What would you do in this situation?

what would you do in this situation?

Fuck all their asses to assert my status as the alpha male.

squat down and take a dump on the floor


that will show em



>it's a dudes get shit on for doing nothing wrong episode

If I get shit on I want it to be by cute girls.

I feel you so hard bro. I fucking hate that trope.

"KAAAA! You walked into a mixed public bath, I should attack you!"
-lazy writer's idea of comedy


they can't keep getting away with this

Chie has a hairy butt.

>It's a girl being an impossibly terrible cook episode

Fuck Kanji then and there on the most floor.

I ERP as an extremely slutty Rise, I'm looking for partners who have at least done this before.



All asian girls have hairy buttholes desu

Who was in the wrong here?

I hope your death is very painful to everyone involved



stand my ground

>walk out to your backyard to see how your wife's yoga class is going
>see trainer with your wife in this very position
what would you do?

Assert my dominance by mounting the instructor
Remind my bitch of a wife about where I fucking met her
Really get in there, call her out on everything because I'm fucking sick of her hypocritical bullshit
All the while keeping a firm hold of that soy-chugging hippie fuck until I've finished with his ass
Then probably lose the house or something because Amanda is a fucking bitch and the kids are spoiled little fucks that will just go along with the easy route

these anons get the right idea

Take my towel off to assert dominance

"Come on Chie, it's not like I haven't seen you naked already!"

Holy shit, is this Persona?

If it is what game is it?

In all fairness, this actually happens quite often irl, in my experience.

persona 4

>thinking women can cook

the one thing women are supposed to be good at and 3/4 can't even do it

is kanji a homo? i'm getting a homo vib from kanji

Nah he just really wanted to have sex with Naoto

I fucking hated this about Persona 4.
The gag was funny the first time and then it just gets beaten to death

Leave Teddie to die

>as the leader

You are already the alpha male in the pack.