̢͟͡
>Shotgun blasts and screams
>I̸̧͘͟ ̸a̶̸̛͢͡m̸̢̛͡ ̶̵͜a̷̡ ͘̕v͞o͜i̷̛͜c̴̴̡̕͟e̸ ́́͢͠i̢͠ǹ̷͟͡ ̶͝t̶̨́́h̸̷͟è͜i̡̧͘͟r̷͞͝͡ ̧c͡ḩo̧͡i̵͠͡r̴̡̧
>more shotgun blasts and splat sounds
They did a really good job with the sound in this game

Little ones need lots of meat to grow big and strong.


There are dozens of barely interactive story driven games filled with shit writing now.

it still hurts


The also made System Shock 1 and both Ultima Underworld games.

And they went out of business because they made a 3D golf game that BOMBED. They were also wasting money on a sci-fi MMO that never got released.

If they had lasted a few years longer we would have gotten Thief 2 Gold, Thief 3, and a modern day stealth game. On top of that they were also working on a couple of N64 racing games, one with model cars and another with kayaks.

> press x to romanticly kiss gf on couch

It was a game well ahead of its time.

I love SS2, but I find the skill system to be garbage. Most skills are useless and you may fail to proceed in the game if you didn't spend your cyber modules correctly.

The games that he mentions there were actually fairly successful. It was their OTHER games that BOMBED and ultimately bankrupted them.

SS2 gameplay is really iffy. Skills are terribly designed, melee enemies can't hit you if you move because their attack and movement animations are separate, certain enemies can't hit you if you crouch. It has fantastic atmosphere and some clever writing/story elements, but it's not a perfect game like some people say.

I like both SS games, but UU and Thief were their best series.

>It has fantastic atmosphere and some clever writing/story elements, but it's not a perfect game like some people say.
Completely agree
>Thief were their best series.
Also agree

SS2 is more Irrational than LGS, anyway.

>games we won't see forever
>posts only the most popular ones

Gee OP why you can't stop sucking dicks?

>first game was phenomenal
>came completely out of nowhere
>every single sequel/spinoff utterly failed to stay on par with it, let alone improve upon it


They're not remaking System Shock 1.
That was the plan but they wanted to update it for modern audiences, so they're claiming it's a full reboot now with the ~spooky~ video to show it. Glad I didn't spend my money.