NIOH thread? i got it for christmas, haven't seen a thread in a while...

NIOH thread? i got it for christmas, haven't seen a thread in a while. currently stacking dex like a faggot and stocking up on throwing weapons.

Did any of the ninja shuriken based builds survive the nerf nuke for 1.24?

i mean obviously they aren't supposed to be used as your main weapon but they're working great for me so far, mostly been using them to abuse enemy ki before i close in with my kusarigama.

Tonfa master race.

i love the tonfa, but they're useless outside of NG because of how low their damage is.

Being able to refashion everything is honestly one of the best parts of this game.

I just started, running around a beach.

Vanity slots would be better, not sure why almost every single developer is so damn braindead they can't add this baby easy QoL adjustment to their games instead of transmog.

when do you get tonfas? i haven't seen any. i recall seeing an odachi or two..

do tonfa share upgrades with another weapon? like hammers with axes?

Ps4 babby here. How good are dual katanas and are the dlc any good?

Spamming Kunai and Shuriken is still OP as fuck up to Way of the Nioh.

Odachi seem to drop like candy, yet tonfa drop very rarely. Your best bet is to look at revenants and hope beyond hope that you find the one in a thousand tonfa user.

Tonfa are legit one of the most fun weapons in the game. They are also the worst weapon in the game. That is until you get a complete gun tonfa setup, but that gets old very fast.

>tfw decide to fight a few revenants
>everyone and their grandma has warrior of the west on
Is this some kind of newfag meme like the drake sword was in Dark Souls?

It's one of the first armor sets that drops in the game and looks cool, people get attached

I still see it in NG+. kind of ridiculous when there are so many better sets out there.

Every revenant has it, so it's easy to obtain, which leads to even more revenants wearing it.

so whats your guardian spirit of choice? im rolling with the spider right now.

le flaming chicken of instant revives

Don't worry, it won't be like that forever. Eventually everyone starts wearing Red Demon armor!

I bought it twice for PS4. the game won't work on my console and I don't know why. any one else get disc read issues with only nioh?

Atlas bear is my nigga.

>nerf nuke for 1.24
I haven't played in a long time but can someone give me a quick rundown of nerfs?
I was playing with 1kat/2kat with magic

>looks good
>literally the first set you can get
>every Revenant wears it

I'm glad I have the DLC now so I know just how insanely wrong anyone shitting on tonfas actually is.
Every weapon is good and the DLC is pretty great, if you like the game already it adds a whole lot more of it. Both odachi and tonfa are really fun to use.

>tfw found the saika clan armor and really like it
>thought I had missed the leggings in the mission but looked it up and for some retarded reason they don't give them to you there
>have to swallow my autism and wear a different piece with it

paired pups or bust


Jewbird + greedy spider

anyone wanna pvp on ps4

just farm Mago for the smithing text

So I'm assuming the guardian spirits have different effects to them? I didn't bother looking them up and have just been using the fire doggo you get at the start. Just hit the third area.

Yes you gargantuan retard.

If you go to change guardian spirit at a shrine you can see what each you have does.
Kato is very good, though.

>doesn't explore all menu options as soon as they become available

you'll really feel the hit in damage once you get out of NG. even in NG you'll start to feel like you're not keeping up with the enemy health around the 5th region. they're super fucking fun, but they just aren't very good, and in a game where all enemies can kill you in one or two hits by design you really need to be keeping your DPS up to snuff.



Also use Sloth Talisman for ultimate cheese mode.

when it charges, dodge to the side with the crystals on it, if you hit that face it will instantly fall over and you should be able to kill it before it gets back up, or right after.

Stay close to them to trigger the fire breath and keep them from rolling at you, they're easy but very tedious.

Do you guys have any advice for a 1kat user?

I'm still seeing a ton of WotW and RD in the 3rd difficulty, except now there's some Tatenashi thrown in.

Is Nioh the best combat system available to PC currently?

How the fuck do I kill that giga nigger on the bridge in that one side mission? Looks like he's wearing a jason mask or some shit. He just turtles through everything with block and then fucks me with like 2 hits of his giant axe.


