So, which of the sixth generation consoles was the best overall?

So, which of the sixth generation consoles was the best overall?

Anyone who says GameCube is literally a dickriding Nintendo fanboy whose first console was a GameCube or Game Boy Advance SP

imagine being the person who picked xbox

People who vote for Gamecube are irrational children.

The C-stick does not work for camera control.

It works fine to be honest, at least on first-party games designed around it.

The ps2 just from the sheer amount of classics that game had the oh Xbox was pretty cool and I know nothing about the dreamcast and GameCube other than the fact that the GameCube had better working ports of those sonic games from dreamcast

you have to be 18 or older to post on Sup Forums

This, Metroid Prime will for the forseeable future continue to stand as my favorite game but you'd be daft not to pick PS2, its library of legendary titles was just fucking gigantic

the PS2 was weighed down by shovelware and technical issues, but was the clear winner of the generation.

I would say PS2.
>nice and simple symmetrical design
>functional d-pad in addition to two analog sticks that work great
>only controller with two shoulder buttons and two triggers

PS2 had more good games, but the GameCube had better games. The Top Ten GameCube games were almost all first party, and they're all better than the best PS2 game in my mind. So I'm going to go with GameCube. Just a better time overall, even if it didn't have the sheer number of quality games that the PS2 did.

man, the original xbox controller looks like a joke, my eyes bugged up a bit seeing it again

The best part is that controller was designed specifically for Americans, as if smaller, better controllers would be less their style

Why are you giving your opinion if youve never owned a ps2?

It's between the GC & DC, since the Ps2 quality is almost bootleg tier and the xbox one is.... wel, xbox.

>If someone choose a controller is a corporate cocksucker.

I had a PS2 for five years before I owned a GameCube

The choice isn't between controllers, it's between consoles

And now youre lying. Sad!

Well okay, I didn't HAVE a PS2 for five years, but I played someone else's (at my house) starting in 2002 and later had one for myself in 2005 or something. In 2007, I got the GameCube.

There are no Gamecube games anywhere near as good as Silent Hill 2/3 or DMC 3, this is a fact.

As much as I like the Dreamcast I don't think you can really lump it in with the rest of the gen. Thing died way too soon but it was impressive for the time.

I vote for Gamecube, but to be honest, I am a Nintendofan so...

>anywhere near as good as Silent Hill 2/3

This fucking franchise is so overrated. Silent Hill was not that good. It was never that good. It was practically a dead franchise even before it was "ruined" by western devs because nobody liked Silent Hill 3 or 4.

Everyone else puts it in this gen. I agree it should be put with the fifth gen, but it was the beginning of the trends that would define sixth gen

>silent hill was never good
>nobody liked silent hill 3
you have no idea what you are talking about, never post here again.

but I must admit, the other consoles had good games too

Devil May Cry isn't a good franchise.

But I think the PS2 is the best of that gen

t. had Asian parents who wouldn't let me own more than one console; was salty as fuck for years because I couldn't play Kingdom Hearts, Guitar Hero, Katamari Damacy, among a million other PS2 games

You do know Silent Hill 3 sold significantly less than Silent Hill 2, right? And Silent Hill 4 sold even less again. Nobody cared about the franchise. Resident Evil (BTW, REmaster on GC was far better than any Silent Hill game) won. Just because it has a cult following doesn't mean it's universally loved, idiot.

The PS2 was the best console no contest. It ran then-current games perfectly fine, the controller wasn't perfect but was one that everyone could pick up and use with no difficulty, online functionality in later models was seamless, it had a yuge library full of legendary titles and hidden gems, it played movies, games and CD's without needing an add on, and was sold at a reasonable price. Literally all the factors that make consoles successful were at play for the PS2.

le xbrick

I didn't claim it was universally loved and sales are irrelevant, I simply said (correctly) that Silent Hill 2 and 3 are better than any Gamecube game, especially Resident Evil.

>and was sold at a reasonable price

It was $100 more than the gamecube and was the same price as the xbox, a significantly more powerful console. The PS2 was not reasonably priced.

it works for everything but camera control. Oh, and aiming in Star Fox Assault.

The console that has the most reasons to own TODAY is either the Dreamcast or Gamecube. PS2 any game even worth half a damn has been ported/remastered to death giving little to no reason to go back. Gamecube had the best exclusives of that gen with Dreamcast not to far behind.

>alright 6th gen emulators except for xbox
I fucking hate reddit soo much

there is quite literally no reason at all to own a Gamecube instead of a Wii.

And yet it had more features than both. To play a DVD on Xbox you had to buy a fucking movie kit that contained a remote and a God damn key that unlocked the DVD reader. It literally locked you out of an included feature.

The GameCube had considerably less features than both AND considerably less games.

Game Boy Player

This is true, but back in the day, PS2 sold the best for good reason: that's where most of the good games went

Yeah good luck finding one you won't have to whore yourself out for. Just emulate, fool.

Game Boy Player like other user said. Access to a non region locked GBA as a part of your system to play with on your tv. Also having to use the wiimote to point at the Gamecube game every time you'd turn your Wii on is AIDS.

literally had a conversation earlier today about how the dreamcast was ahead of its time and out of all those consoles i owned and played it was the one that i feel the most attached to with the most memories
ps2 coming in second

but fuck was the dreamcast and DREAM
>sc1 gallery to fap to
>crazy taxi
>sonic adventure
back then you didnt judge nor cared

oh lets not forget
>power fucking stone

xbox has a few good exclusives like brute force and i like the controller the most. I never had a ps2 either.

