Why won't you love her?

Why won't you love her?

Because I love Reisen!

>persona 4


>le isekai maid face

>Shitting on something and posting Re shit at the same time

i do love her though, and i hope she appears in the upcoming fighting game alongside the persona 4 cast.

She's half maggotycorpse, half demon. Fuck that.

She's really not that bad, I don't get the hate.

But I do! She was very fun in Ultimax!

>Shoehorned in with absolutely no bearing on the plot
>Everybody likes her
>Spouts community memes
>Writes shite poetry
>Not even a cute tsun, only becomes tolerable when dere
>Her dungeon isn't difficult, just tedious
At least she brought some okay new personas into the mix

I do. I want to cum in her armpits then on her soles

Completely wrong person. She was so repressed and so dominated, that she wandered around lost during the events of Persona 4. It's why she's mocked about her poetry in the Velvet Room.

Because I already love Chie.

What was the point if she isn't going to be a party member? All she does is show up and everyone gushes about how cute and perfect she is. You could already duplicate cards at the shrine.

She's also a fragment of Izanami, isn't she?
To be honest, it was a long time ago and I was thoroughly uninterested in her side route.

She even has her own Persona. If love to know why that was cut out of Golden.

>go to Velvet Room, want to fuse some persona
>skip button gets disabled

Fucking hell, did they have to turn off the skip button so we are forced to listen to her shit?

Just hold triangle, you impatient fag

This is unironically my fetish

My heart belongs to Fuuka

Doesn't work during her poems.

And her Persona is the most powerful one in P5

Oh wow that's cancer

>Shoehorned in with absolutely no bearing on the plot
The only legitimate point, and not even that big of one considering she's only technically part of the plot.

>Everybody likes her
Like every single member of the party likes every single member of the party, for the same amount of reasons.

>Spouts community memes
Like the show? What?

>Writes shite poetry
Which is somehow much worse than Kanji's gay jokes, Teddie's gimmicks or Yukiko's fits?

>Not even a cute tsun, only becomes tolerable when dere
Which is 100% your opinion.

>Her dungeon isn't difficult, just tedious
Which isn't related to her character.

You're just complaining about the game in this post.


>You're just complaining about the game in this post

You can skip everything in the game EXCEPT her scenes.

Yukiko being annoying and Kanji being a culture gap doesn't make Marie more tolerable, waifufaggot.
The characters in P4 aren't very good for much more than propping up an erection now and then.

People that complain about game Marie have it easy, try watching the anime.

>every scene has Marie in it, even in parts where she isn't there in the game
>she does Rise's solo in the concert
>she hogs all the attention during Yosuke's attempt to get a girlfriend
>she even goes to the beach and hogs all the attention there
>she finds out Adachi is the murderer before anyone else
>she teaches the Investigation Team the power of friendship

I wish you die. I wish you die.

>not liking Yukiko's laughing fits

The entirety of P4GA was a mistake.

You can romance her and one other girl "safely"? I read that somewhere so I pressed the lover's option in her SL, too far back to change it now
Also, I just got to Heaven, was following a guide to max SL but fucked up somewhere, but only down 1 point in Yosuke and 1 point in Rise, can I salvage it? Was missing a lot more in other ones so I had to make sacrifices with my bro and second best girl.

Adachi's backstory was nice.

Poor Fuuka was in the wrong game.

>everyone an attention-seeking cunt that fight over stupid things
>all Fuuka wanted was to be helpful and to be friends with everyone

That's not a reason to hate the character at all, that's a dumb decision by people who made the game.

>Yukiko being annoying and Kanji being a culture gap doesn't make Marie more tolerable
I didn't say it did. I was just confused why she's considered such a terrible character by P4fans when she's about the same as the rest of the cast, then you mostly just listed traits that could be applied to everyone else.

I didn't say that either, I just said that they were on the same level.

I'd fuck her but other than that she is terrible.

>Like every single member of the party likes every single member of the party, for the same amount of reasons
The difference is that everyone immediately likes Marie for absolutely reason. Compare it to the first time the group meets Kanji or Naoto. At first everyone is scared of Kanji and Naoto is seen as nuisance. Then the gang gets to know them and they become friends. Everyone immediately starts sucking Maria's cock for no reason other than because Hashino said so

>character interactios so bad people press the skip button

I'd say it's more on the character because I LOVE going to the velvet room normally.

p4fags want to pretend their characters are deep and interesting and that Marie is nothing like them.


Delet this immediately. Door-kun doesn't deserve such a fate

>not Door and Naoto for superior blue hair genetics for superior kids

Also helps that both of them are the best instalkill mages.

Marie seems fun to hang out with.
Anything that needs doing she can get done for me.

I do love her!

But that's a good thing, Fuuka brought much needed contrast to the cast, being selfless and dedicating her energy to helping everyone made her unique and special.

Pretty sure he'd hate her.

>make an anime that retcons any scene that she isn't in to include her
>she still can't place on the popularity polls
>ranked so low she isn't even on the top 20 list
>lost to Boy with The Earring, Kei "Japan's No.1" Nanjo and Tatsuya and many more

Somebody needs to edit so its makoto & makoto

I do though. The only problem i have personally is her awful poetry. No one imo can defend that shit.

but i do love her

Fucking hang yourself oh my god.

>Watching anime

If they were going to use an Izanami fragment she should have just be Izanami. Hang out with the gas station attendant, find out "he" is really a "she", have her talk about her plans and frustrations in a veiled way that sounds like bitching about work and society over drinks with the Protag but the player knows what she is actually talking about, have her be conflicted about the plan if you advance the link enough, etc.