Be a game dev

>be a game dev
>make a game unwinnable
>make every mechanic skewed against the player's favor
>make the grind long and repetitive
>make every outcome impede the player's progress
>"It's a feature!"

So what game are you talking about?

What part of "git gud" do you not understand? I'd add in one hit insta-kills, dead on enemy accuracy and permadeath too.

Just cheat then if you think you should decide how difficult a game should be.

I agree with "git gud" when a game offers you a hard-as-balls challenge but gives you the tools to overcome it if you're good enough, but when a game's designed to make you lose regardless of whether you're gud or not, that's when it gets bullshitty. OP related.

>when a game offers you a hard-as-balls challenge but gives you the tools to overcome it if you're good enough

DD does this, you and OP need to git gud

You're supposed to play the odds to minimize losses and maximize profits. Yes, it boils down to RNG, but you are given loads and loads of tools to tip the odds in your favor. If you're too dumb to figure it out, get the fuck back to Overwatch or PUBG.

DD's difficulty can't be overcome with skill. That's something a lot of people seem to misunderstand. The game only gets easier with knowledge. Making the right decisions when you're safe, and making the best decisions when you're not safe, knowing when to fucking cut and run. So many people get uppity with this game when they put absolutely no thought into their party layout, trinkets, or supplies. They believe, for whatever reason, that any team they think should be good will always succeed because they're good at video games.

To be fair what you are describing could also be argued to be a skill albeit a different kind of skill.

>but gives you the tools to overcome it if you're good enough
nigga the tool is u


True. I'm speaking more in terms of skill of execution which a lot of people who play video games favor. Being able to predict and react with a properly timed input in real-time is great for a lot of games, but ultimately useless in DD because skill of execution is irrelevant. Being able to keep track of a lot of things to remember and understand how things will play out before you invest your resources is more of an application of knowledge. DD is very much a turn-based strategy game, it's just wearing a skin that makes it seem more action oriented and that appeals to a crowd that probably aren't as strong with strategic planning.

>It's a "Brainlets complain that DD is too hard right after a sale" episode
Curious is the shitposters art.

The trick, user, is not minding that it hurts.

Use the wiki page to decide which provisions and abilities to take. Watch as your success rate goes way up.

>go into a fight
>enemy with higher speed gets an instant crit that inflicts bleed on your 36 dodge character
>character dies on their turn
>"haha u just need to get good bro skill wouldve won there"

Born to shank.

yes, the skill is being able to deal with the loss. shit happens, its hopeless to pretend everything will always work out. thats the point. game is probably not for you because you cry too much

play the odds you motherfucker. if that happens to you on a regular basis, record it for youtube and make some money because goddamn you some unlucky son a bitch.

please never ever play poker

>they still haven't fixed hwm

6 dam at legend with a marked pistol shot hurts me