Damn nigga dis shit is hard

Damn nigga dis shit is hard

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jump thru attacks my man
and use your melee attack to parry shit

>parry shit
what the fuck?

If you're playing on DMD, I'd suggest a guide or better yet watching DMD speedruns, you can pick up some nice strats and tricks from that
Though if it's normal difficulty that's giving you trouble, well then just clench your teeth, push through it and git gud

>well then just clench your teeth, push through it and git gud
I know but sometimes A boss shows up and I just get rekt and I just feel like I'm missing something. Love the game but damn can be tricky.

it's more like knocking the attack away with your attack but same concept
works good against fireballs

Use your sword with the stinger abilities and devil triggers. Keep slashing endlessly.

DT Guns are really strong

I'm at the giant ass bird and I don't think that will help.

The best explanation of DMC1 I ever read made me see it through the perfect lens when playing: it's an NES game but on PS2.

is DMC the dark souls of the action hack and slash genre?

or does that title belong to ninja gaiden

gryphon's a bitch
jump around and gun

I'm using the nade launcher and using my midair devil trigger zap attack but I can only really get him down to a little under half HP before getting ded


>those graphics
what is this a ps2 game?

>I'm using the nade launcher
Don't do that. That gun is for plebs dude, it shouldn't have even been included in the game. Just keep E&I around, the shotgun to do trickshots. Use Nightmare Beta instead if you want an OP weapon, at least it has the downside of draining your devil trigger. Taunt whenever you can to build that shit back up.

It's really hard to say. They're both a respectable challenge.

Well the game is challenging no doubt, but it's never really unfair
Like in any decent action game, your reflexes are most important, followed by good strategies and knowledge of the game
Also regardless of what some might say, don't be afraid to use items if you have to

Honestly though, I feel like the most important part in getting better with any DMC is:
a) Getting the hang of your own moves, learning their properties and in which situation are they useful the most
b) Learning enemy behaviors and reacting appropriately to them
A lot of the enemies also have weaknesses, so be sure to check out in game enemy files
Just shoot him a bunch to get DT and then use Air Raid(the areal lightning attack). If you didn't know you can cancel the grenade launcher's recovery by side-rolling which you can use to fire faster

>Taunt whenever you can to build that shit back up
So that's what it does.

Also I'm already past him but Phantom is the bitchiest motherfucker ever I swear to god, is there any good strat for his ass?

>If you didn't know you can cancel the grenade launcher's recovery by side-rolling which you can use to fire faster
I did actually figure that out by thinking about it a little.


Beat on his shell when he's running off to rack up a little more Devil Trigger. When he goes to shoot a fireball at you from his face, stinger that shit and it'll cause it to fail and do a fair amount of damage. Do a Helm Breaker down the middle of his back to really bring the pain. The higher you jump in the air, the more damage the move will do; and when DT'd, you can absolutely melt his health bar away at just the right angle. Try to drop towards his spider abdomen thingy. Don't overcommit to attacks on his face, get a few swipes in and back off.

Thanks, I'll remember that for future playthroughs. I thought only his face could get damaged.

I'm playing through DMC3. Is there any way to turn off the fucking music? It becomes pretty hard to use audio cues to dodge enemies. What a shame.


Well when it comes to Phantom, I think the best tactic is to hit and run
Do a few combos on his head, back away preemptively or to dodge one of his attacks, rinse and repeat
In general, DMC1 bosses won't allow you to hand around them too much
These are also good advices as well , though they might be a bit harder to pull off during your first playthrough
Turn down the music volume in game settings?

Turning off the music is the first fucking thing I do when playing DMC3&4, for this shit exactly. Impossible for me to turn off 1's though, it's integral to the game's atmosphere as a whole imo. 2 has a really fucking great OST as well, terrible game though naturally.


I don't recall seeing it in the game menu. Maybe I'm just retarded.

You've never seen that option? It's right there nexNOW YOU'VE REALLY CROSSED THE LINE

Are you playing on consoles or PC? Because I know that if you instal the style switcher patch, it'll remove bunch of settings and you'll have to change things like volume in the mod's config files

>tfw missed the shotgun
>didn't even know it was in the game until you reach the point where you return to the castle for the final fight.

Sick game though, didn't know it was based of the resident evil engine, I expected something completely different.

Yeah, the Resident Evil aspect in particular is the reason I love the first game so much. It's like an Action-based gothic RE title done right. Pretty much the final progression of the original RE-type games, REmake aside, before they were ultimately killed off with RE4. Shame.

