It's 2018 now explain to me why you aren't and idort yet.
It's 2018 now explain to me why you aren't and idort yet
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Because I enjoy actually playing videogames not
But I am
Well except for the xbone because theres zero reason to own one if you have a ps4
i don't like zelda or mario
bloodborne and horizon zero dawn are passable
xbox has no games
all I play is quake
PC is a waste of money, as is XBOX. PS4 + Switch gives you literally every game except for like Gears of War 4 and Ori.
Since I'm a poorfag student who doesn't have much money to dedicate to his 9th hobby in terms of priority of spending. Buying actual games comes first.
I own them all besides an Xbox because it's just not worth buying, I mainly play Switch/PC though, PS4 is relegated to media machine half the time.
PS4, PS3, Vita, XBONE, 360, Switch, 3DS.
Am I doing it right?
very few modern games hold my interest. don't really feel like wasting too much time on games anyways. each system seems to have one or two games i'd be interested, aside from xbox which doesn't have anything.
i'll just stick with my out of date PC and old gen systems for now..
My pc died
Idorts are clearly the strongest members of the human race and destined to rule the world
Am I still a Idort if I refuse to ever buy a Xbox console? Because I find it completely pointless to own if I have a computer worth playing games on.
Does using my phone as a PS2, wii, gamecube, ps1, n64, snes, nes and dos emulator on business trips and playing wargames on my tablet count?
I just got a PS4 for my birthday back in October
I haven’t used my Xbone since, last game I played was Cuphead, really enjoyed it though and I’m planning on getting sea of thieves and crackdown
Gonna have to eventually get a Switch too when money is good
Though I can’t spend online money for all of them, I turned off Xbox for now
I almost exclusively use my PC for TF2 but my computer is acting like a fucking retard where it keeps forcing itself into sleep mode when I try to play anything
Why should I buy an Xbone?
Xbox is kinda redundant if you already own a high-end PC.
I only give a shit about handhelds, consoles mean nothing to me
It's just the xbone, it doesn't have a single sclusy I care about.
>The Xbox one sucks because it's exclusives are all on PC
>Oh, so you use Windows 10?
>LMAO I use Windows 7 idiot! I wouldn't install that spyware!
Why THE FUCK is this allowed?
You're better buying a dedicated Win 10 machine for gaming than an xbone.
>Am I still a Idort if I refuse to ever buy a Xbox console?
if you mean xbone then meh, you aren't missing much. but if you mean any type of xbox, you are severely missing out on great OG Xbox and 360 exclusives.
you miss GOTY 2017 with this combo
everything but xbone master race.
The nobles shouldn't roll in dirt with the peasants
I do plan on becoming one, but had a lot of unexpected problems so I had to spend money on other shit.
That is not BotW user
Also so sad that M$ has to ride some indiefags cawk to say they have a good exclusive....
>Also on PC and not even win 10 exclusive
Only amd is considered PC gaming now that Intel got the 30% nerf but other than that I agree.
>it's not AAA so it's bad
shut up, nerd
There are still not enough worthwhile games on any of the new consoles to justify purchasing them. Hell, there aren't any worth while games.
I wasn't full idort until Christmas when my family surprised me with an Xbone. Not sure what to do with it now though, got Rare Replay and booted up some old 360 games but that's really all it has.
well that dude was saying both PC and xbox are a waste of money. you wouldn't even be able to play the non-exclusive you are talking about without one of those.
No soy in my diet so I don't have access to a switch.
Not what?
Forms Horizon is actually pretty good, and a better investment than Project Cars
Killer Instinct is pretty fun
Rare Replay for those classics you never got a chance to play, and lets be honest, nobody actually played Jet Force Gemini
Crackdown 3 looks dope
Because Microsoft and Nintendo are the only ones that were able to gain my interest.
I see the point of this thread but let me remind you that there's no such thing as brand loyalists in Sup Forums, or at least there shouldn't be. It's just falseflagger trolls pretending to be brand loyalists in order to shit up the board with their short-term stimulation cancer called shitposting.
I barely play my PS4, what the fuck would I do with an Xbone?
If you don't have a Windows 10 PC then you should get Forza Horizon 3. Best open world racing game this decade. It's even weeb friendly if you're into that shit.
>Playing games at a framerate higher than 20
>Waste of money
I'm not buying a Switch until a shit ton of games are out for it that I want, and it has good support. I'm not falling for the Wii U shit again.
I have a PC, PS4, and Xbone already.
Most of those games got ports.
PS4 and Xbone have no games that I want to play enough to justify the console price
Shadow Complex, Dead Rising, and EDF 2017 (ported only to the fucking Vita) are the only games there that got ports.
