
Any games that 200+ IQ gentlemen such as myself can enjoy?

Desert Golfing

Shitposting on Sup Forums but it looks like you played that way too much already

dose poor black babbies

i cri evertim ;_;

No Man's Sky

Think your IQ is high? Play math blaster... on hard!!!!

I never understood what appealed to everyone so damn much about No Man's Sky.

It amazes me people got hyped for this at all

Something something soy

As somebody that was hype for Spore I knew exactly how NMS would turn out

But user, there was like a lifetime of gameplay! An infinite universe filled with content, you would never need to buy another game again!

is it even possible to have iq higher then 100? isn't 100 like a perfect score like if you got all the answers on the test right?

wow, that really makes me think......

No, genius is over 130 or something. There are only estimates for the iq of some of the smartest people on earth, either because the iq test didn't exist at the time or the person never took one

I think just the fact that it was something "new" and "different" and the sheer unprecedented magnitude they advertised the game as having really wowed people.

>Those evil white cops just gunning down those poor black dudes minding their own business playing on their phones

Totally what's happening.

The power of marketing and advertising.


>using social media to bitch about kids using social media for fun
I don't get the logic here, can someone explain it to me?

2017 had more unarmed shooting deaths of white people than black ones.

>Choosing water type
Hydronigger got what he deserved

Bioshock Infinite starts with the hardest puzzle in gaming history so maybe try that one?

why the fuck won't wypipo stop killing our babies?

>tfw I live in Tulsa
>one of the black guys who got shot was here
>the cop who shot him was a black woman
>all the national news networks and BLM retards completely ignored this fact

>black people
Making everything about them.

Haha as this pendulum swings we open our eyes.
Do you think your new found glory can last? What about after the preachers have all left and no on is there to cover your crimes? What will happen when your crimes are shown and you can no longer hide behind words.

What then? You'll die.

Im a cheap bastard, do I have to pay for said test

Just like every year

Something something white people invented the system who killed him so regardless of the race of the person who pulled the trigger it will always be white peoples fault something something nigger.

With such a high IQ, there's no doubt that you're a fan of Rick and Morty in which case I highly recommend the intellectual tour-de-force that is Doki Doki Literature Club.

The inevitable Rick and Morty game.

Yes, and more white people get arrested every day than black people. While only a complete retard would debate these facts, there is the very real matter that by percentage it's happening to black people way more.

As for why that's the case, I'm sure you've already drawn your own conclusion.

The gochiusa game for the ps Vita.

Yeah white people invented a lot of things.

Genuine question. Just recently "awoke" to just white hate in general and I have to ask..why? Why are we so hated I don't get it.

Because we're keeping everyone else down, user. It's slavery in everything but name. Go join your local BLM chapter to help fight this injustice!

Yeah no duh white people get more arrested. they are the majority. Black people are unfairly arrested and are arrested more if you look at the percentages

No. I will not.

Niggers BTFO! LMAO!

Because if it werent for the white male we would be happily living barefoot in sub tropical zones and fucking rocks and trees or some shit.

Cro Magnon user.

It's our DNA

what, like those sovereign citizens?

>Be white
>Be oppressed in every conceivable way by my own society
>Everybody else's oppression is worse because I exist
>Get oppressed and blamed by my fellow oppressed citizens

yes all of this forced politicization has opened my eyes to how black people and criminality go together like andrew dobson and a bike pump

>not checking your white, male privilege
White men can't be oppressed.

Shhh we dont talk about those Sierra Charlies here.

Brown people view wh*tes the same way wh*tes view jews: sniveling, manipulative, two faced, fake, weak, feminine rat-like "people".

Now you understand.

I find it funny how black people constantly while about "systematic oppression" when it's litterally illegal for whites to only hire whites or have all white schools or neighborhoods.

In reality, a bunch of white kids had their eyes opened to black people mugging them.

Yeah but blacks can't read so who cares what they think I'm talking about why are we targeted by those in power

>walking home because too poor to drive or bike or use public transport
>my home is an underfunded shelter for men because nobody gives two shits about men
>spent all day looking for work
>get profiled because I walked too close to a school
>end up face down in gravel getting baton'd by some cop because I didnt understand why he was barking at me from across the street until he was on top of me
>some bitch standing around outside the school thought I was a grapist

But hey at least I'm not a nigger, right?

