Sup Forums, I need something to play with a great story that keeps you enthralled. Money is no issue

Sup Forums, I need something to play with a great story that keeps you enthralled. Money is no issue.

The problem is I've played a lot of games, so I dunno what is left to play.

Pyre has a pretty decent story.

999 & VLR

>playing video games for the story

Read a fucking book, brainlet. Good story is just the cherry on top, not the main course.

To add to this, there isn't a single video game with a better story that the 1000th best book. You are ignoring a wealth of amazing stories if you're seeking them out in video games.

I've been meaning to play these, but not really in the mood to play this time of game

Not really what I'm looking for, but thank you.

I'm looking for something like these games:

Prey 2017
Quantum break
Alan Wake
Deus Ex
Metro 2033
Life is tumblr
Alien Isolation
Nier automata
the metal gear series

If I felt like reading a book, I would go read a book, I have a few I'm working on atm. I feel like playing Vidya.

How about SOMA and The Evil Within?

I was thinking about those, but I honestly wanted something more sci-fi/futurist, and less horror. Might fall back on those if I can't find something else.


OP is asking for a GREAT story, not a shit story.

Also, do you even remember what was the overall story of TEW? Not the main plot idea, I mean specifics. It's completely forgetable except for the start, one or two events midway through the game and the final boss fight.

How about Alpha Protocol?

Play the original nier then

The original Nier story is pretty good, but it can be a drag to play.

Never played alpha protocol, will check it out, and report back.

Don't feel like playing that right now, as I watched a playthrough b4 automata.

Download dosbox and play some old sierra point and clicks.
The absolute best if quest for glory 1 & 2
Play the ega versions where you have to type what you wanna do.
They are awesome rpg/point and click hybrids.

Also play through monkey Island 1-3.

I find old adventure games always refresh me when I feel burnt out on modern shit.

MGS trilogy

I was thinking about playing the star trek point and clicks. but ehhhhhhh not sure I'm up for that right now.

Alpha protocol sounds kinda cool, but it isn't EXACTLY what I'm looking for.

Any other suggestions would be appreciated.

>something more sci-fi/futurist
The only other game I can think of is Remember Me, but the story was mediocre is mostly just pretty to look at imo.

Owned and played through all of them, thanks.

system shock 2

>Alan Wake
Play Deadly Premonition.


If you want to get a bit abstract in the definition of sci-fi, you could try E.Y.E. Divine Cybermancy.

It's pretty out there.

Waiting for the remaster of the first one.


Not currently what I'm looking for, thank you though.

your loss

Installing the demo, while I keep looking, thanks.

All good, I recommend the point and clicks just cos they are mostly focussed on story, and are usually pretty low stress.

I do agree that alpha protocol is great.
Make sure you pile on some rifle skill cos late game devolves into a lot of unavoidable shooting.

How is tokyo xanadu ex+? I also gotta (really) start trails of cold steel on my vita.

I could always go back and keep playing Yakuza 0, as well.

>Alan Wake
Deadly Premonition, accept no substitutes

>Metal Gear / Deus Ex
Thief Gold - I did not think it would hold my interest at all but I haven't been this immersed in a video game story since I played the first AssCreed back when those were good games - I've poured in over 20 hours so far and they've felt more like two hours at max. It is a masterpiece.

Also Manhunt.

KotOR and The Witcher 3 are also solid. Remember Me if you liked Mirrors Edge but wanted a better story. Skip the Elder Dulls though, they're as immersive as a puddle. If you do need some Bethesda, WET was awesome. Not too story heavy, but still worth it - it's like a linear Sleeping Dogs.

The House in Fata Morgana. Probably the most compelling story I've read in a game.

Played/beaten both KoToR, never liked remember me, never playing todds game again, do I need to play witcher 1 and 2 to play 3?

Don't feel like playing thief right now, but reminds me I could also get back into dishonored.

BioShock, Skyrim and Fallout 4 huehuehue

Don't feel like a VN, thanks though.

Eeeeh, don't bother with dishonored.

Get out of here, Todd.

I didn't have to play 1 or 2 to get 3 (which is a good thing because 1 and 2 are clunky as hell), and Dishonored is a pretty cheap knockoff compared to Thief - trust me, it's a billion times better than I thought it ever could be - it's literally become my favorite game of all time. The story, the world, the mixture of medieval fantasy, horror and steampunk, the lore, the characters, every moment of the game plays out more amazingly than I could have ever concieved. I put off playing it for years because I was convinced "ugh it's just some old game DOSfags rant about but its probably shit k gonna play some Mass Effect 2 and Saints Row 4 now" - NO. I was WRONG. It's perfect in every. single. way. I don't know how they pulled off such perfection back then when every other game was a barely functioning clunkfest, but Thief not only rivals but in many ways surpasses games that even come out nowadays.


I thought STALKER was pretty good. Not quite as story forward but it did feel rather immersive in a way and has a lot of sheer strangeness to it.