>be PC only peasant
>see glorious Japanese games on ChadStation 4
>break down and get a PS4 for $200 for black friday
>immensely enjoy the time I have with Yakuza Zero, Yakuza Kiwami, Project Diva, Persona 5, Puyo Puyo Tetris, DQ Builders, KH 1.5 and 2.5, KH 2.8, among many others
>the only thing PC is good for is playing fucking GARBAGE western multiplats and ports of old games (that I've already played)
>tfw a FUCKING TWO HUNDRED DOLLAR CONSOLE has better fucking games than a PC I spent a grand putting together
This isn't fucking fair.
There's zero reasons to own one period, what little exclusives it did have are either getting canceled before they come out, coming to PC and/or straight up shit.
>caring more about graphics than games
Diminishing returns, placebo, soap opera looking trash, and muh headaches. Fuck off, pc fat
I do have a Windows 10 PC but if i'm being honest I prefer almost every game on console, RTS and MMOs are the exception.
High end PC + PS4 master race reporting in
That settles it. I'm selling my PC and getting a PS4 Pro.
Garbage tier taste, No grand strategies no extreme moddability, precision fps, no fps like red orchestra Vietnam, or pubg. No prison architect, or kerbal space program?
>No nintendo handheld
I bet you only play mature games for mature adults.
*whiiirs your shitposting*
2017 was a great year to be an idort
>grand strategies
>precision fps
How extremely unappealing and autistic. All the meme games you listed are complete shit, too. Please keep to your virgin tower and keep your shit taste away from me
Lmao how do you go from that to this?
>no extreme moddability
That hasn't been the case since 6th gen games. At this point, the only difference between PC and console gaming is that you don't see a console splash screen.
There's not enough exclusives anymore to be worth becoming a true idort. I have a PS4 + PC + 3DS and I haven't missed out on anything I've wanted to play yet. Will probably get a Switch when Pokemon is released for it.
There's no much I can do with my student money, too much expense, but anyways I save money as much as I can. I already have a Switch. I plan in June to get a decent PC. Probably I'll go next with a PS4, but for when I have the money, the PS5 is probably already out.
What did he mean by this?
Imagine missing out on the 3x3 of 2017 PC gaming.
I don't own a xbox one. If I knew how much I would regret it I wouldn't own a switch either.
>Horizon 3 enhanced in a couple weeks
>Monster Hunter
>Sea of Thieves
I'm still tyring to complete Horizon 2 before then.
>be PC only peasant
>not interested in PS4 exclusives
>play every old game other than PS3 and 360 for free
>get every port for free
>get many PC exclusives, most of which for free unless they have multiplayer
>don't pay to use my own internet for multiplayer
I got like three things on my backlog plus two preorders and don't wanna get anything more until I've got that number down to zero
Don't really like playing games on consoles anymore and my current room setup doesn't really have a comfortable way to play on them.
Big fan of the idort combo, personally. Xbox One X for multiplat games (and backwards compatibility is nice), PS4 for their awesome exclusives, and the Wii U and Switch for Nintendo IPs.
PS3 emulator is coming along well anyway. Gone from 64 playable games to 655 in the past year. 253 ingame to 887 as well. If this pace keeps up, it's going to be great in 2-3 years.
Given that PS4 isn't obnoxious as fuck in terms of CELL I doubt it will take as many years from release to get emulation running for it as well.
Saving money for my PS4, I'll be a full idort when I get it.
Enjoy, friend. I think the DS4 is the worst controller this gen, but the exclusives on the console are incredibly fun to play.
I have every PlayStation, Nintendo console except WiiU, and all the Xboxes
I do have money to build a PC which I might do later this year, I just don't want to cause I don't see any games that interest me but i do have two laptops and both could run some shit like League or hearthstone obviously but I don't even like those games
Nintendo games don't really interest me at all. And even if I wanted to play BotW I can do that on my PC.
PC for best version of multiplats as well as the odd exclusive.
PS4 for console exclusives and the odd PS4 exclusive.
Can't go wrong.
Childhood is wanting to be an idort when you grow up. Adulthood is realizing only shitposting makes sense.
>>play every old game
I'm a PCfag but stop this meme. There are tons of classic games that aren't on Steam.
>explain to me why you aren't the best little goy in your class yet
He said “GOTY” not “overrated dogshit”
Get it while it's fresh.
because xbonx has no gaems
No reason for me to own an Xbox
There is no reason to idort this gen if you already did last gen, almost all ps4 games are either on ps3 or vita.