Best controller-Xbox>Dc>gamecube=ps2
best console-PS2(had most value out of games list even if i never owned it)>DC>Xbox=gamecube

>you share a board with people who prefer le italian reddit plumber splashy water over every game in the ratchet&clank, jak and silent hill series'

There is literally no reason to own a Gamecube because its the most easily emulated console and you can play all the games with perfect 100% accuracy with a modded Wii or Wii U.

All four are worth owning. If I have to pick a best one, I'll go with the Dreamcast. The thing was ridiculously innovative, and I wonder what kinds of shit could have come out on it had it lasted a few more years.

I'm hoping to renovate my Dreamcast soon. Thinking of getting GDEMU, and it might be fun to use a Pi to make it online-capable again.

People who say anything other than PS2 weren't there.

Dreamcast was a great fucking console, but SEGA was too eager to beat Sony to market, and it shows.

The OG Xbox, while powerful, was a fucking joke when it came to it's controller, library and functionality.

The Gamecube was the literal definition of a 'stop-gap measure.' Despite that, it's a solid console.

>And yet it had more features than both.

It had one more feature, DVD playback, when most people already had standalone DVD players because the damn things only cost around $70 when the PS2 came out. Did the PS2 have the feature where you could rip your audio music collection to the hard drive and use your console as a home audio device? The xbox did. Who gives a shit about this superfluous crap?

And the reason why you had to pay to unlock DVD playback separately for the xbox was that it meant you didn't have to pay a DVD playback license fee when buying the console. DVD playback functionality in the PS2 was useless to me but I still had to pay that fee regardless of whether it was a feature I was going to use or not.

I actually miss the 'White and Black' buttons of the xbox

i was under the impression that the ps2's initial sales were mostly because of the dvd player function

PS2 > Dreamcast > Gamecube > Xbox

Not a Dreamcast fan, but the thing I really respect is being able to just straight up burn Dreamcast ISOs and play them on certain models of the console without any hard modding

>imagining what it would be like if the Dreamcast had a full life, ending with a new HD Sega console in 2004
sonic adventure 2 showed that it could have kept pace with the other consoles graphically at least until 2003 or so. fucking sega

This is actually the biggest point in the Dreamcast's favor for someone just getting started today. Pick up the console, a controller, a VMU and a Jump Pack for pretty cheap, then go get a hundred CDs and spend a day burning off discs and there you go, you automatically have hundreds and hundreds of hours of games

That's a myth invented by fanboys who claim the PS2 was the cheapest DVD player on the market at the time of it's launch. That is not even close to true. DVD didn't overtake VHS until several years after the release of the PS2. It had little effect.


Gamecube gets second prize.

>white and black have to be separate for me to enjoy my games
I want Sup Forums to leave.

I would assume the best selling console of all time, the PS2.

But what the fuck do I know?

I love the Silent Hill games but Eternal Darkness did a really good job on the gamecube, and depending on where you were on SH v Resident Evil, REmake (and RE4fags) are pretty top tier.

Why don't you like the Dreamcast? Besides sega being absolutely retarded and it having a shit NA release of games, it had awesome accessories including a broadband adapter that although came out near end of life could have had sega compete against xbox live since Sony's internet was ultimately shit until the PS3, the VMU is a neat concept as well being able to play miniature handheld games. Wish they used a better laser though. Soul Calibur looks fucking great on it too.

Non gimped version of RE4 and REmake.

I adore Eternal Darkness my man, but the game is really rough and definitely nowhere near SH1-3, it has a lot of problems as much as I like it.


GameCube is the patrician choice


If you don't own or emulate all four, you don't know shit about the golden era of video games.

>emulate Xbox
I wish

Dreamcast controller always feels weird in my hands for the first few minutes when i bring it out.

>the very first response is a comment implying that if you disagree with this user than you’re an underage fanboy
Never change Sup Forums

Guess you've gotta buy and mod one. A pity.

>Emulate OG XBOX

Lol good luck user we "might" get a working emulator in 2050

If Dreamcast had survived even one more year with full support, it would have been the best. Sadly it didn't so it's PS2.

6th gen truly was the Golden Age.

>FOUR (4) consoles
>each interesting in their own right and trying their own thing
>many exclusives
>developers experimenting a lot more

PS2 is definitely the answer for “overall”, but fuck if each one didn’t have something unique going for it. Fuck.

The Xbox was clearly NOT trying it's own thing, with the exception of Xbox Live, it was riding the coattails of the PS2 the entire time it was around, and Microsoft ditched it sooner so they could actually innovate with their next console.

Dreamcast, easily.

>first time playing videogames online
>lots of great fun arcade games, right before the arcades would die
>graphics were phenomenal for a system from the '90s
>VMU added neat stuff to games, like raising chao on the go or seeing your status in resident evils without having to open the menu

What a fabulous console. Nothing before or since has ever topped it and I pity anyone who missed out on its short but interesting life.

Xbox is the worst of those 4 consoles, but they were experimenting with Xbox Live which made for a unique experience at the time

I had every sixth gen console but one. There are still games on the OG Xbox that I've always wanted to play, years and years after the Xbox Huge was relevant.

>clearly NOT trying anything of its own
>except Xbox Live

Xbox Live literally made it worth owning an Xbox. Some of my fondest memories of Gen 6 are playing Halo 2 and Jedi Academy over Xbox Live.

It was the worst gen because it was the beginning of the end. DLC, Sega and arcades in general dying out, Microsoft entering, Sony further establishing their monopoly over the industry, the bridge between PC and console collapsing, etc.

It had Halo

>$70 DVD player in 2000

You poor, naive child

i decided to go with the Xbox but i think the PS2 had the better library


I think halo is a pretty cool guy
He fights aleins and doesn't afraid of anything