Finally beat him after 3 days

Finally beat him after 3 days.

Am I having fun now Sup Forums?

Soyfun, maybe..

How the fuck do people have problems with this?
How long did the blood starved beast take you?

>10 hours into DAS2
>Fell absolutely nothing

Christ, what the fuck went wrong with this game

>telegraphing, the boss

I assume he means Defiled, took me quite a while too.

You're not supposed to do chalice dungeons.

I spent the entire fight stunlocking it onto the floor and running away when it went super nova. It's literally the easiest boss in the game.

bsb was surprisingly easy.
only other boss that had me raging was ludwig.
havent gotten through the dlc yet though and i hear orphan of kosm is a bitch.

Might be the most telegraphed boss in the game. Can literally just bop him in the face right after he does an attack.

but muh gems

Orphan is reasonably hard, not bullshitty.
Maria is a casual filter though and if you have trouble with her then you'll rage at orphan.

Orphan is brutal until you realize its a humanoid enemies. It has tells you can clearly recognize if you study the guy for a bit.

You beat FRC watchdog? if not then you didn't really beat him.

>tfw she would've been a 9.5/10 fight if you couldn't parry her in phases 2 and 3

but human enemies are literally
>parry, riposte, win
Never understood why so many people had problems with the Crow of Cainhurst...

cursed is the only one worth adding for gems.
correct me if i'm wrong.

Fighting someone that takes away half your health in a single blow, has a fuckton of health, and has infinite vials and bullets is not a fair or fun fight.

>implying BB is hard
>Aliens weak to headshots, lightning and thrusting with 20% extra damage on the last two which are stackable and free repostes on the head shots as well as weak to guns so BLT builds shit on aliens
>Beasts also weak to headshots and take 20% extra damage from Serrated Weapons and Fire which is also stackable
>any boss which isn't GIANT is riposte friendly and backstab friendly
BLT and Skill turns this game into a snorefest. Every single fucking enemy has an insanely exploitable weakness.

I will never understand how people have problems with it.

He only has 2 or 3 vials though, when he runs out he throws Numbing Mist.

Regular or defiled chalice?

When i fought him he only healed once before killing himself with his blood weebstick.
He's really not that hard if you're patient.

Defiled wtf do I look like a casul

Then why are they there?

Congrats on sewing your gaping vagina shut OP

>Defiled Loran Darkbeast
>Get bumbed by boss head while dodging and he lands a combo on you
>Get stuck in geometry while dodging and he oneshots you
>Boss drops a nanometer from a ledge a flattens you and oneshots you right after
>Boss gets stuck in geometry while jumping and goes apeshit and warps and kills you

Great game you have there PShitters.

git gud

>not using pungent blood cocktails
Literally retarded

>Forcing soy meme
Fucking trash ass bandwagon brainlets who can't come up with maymays on their own.

Just wait until you get to headless bloodstarved beast.

Imagine being in a room and the boss is the size of the room and he has one hit kill attacks for 90% of his moves and the other 10% have a 100% chance of inflicting you with poison and parasites.

Oh you can try dodging but he will fake you out 50% of the time by first acting like he';s going to hit you on the right but then fake out last second and get you on the left where you just rolled to.

I didn't have trouble with Defiled Watchdog. I had more trouble with Abhorrent Beast when I had to farm for the Red Jelly for Great Ihyll Chalice.

If it took you three days then you're in an imminent world of hurt for Defiled Amygdala.

Don't ever bring up that fucker ever again. Holy shit, that was a horribly designed fight.

Go cry some more about on your tumblr soyboy

He's right you know, spamming your already dead meme doesn't make it right.

>Holy shit, that was a horribly designed fight.
Which one? I actually "liked" Abhorrent Beast quite a lot because it reminded me of Flamelurker. Amygdala is only horribly designed in that she tends to OHKO you because of the health penalty.

>I spent the entire fight stunlocking it onto the floor
Except you cannot stunlock this boss

halp Laurence is giving me despair

kills me in 2 hits and his jerky movements and huge hitboxes are ridiculous

Amygdala. Tiny dark room with giant enemy that jumps around is not fun.

2 or 3 vials too many for someone who takes so little damage and insta-parries you.

>When i fought him he only healed once before killing himself with his blood weebstick.
This has since been patched. The current exploit is abusing his leashing while filling him with poison knives.

Laurence was the one boss I couldn't handle. I ended up belling in some NPCs and letting take the brunt of the hits while I swung at his butt.

How? Laurence is Cleric Beast with a couple of AOEs.

He has very long and very wide reach and attacks many times in a row. He can easily catch people who aren't timing their dodges and stunlock them to death.

His health is scaled for endgame and he's immune to fire which is a big deal for beast bosses. Because he's so bulky there's a much larger room for error.

yes, you can....
That is the SL 1 strat for him.

He will only ever use a single vial per fight, and if you just back off and wait he will damage himself down to 50%, vial, then continue damaging himself down to 30%. Then you can just exploit his AI by letting him repeatedly run into your charged R2.

That's if you're a shitter ofc.

If you don't want to cheese him with stunlocking you can always bait and punish the triple bite or wait until he barfs lava. Also, like every other boss in Bloodborne he has a weak right arm so you dodge-strafe right arm swipes and punish him hard.

Anyone else here die to Living Failures? I always see people on Sup Forums say the fight's a joke but I honestly had an easier time with Laurence.

How is that even possible? I want to know your reasoning.

Yes, but only until I finally realized what direction the meteors were coming from.

As someone said earlier, Laurence is just a reskinned Cleric Beast, and he's easy to kite when he loses his legs. I don't know what it was about the Failures but the combination of the meteor storm and having multiple enemies was probably what did it.
I got them eventually and obviously Ludwig and Orphan were tougher but it took some brute forcing to beat them.

The only hard part about Failures was my dick at that music change