Because historically whites are the only race to ever escape their control. Over and over. That's why we are a threat. Even just recently when they thought they had it locked in we still took it back.

If you were black they would have shot you to death and avoided the booking process entirely.

>white kids are doing the 3 wise monkeys
fuck, I'm overactivating my almonds, this might be too much

Way to look on the bright side man. Proud of you

Scapegoat boogeyman.
There are serious racially-charged issues in the world and in our country but instead of addressing and solving those issues, just blame the white devil. If you just blame whitey for every shred of racial prejudice, you can start blaming whitey for anything that makes you feel unhappy.

Police shooting a lot of innocent Americans and autistically power tripping and acting like soldiers disregarding their civic duty?
Some of the people they kill are black, so blame big whitey for inventing the racist police force. The real issue is abuse of authority and lack of serious repercussions for officers who fuck up, but don't try to fix that legitimate problem, just call them racist and demand reparations and make the whole conversation harder to have.

I said brown people, not bl*cks.
Bl*cks are just an invasive species wh*tes spread all around the world, ruining local ecosystems.
Wh*tes are a plague on the world.

I hope you're not talking about (((Trump)))

Brown people are garbage too paublo

hum*ns, user.

hum*ans are a blight on the world

>3 + 0 = ?

What did he mean by this?

That's how I view non-whites though.

Also smelly, stupid, ugly, and uncultured.

It's ok to be uninformed bro. I bet you think Q is fake too.

It's a game for teaching kids math.

when did xkcd go from a silly simple webcomic to a pretentious fedora-tipping reddit one?

>Succeeding is difficult, I'll just blame [Anybody else that has succeeded before me].

Said every unsuccessful brainlet in history.

The only way for humans to save the earth is to leave the earth civilization and nature are always and will alway be trying to destroy the other. Neither can truly thrive while the other exists.

We need to stop giving two shots about some pink frog on the endangered species list. Either learn to evolve along side us or die. I.e rats crows dogs cats. Ect

I view browns as whining, violent, uneducated, ape-like 'people' so I guess everything balances out and nothing needs to change.

it gets more meta when you realize there is sometimes a 4th monkey that represents do no evil
so the black probably stole that phone


Nature can exist without people, people cannot exist without nature.

You're grossly misunderstanding how reality works.

Wrong people cant live without resources. People do not need "nature" only it's flesh

It surprised me that after something like Spore people STILL didn't know any better with NMS.
I mean, surely part of the crowd would've fallen for it, but you'd think in [current year] people would know better.

>worshipping the (((President)))

>2018 was 20 years ago

That all you got? Just gonna throw out brackets?

Mine is 120 and I'm a moron so no.

>black woman exhibiting behaviors of an abused spouse

Literally what did they mean by this?

Spore's initial announcement was quite a while ago so people too young to have really seen it when it first happened wouldn't have known any better. And I'm sure there were people that didn't care about Spore at all that might have fallen for NMS.

>The year 2525 is tomorrow

>unfairly arrested
How do you know this is true?

lmao crabs in a bucket

IQ is just like the space on a HDD. Doesn't mean you use the knowledge you have well, or that you even have it to begin with.

listen nigger, this president is a real american, he embodies everything I want this country to be

you see what happened today?
that fatso nork threatened a nuclear attack and big don replied by telling him he has a small dick and can't get an erection
and that his dick is huge and works just fine

I think there was just this fantasy about everyone trying to accomplish this impossible task and meeting people on the way, with some people deciding to just give up and be pirates or some wanting to document all the life forms of planets or what have you. People were expecting "fuck huge space MMO".

And yet my post ends in a 5 right now.

>scripted trailers of pre-Alpha builds
I'll take things niggresses would never say for $500, Alex

Nice try, desu.

Look at this 9

racial slurs are against the rules.


Holy shit that's pretty fucking close


Soooo... pocket Morties?

The power of soyfun.

The R&M VR game is out too

it's basically a 90 minute episode


You know what, Sup Forums, this 7 is for you. All of you.

Bill, is that you?

Umm excuse me, but I will be taking that 7 now


> Cop kills a white person
> *Crickets*

> Cop kills a black person

Why do libs continue to ignore this double standard?