That guy talking about the shieldroid whatever he calls it hero is wrong. Hero 27 is, yes a tank, but made to be very agressive like D.Va.
He is right though about Junkertown Queen being hero 28, who will be a defense hero and a hybrid between melee (with her axe) and shooting (with her scrappy junk machine gun). Hero 29 is Liao, who is a DPS. (We don't know if he will be attack or defense yet though).
Hero 27
I don't believe you
If thats true then the next meta will be D.Va Winston and Fake Leak hero.
>Let's design a new hero to add to the game meanwhile existing heroes are vastly over/under powered
Nice priorities blizz.
Who fucking cares about overwatch enough to have a leaks thread?
Nobody actually plays this game on here
New hero means new skins which means more people buying loot boxes. There is no money in fixing the current game, blizz needs to shake their player base every other month like a piggy bank to extract the shekels.
When is the robo spider waifu being added?
Wrong. Junkertown Queen is hero 27. She's releasing soon enough, was originally planned for in March. She has a warcry (think like Lucio's Sound Barrier in that it is an aoe that affects teammates) that give damage resistance for a short duration and some other shit. She also has lower HP than some of the other tanks. Think like Zarya but more melee focused like Reinhardt.
Hero 28 is defense yes, and female, but its not Junkertown Queen. Its a minion-based hero. Basically she makes (albeit costing resources and with a cooldown - think Torb/Sym) a swarm of weaker robots that she can control the target of. She also has a mouth beam, an ability for movement.
You of all people should know that balance in this game is tricky, and besides, it's not impossible to win with anybody on Overwatch as long as you are a competent/cooperative player.
fuck you. ow doesn't need more heroes, it needs more footslut skins
> Its a minion-based hero. Basically she makes (albeit costing resources and with a cooldown - think Torb/Sym) a swarm of weaker robots that she can control the target of. She also has a mouth beam, an ability for movement.
Is it her in this pic? whats her ult and movement ability do user?
Are we ever gonna get another AOE healer? I don't want to put much effort into playing the game anymore whenever I play this game for the skins but at the same time don't want to be completely useless.
Aparently the next hero teased is Ares, Jeff left a hint at the Christmas streaming with something about Orcas
Also seen in this old concept art.
Disregard I smoke cock instead of learning to read.
>Mama Hong
>ability: manslaughter
>Sombra, Doomfist, and Bastion are all really fun to play
>All are fucking trash in 98% of situations, should almost always pick a different hero
That is just speculation because Jeff said, to dinoflask (the guy who makes Kaplan compilations on youtube): Orca, Killer Whale, Gratuitous and everyone immediately assumed he was hinting at a hero due to the last letters of each word spelling Ares. Which is kind of a case of cognitive bias though, as the assumption is that the last letter is the ones of value. Theoretically, there is just as much of a likelihood that OKWG is the letters that matter as some form of acronym. Especially since Kaplan has stated that hero 27 is someone who has been teased before. Which Ares has not. Meanwhile, Junkertown Queen has been hinted at, even directly - for example, the license plate in Junkertown has 03-20 on it, which is March 20th, a time that is conveniently around when Orisa released.
give us the demoknight jeff
It's going to be a Greek hero, Blizzard went out of their way to hire a voice actor that can do bilingual English/Greek voice roles.
They hired Alex Malaos for automatic dialog replacement and looping. This is dubbing work, not actual voice acting. Think like ambient background noise in a location. This has been collaborated by Alex himself:
""I meant to say that the lines that I was saying were in Greek, but I was not a Greek hero... I was just saying some random background lines, you know, like stuff you would hear on a walkie-talkie or from a random secondary character. I have no idea about how they intend to use that (IF they decide to ever use it)."
That guy talking about the shieldroid whatever he calls it hero is wrong. Hero 27 is, yes agressive, but made to be very broken like the rest of cast.
