Why are cards game like Hearthstone or Magic so boring compared to Yugioh?
Why are cards game like Hearthstone or Magic so boring compared to Yugioh?
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Have you ever played yugioh irl? I remember I spent more time trying to figure out what the cards do than playing
it's like mtg but gayer
Because the anime makes it look dynamic when really it's very stagnant and all about tribal or whatever the YGO specific term is (archetype?)
Because Dual Monsters is all about breaking it's own rules.
But the characters or the anime use archetypes
Because they didn't have an anime you watched as a kid to give you nostalgia.
>he is not playing Gwent
I'm not going through this again Pete, you never fucking deliver.
>being a rules jew
That's what, 3 things on the stack?
in MtG that's what control players call a 'joke'.
What about Pokemon TCG
>he plays Gwent
Out of all the card games I have ever played including Pokémon, Yu-gay-Ho, MTG, Dragon Ball Z, L5R, Hearthstone, and even wrasslin', Gwent is the most boring card game I've ever played. The art is the only good thing about it.
Why are card games like Hearthstone, Magic, Pokemon, or Yu-Gi-Oh so boring and shitty compared to games played with these?
It's because Hearthstone,
Magic, Pokemon, and Yu-Gi-Oh are P2W trash.
>lose a game of hearthstone, you lose screen
Magic is good but HS sucks because there is no interaction between players and random and wacky card effects suck.
Be careful when there's more than one control deck in group play
Hearthstone is a fucking shitty card game and I genuinely don't get why it took off.
Yugioh is just retarded. It's too complex and lacking in something as basic as keywords (outside of piercing, I think) to be easy to pick up and play but the complexity rarely feels like it's rewarded beyond how it affects the single cards or their particular archetype.
Magic is alright but hurt hard by the fact that Wizards is too incompetent to make a good online client.
Pokemon TCG, despite how cancerous EX and GX cards are, wins more or less by default.
hearthstone and MTG have a resource system, the first one limit player actions with mana crystals every turn, while the latter uses a land card system that relies on hard drawing, this makes the two games to have a slow start, yugioh is the complete opposite, is a fast paced game from the beginning to the end, the only "resource" is the normal summon, which is kinda redundant with the huge ammount of special summon that composes the meta game, its basically an "everything goes" card game, the downside of this playstyle is the shit ton of degenerate loops and FTK that plague the game until a banlist hits (except konami usually hits older sets to push newer sets without really trying to balance the meta) all in all is a super entertaining game but its not suited for slower players
I played a bunch of card games and I agree that Gwent does look boring until you actually play it. Happened to me at first. Also, right now it is the less 'pay to win' game in the market since making good decks is relatively cheap and you get x5 times more gold per day than HS, which is impossible to play rankeds without paying a lot money
I know, reddit and all, but here is the comparaision:
they're literally arguing how the cards activate lmao
>yugioh is too complex
Authentic card game experience.
You're making a lot of assumptions if you think I'm only saying that because I'm too stupid to read the cards or something.
>I dont understand yugioh
is yugioh really just "combo off before your opponent does"?
I've played a lot of yugioh and mtg and while type 2 for mtg has a ridiculous meta at any given time, the meta for yugioh is far fucking worse and has no real wiggle room for fun builds. That being said has anyone tried the fftcg?
The game is horribly balanced as it was designed as a merch toy for the anime instead of a game proper.
There is no resources other than cards in your hand, nearly no summoning price (if you use combos and summons), and any card can kill the adversary player in 2 hits
>and any card can kill the adversary player in 2 hits
Trap cards stop this
>There is no resources other than cards in your hand
and thats how I know you didnt played beyond the GX era, graveyard is incredibly important in modern yugioh, there are tons and tons of cards that trigger there making it a second hand, and while its true there are tons of combos to FTK your opponent those decks never top any major event becuase of handtraps aka monsters and trap cards that can be activated from your hand during your opponents turn, thus stopping him in his tracks
the game isn't balanced at all ... the card meta work like this
>Tier 0 = you get 1 card in your hand, it set a serias of combo's that causes your opponent to have no counter-play
>Tier 1 = you get 2 card in your hand and does the former
>Tier 2 = everything else
How is yugioh complex then
not him but XYZ cards interaction can get a pretty complex at times
>Want to play a good Yugioh game
>Try the Tag Force Series
>Virtually no story
>Try the World Championship Series
>Forced stealth and bike segments and 240p graphics
>Try everything else before
>Either not the actual card game rules or is outdated as fuck
>and if you do....
>somethin something missing the timing
just play ygopro
Pirate legacy of the duelist best yu gi oh game for single player.
Yugiohs a fine game but the art looks so cheap. Is that the best Japan can muster?
thats because yugioh started as an anime, you cant overdetail your designs, otherwise it becomes a pain in the ass to produce a new chapter every week
why is he on a bike
>implying this doesnt happen in MtG in every dual involving two blue/anything decks
Oh boy another thread where Sup Forums scrubs pretend they know anything about Yu-Gi-Oh in the most embarrassing way possible.