Say good night to my friends in chat

>say good night to my friends in chat
> remain silent and wait for one of them to say good night
>10 minutes pass without them acknowledging me
>"oh user you're still here? I thought you went to bed."
>leave without saying a word
Why are normie friends the worst type of people?

good night user

I actually started crying because of your kindness. Thank you user.

>Hey whats going on?
>Oh Edea dear I was hoping you wouldnt wake up for this
>huh wha- Whats is going on??
>H-hey let me out!
>Sorry Edea dear but I cant be having boys lust over you when its clear I deserve the attention more
>Dont worry though, You wont be "living" like this for long
>Wait what do you mean?
>You cant possibly be p-pla-pffffftttttt
>Ah I see the 2nd phase of the spell has started
>brapppppp?!(Why cant I talk?!)
>Hm whats that dear? Do keep trying.
>I wouldnt make much noise if I were you
>The more you try to talk the more I will fart which in turn will make you lose fragments of your mind
>Not that you have much of a choice in the matter~
>I had quite a delightful lunch of gas inducing foods~
>BRAAAAAAAAP(Please dont do this! My boyfriend will find out!)
>Oh dont worry about him
*Garnets butt begins to expand as Edea's mind slowly fades*
>I think I will manage to please him
>PFFFFFTTT(You crazy bitch)!
>Yes dear now get ready because I am done playing with you
>BRAAAAAP BRAAAAP BRAAAP(Please......brap........brapppp)
*Garnets ass finally stops inflating as she turns to the mirror and admires it*
>Ah now to find that Tifa
>I could really use a boost in the front
>AH that was the last one

nah ur a fag, at most u stay there for 6 six secs and then leave immediately so they dont think you care

Sleep tight OP, hope you only dream good dreams.

*doesn't respond to your post*

hope you sleep well mate, they didn't know it'd upset you and I'm sure they mean well generally

get thiccer skin desu

Sleep tight, sweet heart.

Doesn't sound like they're your friends, bub.

Good night soyboy.

Goodnite. Staying up this late for people who don't care about you is bad for you. I care and I want you to go to sleep. Come talk about your dreams on the dream board of 420chan if you have any. Goodnight

I will be your friend user. Goodnight.

You are either a huge pussy or an emotional wreck, either way you shouldn't search for emotional support on the internet, you should get irl friends who support you, a word of advice, don't always search for people who share your interests, sure, they are easier to get along, but sometimes the friends that can really bring you up are the ones wich you have nothing in common, besides the friendship.

Sorry if i sounded too cold or harsh,but that's how it is.
Not going to give you any kind words because i think that if i give you aproval you will be happy for a few minutes until you get sad again, and that isn't how you solve your problems.

Goodnight alt right

Sweet dreams user

sent : )

>Say goodnight to friends in chat
>They all say goodnight with hearts and weeby emoticons
Feels pretty good

That's why I just leave without saying anything, sometimes in the middle of the game if I'm bored.

>Hey, I've gotta go to bed
>aw but user...
It's the best feel.

Sounds pretty faggy

good night op

*tucks you in*

I just want to tell someone that I beat akinator with Dagoth Ur from Morrowind.

>Friend nags at me to hop into discord
>Just asks what's up, vents about his shitty siege teammates and then couple minutes later leaves without saying anything

Every fucking time

You fucked up, then.