He is right though about Slay Queen being hero 28, who will be a diverse hero and a hybrid between ultimate (with her axe) and aiming (with her scrappy junk machine gun). Hero 29 is chingchao, who is a DPS. (None of you will be allowed to use him though, because he's also broken and not fitting within the competitive meta)
That's weak as shit. Ilios is the only map left in the game without a hometown hero.
>Slay Queen being hero 28, who will be a diverse hero and a hybrid between ultimate (with her axe) and aiming (with her scrappy junk machine gun).
That sucks. I hate having to play as women especially black women.
>Hero 29 is chingchao, who is a DPS. (None of you will be allowed to use him though, because he's also broken and not fitting within the competitive meta)
Does this mean ChingChao is an NPC? Guess this means PVE is confirmed otherwise it'll be impossible to face him. Wonder if he's relared to ChingChong DingDong or Kim Park-Hue PukLao.
Probably in the same cutting room floor of that ammo counter.
>Junker Queen in the comics has some nice big tits
>gameplay OW is allergic to boobs
They'll fuck up her design for the actual release, won't they?
Adding new heroes fixes the meta and makes other heroes viable. Moira fixed it when she first came out and a lot more character metas became viable, but that seemed to go away after a month of public testing. More heroes means more viable combinations
also this.
That is true. New characters can allow for strong synergy with the weaker characters.
Randy, you have to let it go.
Hope not. Could be possible if the pressure from the chiefwigs is hard enough not to make certain people feel insecure or self-conscious about JQ's giant tits.
>Moira fixed it when she first came out and a lot more character metas became viable
Moira is shit though, she has nothing on any other healer, especially Zenyatta and Mercy. Moira has NO UTILITY, it doesn't matter how much healing she does if a target with discord explodes in under a second.
>Moira is shit though
She does way better healing than Zen while also dealing more damage.
>Zen has to aim, Moira doesn't
>Zen can't self heal outside of his shields which don't regenerate under fire while Moira gains HP while taking damage
>Zen's ultimate makes his nearby allies and himself unkillable, which Moira's ultimate also does, as well as heavily damage enemies AND ignore barriers
She's much more shitter friendly than Zen. Literally not a single one of her abilities needs to be aimed. Even Mercy needs to aim her pistol.
There is some truth to this. It feels like I'm doing much better on moira. Having 3-4 Gold medals every game while topping both healing and damage done. Yet I still lose far more often on her than on my Zen even tho I feel like I'm barely done anything the entire game with him.
>>Zen's ultimate makes his nearby allies and himself unkillable
It rapidly heals, however it won't prevent death from insta-damage abilities.
>heavily damage enemies
Ehhh, 70DPS is not super exciting. The true power is that you can stand behind your team, heal them and also do some damage, all with one ability.
No one cares about ranked shit
Zen can right click Zarya to death around a corner instantly. Moira can move around and do some flank damage but at the same time is nigh useless at healing other characters with any mobility.
Moira is like pre-buff Junkrat where people playing with him would jerk off about their gold damage but it didn't mean anything because they couldn't actually kill the targets they heavily damaged.
Next hero is Sound Quake you donuts
sombra is really good but requires a team that knows how to play around you, doomfist is insane but counterable, bastion is for meme cheese comps and making him viable 100% of the time would be stupid.
Moira is actually a primary healer, Zen is off-healing sniper/debuffer. They're different characters.
zen is still a fucking god, instagib right clicks, discord is insanely good, and harmony allows him to heal from insane distances. Moira isn't a bad hero but zen and mercy are just too good right now to not use.
>zen is still a fucking god
He's even more of a god now since every game isn't Winston jamming a gorilla dick down Zen's mouth. All of Zen's natural predators got knocked down a peg.
Don't pretend like we don't need more healers and tanks there's only two main tanks and two main healers and only one of the healers are good
>500 hours on Mercy
>50 hours on
>Less than 5 minutes on everyone else
What did they mean by this?