I've been in Way of the Strong and I still shit out damage regardless of what I use, tonfa just let me tear through Ki even harder and never stop attacking, and I'm not even using gunsticks.
>all enemies can kill you in one or two hits by design
>what are wind, weaken melee weapons and being able to avoid anything mindlessly and safely with circlestrafing if you don't already use the myriad of evasive options
>implying it's by design and not that they turned up the damage to attempt to cover their half assed balance changes

1kat is primarily for human enemies because you can parry the shit out of everyone. 1kat's greatest strength is in its parry, and outside of it it's pretty mediocre unless you use Iai slashes. for the Iai, whenever you ki break a demon or a human start charging it right away, you should be able to hit them with the slash and still get a down stab. that should kill everything in one combo up to Way of the Nioh

Bayonetta is on PC

cheese them sloth talismans and mitsubishi balls or whatever, with poison.

i guarantee you're not doing as much damage as you would be with other weapons, and other weapons do ki breaks just as quickly. tonfa aren't called bad for no reason user, and it's likely that you simply don't know how to use the other weapons properly if you think they're still good

Well shit, what are some fun weapons then? The big ass swords, tonfas?

Best combat, not necessarily best enemies to compliment it.

Personally I like the idea of Nioh's combat better but had more fun with bayo's insanely long combo list.

I was struggling with him my first playthough as well until I fought him near a ledge and he fell off. That's how I've killed him each time now, but it's not very reliable.

1kat's a very balanced weapon but it's strong in almost all situations so you can play it for the most part however you want it. Because it's got a little of everything make sure to make use of it when possible, it's skills cover a wide variety of niches. It also has the most parry options, each of them help in different ways and while they don't work on everything they're very powerful for what they do work on.

everything is fun. are you looking to steam roll? Kusa is far and away the best weapon in the game. are you looking to smash and bash, high risk high reward? Axe is your jam. safe bet that will take a while? Spear is your choice. super fucking fast element debuffs? 2kat is pretty good for that, same with tonfa but to a lesser degree. Odachi is an interesting one that kinda fits between axe and 1kat, but because of how slow it is it just doesn't do all that well in a few situations.

Peacock guardian and extraction spell. Get the buff from all 3 stance, then steam roll.

Is the odachi even good? I went in expecting it to be dark souls strength build/greatsword levels of rape but it feels like most everything else outclasses it.

it's really slow and the damage doesn't make up for it like it does for the axe. you can do some interesting combos with it, but it's more a novelty than anything else

Well considering I've practiced every single weapon extensively already, and everyone only has a hard on for using whatever gives a big number rather than whether something is actually useful in combat, I'm more inclined to believe that you like many others just don't know how to use tonfa, since their mildly lower damage is more than made up for with their speed and Ki management.

>tfw I don't know what in the hell I'm doing with my build anymore
I just want to use all the weapons. Fuck

>everyone else is wrong, i'm the only who actually knows how to use tonfa!
user, you sound delusional at this point. players with far more experience than you or i have crunched the numbers, and practiced with every weapon in ever situation. tonfa simply falls short. ki management isn't an issue with any weapon because of flux, and other weapons have speed along with damage. it does slightly more ki damage than other light weapons, but most enemies have a way to drain ki instantly or in huge chunks making that a non issue.

It's very good. It has high range and strength without sacrificing much of it's speed and utility on top of having some unique yet useful skills.

Just spam onmyo buffs and stack attack up skills on armor. Tonfa is the weakest, but no weapon should have trouble keeping up in higher difficulties.

thats where certain combinations can fall in that make the axe just a joke compared to the odachi

Just got the game myself. Is 25 dollars worth the season pass?

why did you get the PS4 version when the PC version exists?

Jack of all trades is a perfectly legit way to play. Just make sure your trades include support ninjutsu and onmyo.

Does heavy armor only give your attacks super armor or something? Feels like it doesn't mitigate damage at all and I still die from a light breeze hitting me.

So, because you heard the popular opinion you're going to keep parroting it instead of actually thinking about whether it's even right or not. I knew this would just keep happening. There's far more to a weapon's moveset than numbers as well, but since that's all anyone sees in this game that's how I know where all of this came from in the first place, since I've actually been around to hear about it all. Tonfa has plenty of high damaging combos and attacks of it's own as well as strong mobility and crowd control in it's attacks and many of the best defensive options, and it's attacks being so fast means you can make it stronger easily with several other effects and elements.

join Todo, get 4000 extra health, laugh

kusa blows tonfa out of the water without even trying, and 2kat can do everything tonfa can do without sacrificing damage or ki damage potential. tonfa is definitely weaker than both of those.
if you're going to talk versatility then both 2kat and kusa are also more versatile. like i said, i love tonfa, i think they're fun as fuck, but you're deluding yourself if you think they're better than other fast weapons.

