What games have the spookiest forest levels?

What games have the spookiest forest levels?

Idk tbqh fampai

what exactly did he do wrong? sure it was in poor taste but he wasn't really making that many jokes

what do they call that monster eating his head?

Are there less suicides in that forest since the baka gaijin have made it so popular? Surely all the suicidal Japs think it's tainted now and are using some new hot spot.

darkwood is like a giant forest level with some creepy village and mine sprinkled in. that game is scary scary

Planet Pizza Alien

What games let me post off topic threads on a video game board because i included the word "game" in the OP?

It's the fact he went so far to show so much of the dead guy

Speaking of youtubers being horrible, didn't Keemstar have the dude who called in the Swatting that killed a guy on his show?

this and The Ghoul's Forest

>he hasn't seen toy story

get off of the internet

Exploited the fucking death of a person for youtube money

Ghoul's Forest.

Not jokes but he was laughing/smiling and shit. People found that to be very disrespectful.


silicon valley are running out of things to virtue signal against without receiving pushback from the majority of their users

this was an opportunity for them to be "moral" despite being the #1 platform for softcore cp fetish channels and all the other middle eastern militant shit

and don't get me started how they employ people from countries without freedom of speech to moderate the community

Alan Wake


>That man probably killed himself cause of his job
>This 20 something year old faggot juat makes a video recording him and makes 100k+

I wish youtubers weren't paid

This. Social revenue is an entire subject when it comes to business courses, and it's sad seeing all these companies and groups scrambling for the PR like with Clockmed

I haven't even heard of this guy before the suicide forest drama shit

yeah cool check this 6

Putting the damn body in the thumbnail was fucking insane of him to do

who fucking cares, the guy might as well not exist anymore. he's gone, deader than dirt. if I had the opportunity to use a rotting husk to make money I would do it in a heart beat

probably more recognition for his accomplishments than he got in life anyway

Why do people care about a corpse? It doesn't have feelings.

Then your channel will be dead

Suicide is a series issue especially in Japan. Have some respect.

What games let me murder low-test faggots?

The friends of loved one of that corpse do, though.

Don’t worry the rest of YouTube will make response videos telling him how much of a piece of shit it while relating everything that’s already to be said. Which is making money of a suicide which ironically these youtubers will be doing as well by extension for making videos and publishing them. I wouldn’t have even known about this if I didn’t get a bunch of videos like that popping up on my twitter feed from other people liking them

*friends and loved ones

Damn this keyboard


>Thought fucking 2017 was crazy with Pewdiepie's Death to all Jews shitshow
>This happens
God damn, this timeline gets weirder and weirder

Showing the fucking still hanging dead body of someone who lost all hope and turned to suicide is incredibly disrespectful and could be considered pretty disturbing, especially given the fact that the viewerbase of youtub celebs like this is generally fairly young

It's beyond me how anyone could think it's a good idea

>what exactly did he do wrong? sure it was in poor taste

How is immense disrespect for a lost life just "in poor taste"?

>fallout new vegas
>CZ57 Avenger minigun
>plenty of 5mm ammo
>4 words
>Followers of the Apocalypse

Remember that survival game that was released in beta forever ago that was called "The Forest" its pretty spooky now. And really fucking fun.

I bit this kid in middle school.

>Logan Paul shows a corpse on his YouTube channel for attention
>YouTube: "..."
>Any other YouTuber curses or shows something "offensive" in a video

What DID YouTube mean by this?

how much of a human scum you have to be to use some poor fellow that decided to end his life to promote your shit youtube channel?
I don't give a shit about this guy, but i saw the video and the fact that they all acted like that is just ridiculous

>youtube sociopaths eat one of their own, enjoying the benefits from the controversy generated with none of the drawbacks

What the fuck how has that dude not been arrested yet.


>Rando commits suicide or dies tragically
>Sup Forums jokes about it ceaselessly
>Nip commits suicide
The way you guys worship an entire ethnicity just because their country brought you shitty SoL moe anime is uncanny

>Hmm, I'm an ex-Disney star who has a youtube channel who's audience is mostly teenage girls and I'm in Japan, what should I make a video on?
>I know, I'll go to a forest literally known for the suicides committed there and fucking put a dead body in my video

Really sprinting out the gate early with this year, only two days in and already shit happens

I want off.

I don't know who this e-celeb faggot is or what has he done. Gib quick rundown

He was.

>what exactly did he do wrong?

Wearing that hat in public.

He killed a jap and made it look like a suicide for his vlog

>Sup Forums makes fun of a suicide and doesn't get anything out of it
>e-celeb gets tons of exposure and money by showing a dead body
I know you're baiting.

the fact that he went home, watched his footage, and still uploaded it.

Fuck off.

