How does Peach feel about Mario?

How does Peach feel about Mario?

That he's a soyboy faggot.

Soyboy beta orbiter


Useful idiot made to serve. Most women generally have a few of them.

Beta male. Turtle cock's way bigger.

How does Bowser feel about Mario?

Peach isn't going to mix her genes with a manlet. She's going to date the black captain of the high school basketball team so she can have a strong bull athlete of a son.

Pic related.

>le BBC Mario is a cuck Bowser is a chad meme


Oh. Wait. This is Mario. Black people don't exist.

Imagine Bowser's cock.

Now imagine Mario's cock.

No need to imagine the latter.

No wonder the world of Mario is so perfect.

Alligators only have a 2.75in penis, and they're one of the largest lizards. Bowser's cock might not be as big as you think, compared to an adult human male.

What about turtles?

Well first off, Bowser refuses to drink soymlik.
He also lifts.
And he would've married Peach if Mario didn't use mind control magic on him.

Peach was going to let it happen too.
A woman's opinion is irrelevant when compared to their willingness to submit.

>that teeny weenie
no wonder why she gets "kidnapped" so often

But Bowser has a turtle penis.

Peach the character or Peach the actor?

She likes him, but she acted the way she did because she just wanted to go home. Not get beta orbited by her friend and her serial harasser.