Same goes for bloodborne if you want the story to be told a little more indirectly.

I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream
The Talos Principle
Everything else I can think of has already been posted.

This took a really long time to get good, but it was worth it for the end.

Souls games are the worst for story. As far as I'm ever concerned, I'm just a zombie skellyman with a sword lighting fires, getting eaten by chompy snakes and shooting 5000 arrows into Dragons while clinically depressed people sit around campfires and mutter drunk babblings at me - and I beat the Souls games each five times. It's good hack n slash arcade action, but that's about it.

Already said I do no want to play horror games, thank you though.

None of those are that spooky, to be honest. Detention is the only one with anything close to a jumpscare.

FNAF has the deepest story tho :^):^):^):^):^)

Uhhh....would you like to sign my fucking petition, OP?

The Legacy of Kain series.

I would agree with you on the rest of the souls games, but Bloodborne approaches the formula a bit differently in that you are in a world which is so clearly wrong and absurd and you have to piece things together to figure out just why the thin and increasingly warped veil of reality starts melting.

Or you could just kill monsters.

Literally up to you, it doesn't hold your hand or force you into any way to play it.

Illusion of Gaia

>nb4 no story
It has potential for as many stories as you wish

Mass Effect series?
Bioshock series?
Witcher series?
Halo series (at least 1-3 + ODST and Reach)
Dead Space series?

>he doesn't want to play Deadly Premonition
What's wrong with this guy, Zach?

Played all of these

>The Legacy of Kain

Not what I'm looking for right now, thanks.

automata was even more of a drag

>Not what I'm looking for
You're impossible to please. Why ask if games that perfectly fit your description aren't what you want?

read a book, nigger. games are to keep your hands busy, they're for playing. you don't go on the playground and tell kids you want to play something with a good story, you play foursquare.

How does legecy of kain fit a sci-fi/futurist game?

OP doesn't need to go to a playground, it violates his restraining order

Even Cryostasis?
colour me surprised
>Dragon Age
>Half Life series
>Spec Ops: The Line
>Dying Light
>STALKER series
>Fable series
>Tomb Raider series
>Persona Series

The latest Tomb Raider might be your cup of tea.

OP doesn't mention anything like that, and that's what I was replying to.

Divinity OS is fairly story driven. You don't have to play them in order or anything before you ask.

I am OP, sorry that I didn't write "I am op" in a post that is mine.

Beat it

Beaten most of these, only haven't firewatch, 2nd and 3rd STALKER, and Purse owner (played 3, could never get into it, want to try 5 but don't feel like paying full price/playing on console)

not interested in dying light

Titanfall 2?

Okay, let's go off on a limb and try Tacoma.

Been thinking about this, story any good?

Also wanting to try this, although it seems a little slow. Comments on the game itself?

OP here, has anyone tried a signal from tolva? Any good?

>Comments on the game itself?
It's sci-fi, which is what you were asking for. Now it has to be fast-paced too on top of being story-heavy? This is what I meant by you being impossible to please.
Would a strategy game like Homeworld work?You have to keep your wits about you as you play and the story keeps developing along the campaign, you keep the ships from previous missions for the ones you do in the future which gives it all a sense of one large epic mission in a way.

Telltale games like The Walking Dead, The Wolf Among Us, Tales from the Borderlands, etc

Far Cry Primal?

Beaten all the homeworlds.

I'm not impossible to please, I said i'd like to try tacoma, and Titanfall 2, I was just asking about tacoma because all I really know about it is that it is a walking simulator.

Not into Far cry games
Beaten portal 1 and 2
I do want to play Nioh, is there much of a story to it?
Not really into everspace.

Thanks for input

I just think you're not interested in video games, OP.


I'm not a huge fan of the telltale games, I think I could be, I just don't like their IP's.

Oh okay, guess I've beaten 100-1000's of video games because I'm not interested in them.

> all I really know about it is that it is a walking simulator.
So how do you FEEL about walking simulators? I wouldn't be recommending the game if I didn't enjoy it personally but whether or not YOU will enjoy it isn't something I can decide for you. If I start explaining the game to you the whole point of the experience will be lost.
Steins;Gate is great time travel VN, you should consider it as well.

Fuck it, I'm just gonna play some STALKER I guess, Thanks for everyone help, I'm sorry for being picky.

I dunno if anyone else gets like this, but right after I beat a game it's really hard for me to choose a new game to play because often i want something too similar to what I had just beaten (in this case quantum break)

Feel free to keep leaving suggestions.

Beaten it, it is indeed a great VN.

Not a huge fan of walking sims, but form time to time they are enjoyable.

The story is good. Based around Jap folklore and mythology.

Does it play like a souls game? don't really feel like that atm.

Metal Gear Solid 1-3
No More Heroes 1-2
Silent Hill 1-3
Prince of Persia: Sands of Time