>"Man this forest is notorious for pepole killing themselves in it. I know make a goofy video about it!"
YouTube is a serious platform for content creators.

Jake is the ex Disney star, not Logan.
Apart from that you right tho

So how much longer will youtube do monetization when people are pulling shit like this for views?

You have to be 18+ to use this site. Go back to twitter with your fellow 14 years old and defend your mentally retarded youtube crush there, edge fag.

get to work

>sure it was in poor taste
You think you can't hate someone for doing something fucked-up?

He exploited a suicide victim by showing their body on Youtube for views and attention.
All the while he was laughing and joking with his friends.
He never should have uploaded the video in the first place. In his twitter apology he fucking bragged about how he already gets views, and in his Youtube apology you can see how much of a shitty actor he is.
If you don't see what's wrong with this, you have a lot of self reflection to do.

Literally nobody's defending him.

Found a dead body, filmed it and treated the whole thing like a big joke for those easy jewtube shekels.

rich people are fucking psychotic

So Sup Forums disrespects the dead with no incentive for doing so other than spite and that's somehow better than someone turning a quick buck off of controversy? Nah

white people are cruel

How did you post this if you aren't able to read? Literally everyone in this thread is shitting on him.

Doesn't he say somewhere in the video something like "this was supposed to be a fun vlog?"
It's sociopathic at worst, autistic at best.

He'd actually be the type to do something like that, even before this it didn't make more than a few videos to realize how much of a fucking psychopath this dude was.

Is this the same guy that parodied laser cheese? He's fucking brilliant

>doing evil things somehow gets better when you have a payoff

>implying you wouldn't check out some dead dude you found

Sup Forums fucking loves the guy now for pissing off liberals and chinks.

>Africans and Muslims sold each other into slavery
>Asians cook their animals alive
>South Americans practiced human sacrifice

yeah its just whities

Ooga booga
My race doesn't didn't invent burning tire executions

>Sup Forums is one person

trust me if idubbbzs or what ever the new cancer humor shit youtuber did this, Sup Forums would defend it by saying “ITS NOT SERIOUS ITS A JOKE REEE”

The fact that he saw fit to make a whole video centered on finding this real dead guy who killed himself. His reactions can just be chalked up to just being how he handles something traumatic as finding a dead body, but to still go home and think it's okay to paint this whole thing to big yourself up is sociopathic.

I'd check it out but not record myself like a retard wearing manchildren clothing and proceed to show the video to millions of kids.


There's a difference between edgelords laughing at something behind a monitor and someone joking in front of a corpse for money.

Youtube seriously needs a competitor to give it a run for its money. It's an atrocious platform for both content creators and viewers because the adpocalypse destroyed any semblance of hope for making money off of ads and viewers are exposed to low-effort clickbait trash by already-famous companies and celebrities youtube selectively chooses to expose instead of quality videos

of fucking course they do.

No one wants their corpse desecrated by Jake Paul.

Sup Forums - e-celebs and anything but vidya

It's tasteless at best and at worst illegal and grounds for contracts being torn. Not sure who would want to associate with someone who is either too ignorant to know what he's doing or too sociopathic to even care.

Nice fallacy, but even he would probably know where the line is. And his audience is mainly 15-16yo edgelords not 12-13yo girls.

I know right. Fuckin sjws. Sup Forums said human decency is dead and we should all act like maniacs now so anytime people speak out against bad behavior it's da jooz

Didn't say that, the other guy is splitting hairs, not me. If incentive doesn't make a degenerate act better, it certainly doesn't make it worse

Cop-out answer and you know it, O Righteous One. Guarantee you've made fun of the deaths of others in threads before and now you're being a hypocrite

>he advertises on his twitter "THIS VIDEO WILL CHANGE YOUTUBE"
he had it coming
he had it coming

there was that shitty game called slender or whatever

>w-well if someone who would never do it did it, people would defend him
back to the brainlet gulag with you

This makes for a great anti-suicide message
>If you kill yourself, some youtuber will use your corpse for clicks

>get told to go to the suicide forest
"hey this will be a good idea"
>see the place is clearly restricted
"nah i'll go in anyways, it'll be so cool to come here! gonna get a lot of views!"
>see a dead body
"wow shit i've never seen a dead body! i never expected a place called suicide forest to have dead bodies in it. I'll totally video tape this!"
>tape of you cracking a joke
"nah dude this is me coping, i'll post this anyways!"
>have time to rethink if this is a video you should post
"lol this is going to be so lit"
>get backlash

Mamma mia! The forest of illusion gives-a me a fright!

It's innapropriate obviously but holy shit moralfags are still so annoying, you act like soccer moms.

Didn't a bunch of underage girls show up at his house once?

Wasn't it his downy looking brother, Logan?