>many of the best defensive options
How so? Its parry doesn't have a finisher, its backwave doesn't cause a knockdown, and its mind's eye doesn't have an attack buff. It has a lot of options, but they're all awful.

what the fuck was his problem?


I didn't say they were the best weapon entirely, I'm saying they're not shit or even bad, and any claims to which are always entirely exaggerated. Kusarigama is just retarded all round, but 2kat doesn't have the mobility or overall speed like how tonfa has.
Its parry is entirely safe to attempt, both it and its Backwave still do big Ki damage letting you go right into your other attacks for a real break, and its Mind's Eye is faster, but doesn't really need an attack buff anyway. That's on top of it's strong attacks being so useful and Kannagi letting you cancel any skill, if you don't feel like having essentially two Attack Damage Surges to eliminate any potential damage issues at least.

>that room with the clones

So whats the best end game build?

sexy moth for wind build

The community here for this game is totally retarded. People go on and on about how strong Iai and Sign of the Cross are but building for Devistate is apparently terrible and borning. Having to hit an enemy with one whole extra combo is shit and apparently, literally everything one shots you.

Heavy Armor gives you pretty decent damage reduction, but sets like Greater Good and Tatenashi give you an extra 10% Reduction on top of that. Hiraishi dumps 1.7k hp into your lap. Amaterasu gives a fee hundred HP as well and the earth elemental grace adds an impressive 15% damage reduction.

You can stack defense / health regen from like 5 passive equipment effects. You can drop all damage from yokai by nearly 35%. You can become flat out immune to a huge swath of attacks via firearms or elemental damage reduction. And on top of all THAT you have THREE ways to shit all over an enemies attack power and THREE ways to cheat death that are ALL renewable.

But no. “Everything” kills you in “one hit” so just ignore the fuckload of stats in this game and dump every last resource into attack power because big numbers are cool and getting hit period is for pussies who clearly haven’t gotten gud enough.

the dlc is pretty neato if you liked the base game

most people who say "everything kills you in one hit" are operating off Way of the Nioh/Abyss standards where all the armor and damage reduction in the world doesn't really help

I have this problem myself
wotd and wotw I was able to use the same stuff all the way through
wotn makes that gear look like paper mache

Dude, I’M on way of the Nioh. I can eat a grab from those DLC yokai and live. I’ve eaten slams from Orochi and lived through it with no issue. I’m not even fully optimized for defense and those cases were without even applying debuffs.

I kept hearing “oh, it happens in way of the demon”. It didn’t. Then it was Way of the wise - still doesn’t fucking happen. Then way of the Nioh - still not getting one shot. I haven’t gone balls deep into the abyss yet but I have no reason to believe you guys when you are wrong every other fucking time.


Tonfas or twin swords?

For future reference, what stuff would you say is essential for a decent tank build on any difficulty? I'd prefer to not be dependent on buffs, if that's even possible.

Whichever you like or enjoy more. All the weapons are fun and you'll want to use them all for proficiency anyway.
Not him but Wind and Weaken Melee Weapons are both extremely effective at lowering damage on almost everything, and you can put both on a weapon or just use elements from another source. I'm wearing light armour and since I started using the latter I barely take any damage when normally I'd die in two hits from anything somewhat serious.

I got the complete edition for Christmas OP and its a lot of fun. Been using the Odachi and just beat that Paralyzing Bat lady. So I've been leveling strength body stamina and heart is that what I'm supposed to do. and when should I stop leveling them?

>when should I stop leveling them?

but consider taking a break to get Dex and Magic to 20, and Spirit to whatever gets you all of your Guardian Spirit's buffs

Alrighty thanks for the tips

I can't forgive this game for going bare fists viable damage but no stance system or combos.

You can't even Ki Pulse or Living Weapon without an actual weapon.

The barehand parry is sick though

Tonfa is already there for all your martial arts needs. Bare hands really aren't supposed to be effective in large scale battles, so having it just have the awesome parry is cool.