I'll buy one copy of Nier automata, Persona 5 and Nioh please

>I'll buy one copy of Nier automata, Persona 5 and Nioh please

I work out and dress fashionably for literally no reason other than to compensate for insecurities over my gaming hobbies.

Would you like a free handjob to go with that sir?

what do straight people think seeing this

>Had to raise my bench amount so I could play Dragon Quest in public

>One copy of Madden 18 please

>Can i get one copy of Yakuza 0 please?

Not a lot other than how empty their boipussy feels.

I think he's hot but I wouldn't want his dick.

i wanna feel his muscles but keep all nakedness away from me

I wish he had a paper bag over his head so I could drool over his body without my brain butting in and killing my boner "because it's a dude"

He said straight people

>A copy of Assassin's Creed Origins, if you will. Oh no, don't hand me that, I requested a COPY. Provide a link to the torrent and I'll be on my way.

>one copy of italian plumber man for the switch thanks

His pecs are meme big. If you're actually strong then your pecs are not so noticably larger than the rest of your body.
His biceps would be fine if he didn't completely ignore his wrists/forearms.
He's got a good core though. His shoulders are fine but they could be bigger.

Maybe he works out to be sexy, not strong. I mean the OP is retarded but everyone works out for their own reasons

I wish that were me but alas im a fat mexican

Sorry, you've to wear a shirt to buy.

>I'd like a copy of Pokemon Ultwa Moon pwease

also on PC

Too much muscle isn't attractive to ladies

One copy of Underrail, please.

>one copy of dream daddy please

cute belly

O-one copy of Indivisible please.
M-me?? O-of course i donated to the kickstarter!

>one copy of Hatoful Boyfriend, please

More importantly than this, what do str8 people think when they see those cock threads? As a fag I see them and just think “that’s a nice cock”, but dick size doesn’t make or break a man sexually, at least for fags. That’s way more of a str8 thing, so is jealousy/envy why those threads consistently reach 100+ posts filled with lamenting Sup Forumsirgins?

I'll have one copy of cookie clicker, my good man.

>what do str8 people think when they see those cock threads?
"What a fag"

One copy of Spla2n, see boo play

I mean about the cock

>"What a fag"
then why do people consistently make and participate in them

I always ask "Is this considered a long dick?" but the thread is purged before anyone answers. Are the cases of Switch and PS4 games really that long?

I think it's gross

Because they are attention whoring fags.

>"I'm straight, but would suck that dick no homo"
Straight guys are gayer than gays lately, smdh.

>one copy of bloodborne my dear

Only fags or shitposters

are they fags too

Yes, but mostly children.

This again?

Jesus, sometimes I browse this place in public. Have some decency, guys.
I did put my dick next to a game case once to compare the scale... it was disappointing.

Sir, please wear a t-shirt while I give you those games

Eine copy of Dungeon Keeper, bitte.

>Give me one copy of Persona 5 and make it snappy

Go fuck your Muslim soyboy, tubby.

Hello, dearest Gamestop employee, I would like to buy one copy of EACH:

Skyrim Special Edition for the PlayStation 4
Skyrim Special Edition for the Xbox One
Skyrim Special Edition for the Nintendo Switch
Fallout 4 for the PlayStation 4
Fallout 4 for the Xbox One
Fallout 4 for PC
A Fallout 4 Season Pass card for the PlayStation 4 version of Fallout 4
A Fallout 4 Season Pass card for the Xbox One version of Fallout 4
A Fallout 4 Season Pass card for the PC version of Fallout 4
And a $150 dollar gift card for Steam

I have a lot of relatives and they all game on different platforms, and they all want quality games from that Todd Howard guy. Funny that, huh?

>mfw soyboys call this "toxic masculinity"

who hyped for 東方憑依華 ~ Antinomy of Common Flowers steam release?

Shitposters are fags in their own way, but a fag is a fag.

>nice hat, coat, overcoat, glasses
>jeans and autism shoes
Every fucking time

that's what women and straight people think fags like

>one copy of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, please



>he pronounces it "ny-oh"

this guy gets it
who else here /fancymilk/

One copy of a m1911

>One copy of Cuphead please.


>One copy of Doki Doki Literature Club please!

Oh shit, a fellow Pauler on Sup Forums?

>its a buff guy

He's definitely attractive, but he's not my type

>One copy of Rainbow Six Siege please.

He's a conventionally attractive person with a good physical figure.

You can say another dude is handsome or good looking without it being gay you know, in fact being able to do that in a comfortable manner usually means that you're completely comfortable with your own sexuality

Literally no one would say that to that man.

haha u said a guy is attractive, that means u're a full blown faggot

I used to wear those shoes. Why are they autistic?

Sup' Kenny Omega

just curious

A copy of Uncharted 4 please.

Asked this today and can confirm this is literally me

>Uno copy of Fable 2, amigo

former athlete who broke his ankle at state

>this gets deleted but the thread isn't

sorry we only have kofxiv

>this was almost 6 years ago


theyre comfy but ethnics disapprove

this thread has proven beyond a shadow of doubt that gays are the reason Sup Forums is such shit

They are comfy, yes. What do you mean by ethnics disapprove. Am black raised in white suburb, never wore Nike/Jordans in my life does that matter?