To be honest, the shotgun isn't exactly in a visible place anyway
I feel like they should've made it more obvious that it's there, since it can be easily missed on someone's first playthough

Xbox 360. I had one, it was cheap.

This. It's also the best 3D Castlevania game.

>If you're playing on DMD, I'd suggest a guide or better yet watching DMD speedruns

Literally cheating at the game because you don't like the difficulty and encouraging others to do the same thing. A game of modest challenge at that.

A real man's way to play DMD is to New Game it. NG+ is for casuals. Ninja Gaiden understood this.

You're damn right it isnt exactly visible.
I have no clue how I managed to miss it. It just seems so obvious now.

Was you beating up the tables and shit looking for red orbs? My first playthrough, I remember walking around the library and reading all the inspectables, so I never really missed it myself.

Then I have no idea, but it should have it
I remember reading that Igarashi himself said that DMC is how he'd want a 3D Castlevania to be
That's probably why the PS2 CV games share similarities with DMC
With that said, the shapeshifting abilities in Bayo kinda remind me of Alucard's in SOTN
user I didn't use a guide, what I'm saying is that it's a viable option as well, especially if one gets stuck for long.
Guids are not cheating, especially when it comes for older games that used to come prepacked with one and would even require it in some situations
Not saying this is the case with DMC, but it shouldn't be shunned

Tip for newfags, learn to sword cancel. Will allow you to get a little more variation and makes the combat feel a little less stiff overall.

Just swivel the left analog stick directly after a sword attack to speed up the sheathing animation. ez. Can cancel the shotgun as well to almost rapid fire it, just alternate your movement from left to right.

I was and I still dont know how I missed it.
I guess my mind wasnt in the destroy everything mode while I was there. It is a library after all.

i didn't do it but dmc has enough little unexplained tricks that it's not too bad looking shit up when you're getting destroyed
i'd never tell some poor fuck getting destroyed by nightmare to Just Figure It Out

Now see, I didnt even know about the sword cancel until this thread. I always thought you just had to live with what the game limits you to.

No, not at all! It's actually a Switch, a PS4 or new PC indie game, depending on what flavour of console warrior you want to choose.

Depends, is dark souls more of a fair challenge or is it only challenging when the opponents get some really gay tools? DMC1 is thoroughly fair, solid design. Usually. Some shit will catch you by surprise like nightmare3s panic state when he's about to die. Whereas ninja gaiden suffers from the AI being too simplistic. So what you end up with is well designed enemies being too easy because they're too predictable, and in most cases only enemies that have really unfun tools actually being a threat. You end up wanting to fight shitty enemies because the good ones are a bore.
For example, in DMC1 the worst thing you'll run into are 3 shadows in a single room. They're a perfectly reasonable fight, I'd say you're even at a significant advantage in a way. But they're very demanding, requiring lots of evasive behavior and good timing to beat. In ninja gaiden you get dudes with rocket launchers off in the distance or a tank that you have to shoot down with really clunky first person bow firing mechanics. That or you get caught in completely retarded situations like enemies that have superarmor grabs and explosive shurikens. So you attack an enemy when you're not supposed to, then you get thrown. As you stand up you're hit by an explosive shuriken and an enemy immediately tries to hit you with his superarmor grab. The situations aren't impossible or anything but it leads to unneccesarily careful play and abusing 1 or 2 moves that are the only moves that work well in that situation. Most of ninja gaiden is like that, the few times you actually get a fight that's both fair and challenging are so good that it makes every other game in the genre seem completely inferior in comparison.

>Guids are not cheatin
It's literally telling you information that helps you win. Rather than learning that info yourself. Not only are you advocating cheating you don't even have the fucking decency to at least admit that's what your'e doing

>especially when it comes for older games that used to come prepacked with one and would even require it in some situations

You sound like someone who doesn't play much "old games" and gets their information about them from other retards.

>but it shouldn't be shunned
You're approach to games can best be described as "eunic" not only that but you're not even ashamed of having no balls and trying to get other people to join you and be as dickless as you are..

If you don't like losing a few times and figuring it out yourself you straight up don't like difficulty....I can't even imagine what your approach would be if you ever played a game that was actually demanding. Not that you ever would.

Where did this guide touche you?

Us true hardcore gamers need no guide amirite ;^)?

Lmao, just go watch a let's play and call it a day then guys.