Why Sup Forums hates diversity in video games?

why Sup Forums hates diversity in video games?

Is not diversity itself the problem, is when is forced into your throat.

It used to be that Sup Forums did not enjoy forced diversity.
But after the sjw/pc era GG and Sup Forums came and now Sup Forums is just as legitimately racist and sexist as new reports say.

Good think Sup Forums is made up mostly of infantile children.

diversity is ALWAYS forced, and i say that as a fag

>that disgusting art style
>all those random labels people come up with in the oppression olympics to try and sound more unique and special
Truly we have the worst timeline

that picture is disgusting

I like diverse little girls in video games.

Sup Forums is completely contrarian if its made by japs or the art style and graphics are good they will play it

Yea but it was just on some deviant art weridos page. What kind of weirdo just finds this shit randomly?

Do they just browse that website or something?

For people who hate being labled improperly they sure love these obscure fucking labels.

>Characters of varied cultures, ideas, representing numerous walks of life in a way that is interesting.
>Shoe-horned in characters of bleeding heart fantasies added in to just be present.

What was you favorite disgea game mechanically?

That makes it easier to be mislabeled gaining them oppression points.

Well what type of "diversity" are you talking about? (without memeing with your gay image)
Playstyle variety?

the latter is every jap game

diversity isn't a virtue onto itself.

>game has a bunch of different sentient beings that aren't even human
>it doesn't count as diverse because only human diversity matters

Diversity and quality of characters is important, not skin color or sexuality.

Star Wars: A New Hope had a diverse cast of characters despite all the leads being white, they had different backgrounds and personalities and were well written and likable. Diversity is not the same as skin color.

It's when people think diversity is only about skin color or sexuality and all the characters end up too similar or the character barely exists beyond being there to be diverse (Bioware games have a lot of this) that there's a problem.

Why do they draw brown people with hook noses and fat lips

5, but 3 comes close.

When I was a kid diversity meant you had a French kid, a British kid, a Russian kid, a Yugoslavian kid, a white South African, a white Hong konger, an Irish kid, a German kid, a Hungarian kid. Now it means everyone is Chinese

Ah, hello r*ddit. I can tell you've returned to spew more anti-anime on an anime website. Surely the winter holidays are over and you have school again tomorrow. Don't forget, grade eight math can be tough for kids of your ilk!

No, it isn't.

>Somebody who is lithromantic can feel romantic attraction towards others and also enjoy being in romantic relationships but only in theory.

What did they mean by this?

because nowadays it's done such a hamfisted way that it makes Tim Buckley look like a master of Subtly.

Reminder that this tumblr got bullied so hard by the user base that they deleted the blog, and the blog is now replaced with a joke tumblr making fun of it.
Reminder that Tumblr does a better job at handing it's retards than Sup Forums, who let Sup Forums infect every board

post the edit

No love for D2?

Because they sell diversity the same way Nintendo sells consoles: by suckering idiots into believing there's a shortage.


Wild Arms 3, Order of Ecclesia, Metroid is right over there...


Never fails.


Are those enemies to be beaten in some random rpg?

but those were attractive Japanese otaku fantasies made for men to masturbate to, HZD had a strong independant nonsexual woman

>hes a afraid of Sup Forums boogeyman

why havent you gone to the suicide forest yet user

Sup Forums is a left wing nut job commie republican atheist board.

You know what I learned recently?

That game sengoku rance which places you in the role of a man who takes whatever woman he wants to the point of rape. Was actually written by a woman.

I wonder who's behind this post.

Name 1 japanese game with a trans muslim midget who not only uses sociology buzzwords but is not potrayed in a humourous light