ITT: Oh yeah, THAT happened

ITT: Oh yeah, THAT happened. . .

A good try as far as putting Fire Emblem in 3D.

Tiger Lily is waifu.

I liked this game. The online versus was fun.
>baiting someone out with Carter's bait cannon which fires fake powerups in versus
>mfw seeing the enemy deliberate between a real health kit and my fake, and then exploding and dying

Was this even good? It felt like it went under the radar even during the Year of Luigi

iirc it was just a harder version of NSMB, i think you had to beat each level in like 60 seconds or some shit

I thought it was pretty alright desu. If it somehow got a Switch sequel, I'd buy it.

It was pretty good, but the best part of NSMBU was the challenge levels which NSLU lacked

100 ticks, which are a little faster than a second each

way better than the core game.

It makes me sad that Steam, Wonderful 101, Diddy Kong Racing, Pandora's Tower and Eternal Darkness will never get sequels.

It's absolutely nothing like FE.

>pandora's tower
what a fucking great game. they just needed to rework the boss fights (too dependent on chain) and it would be a masterpiece.


It was basically IS's attempt to make an original IP for Nintendo to have their own X-Com.

I guess it was a failure.

It's still the only Switch game I consistently play.
Spla2n's too frustrating to play, every update ARMS got really improved the game tenfold. Rank 17 and I still cant get enough.

>Spla2n's too frustrating to play,
git gud

This, also expand the sundtrack every tower had the same BG Music IIRC.
I would like to think W101 can get a sequel, considering Platinum games doesn't sell that well to begin with and still get sequels.

Oh yes, I should git gud at waiting for maps and ranked modes I want to play. I also love being paired up with shitty teammates and feel obliged to blame them rather than my inability to be good at a shooter. Playing with friends is convenient and easy to do haha. Fortunately, I can play Salmon Run at any time of the day, the only fun mode in the game (:

>a game where you need teamwork to win vs a game where if you lose its always your fault

girls aren't allowed on Sup Forums

they do the rotation so it doesn't run into the same problems as TF2, CSGO, etc where everyone only plays 1 or 2 modes and maps. It's actually really smart.

>forcing people to play maps they don't want is smart
fucking arowana mall was awful and always put me off playing in the first game

It really isn't smart. It's inconvenient and tiresome. All the ranked modes are fun in their own right, they'll have their audiences. I'd rather have them do maps like MK8 chooses race tracks, make it random, or at least just make it more than 1 or 2 maps because that's boring.

At least let me choose my ranked mode with the map rotation jesus christ. Salmon Run has no excuses, that should be available 24/7 and its attempt to simulate a "job" works to its detriment. I just want to play with friends, why can't I play at any time rather than wait for a specific time?

I really wish this game didn't bomb, it was great. And it was fun watching AWfags cry about them not getting a new game.

I wanna fuck that trashcan so hard

Who or whomever greenlit this game needs not to work in gaming ever again

I would have bought it if I could use the FE characters without the amiibo (and without a n3DS to scan amiibo).

But alas Nintendo is stupid

Clearly haven't played. Not even the tutorial.

It had good ideas, besides the shitty Deadly Six.
It just executed them all sub-par or poorly.
