Was he right about Ocarina?

Was he right about Ocarina?

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oot is in no way flawless.

He points out several of them, but most of the video is just bitching

not at all and the fact that he didn't practice what he preached and out right sucked at OoT and WW makes me wonder why people care about his opinion anyways

He's literally the worst part of anything he's in.

His complaint about it being on a track is wrong. Unless he means "You can't do everything in each area so it's bad," in which case every Zelda game is bad. Even the ones he loves.

His commentary on needing to wait so much is wrong. You can easily bait attacks out of most enemies if you know what you're doing.

Can't be bothered to remember the other ones.

>bitches about OoT because he didn't play it as a kid
>turns out that he sucks ass at it
>starts SM64 playthrough saying it's a great game and by the end hates it and says it was never good because he's shit at it
why does anyone like him

The only thing i agree with this is the animation for opening big chests.
Everything else is his fault for being a shitter.

Anyone that's seen footage of him actually playing the game knows he has no business critiquing video games.

Pretty sure he's never right about anything. Dude has some of the worst, contrarian opinions i've ever seen. And I say that as a faglord who's seen as a contrarian himself.

Literally the only criticism he's ever made that was worth a shit was praising the intro stage in Mega Man X.

He's the reason I had to just stop watching gamegrumps. He actively ignores all tutorials because, in his mind, since Super Mario Brothers, which only had 2 action buttons, didn't need a tutorial, a modern game with 14 buttons shouldn't need one either, and are therefore bad if he can't ignore all on-screen instruction. Also his sense of humor fucking sucks.

What the constant stream of shitty voices and screaming my pussy isn't good enough for you user?

No. If I remember correctly his biggest issues with the game were 1. there were animations for opening doors and opening chests and 2. the camera angle changed in combat
I remember he criticized the game for being about waiting, which is fucking weird. Timing is important, even in his retro platformers he fellates so hard.
That said, I think it's hard to accurately criticize a game you don't really care that much about. I just think his passion for Sequelitis was long dead before he made this one.

Fuck no. I watched the entire thing.

Only at the very start. He has a very strong premise to work with:

>The prior Zelda games were more open-ended and allowed you to explore the world at your own pace
>Starting with OoT, the games became more restricted, focusing on moving you from set piece to set piece in a more linear fashion.


It -could- have been an interesting video, but Arin as ever is full retard when it comes to OoT.

Arin lives in a world where organic design magically works for games needing more than four techniques in execution.
And when it's natural input that he doesn't like, he completely ignores it.

Like Bayonetta and Viewtiful Joe were a mess even back in the Jon days because they both get simple application of skills if it has a direct tutorial beforehand.
>lol, how to dodge, I forgot a tutorial and ignore the danger signs!
You can't even argue that they frogot since a ton of their recordings are artificially ten minutes long.

this, it took me longer than I'm willing to admit to realise that I was watching his content more for his guests than him, and then I stopped all together. he sucks at videogames and hes boring and unfunny.

his points are valid. both games are good tho.

Same here, honestly. It wasn't until around 2 and a half years of Arin and Dan era grumps that his humor started to grate on me, and I really started to notice all the patterns of the things that annoyed me. I think I really started to get annoyed when he began forcing himself into things that he wasn't part of, ala Steam Train and Dan's music. Even with the Starbomb songs I like, I find myself always waiting for Dan's part because Arin can sing as well as he can play video games.

>jon left because arin wanted to expand game grumps and make it a business rather than two friends hanging out having a good time
>game grumps could have continued being good but arin ruined it by being a jew
>the falling out means jon/dan playthroughs can never happen even though they would have interesting chemistry
>arin takes center stage and dan is more like a sidekick with arin trying to be in the spotlight at all times in game grumps
fucking arin

I realized I was literally wasting half an hour of my day every day watching people I don't like being bad at video games. Unsubbed and haven't watched since.

There's no such thing as a flawless game. He just shat on OoT because he knows it's popular and that it would give him lots of views and in turn lots of money.

Boring bullshit.

I thought he left because he moved to another place with a girl

Jon said on H3 podcast it was "creative differences", anything else is speculation.

can't really be sure since everyone's so tight lipped but considering that game grumps immediately turned into three different show grumps and stuff and jon never really seemed comfortable with treating it as anything other than goofing around with a buddy, it seems to me like he probably left because he didn't like the direction arin wanted to take it. but that's honestly just kind of guessing on my part.

reminder that Arin gave up on animating so hard, that a fan had to do Metal Gear Awesome 3


I'll watch it if they have a good guest, like Finn Wolfhard and whatnot, but other than that I found GG was a chore. Just for shits and giggles, when they started doing BotW, I checked out an episode of it, just to see if the master of video games himself would finally be satisfied with a new zelda...only to find that he'd played it before doing the videos, and took it upon himself to tell Dan everything that was gonna happen before it was actually happening.

at least game grumps doesnt start every video with a fucking advertisement about audible

>says the whip alone makes SCIV too easy
>attempts to beat the game using only the whip
>gives up before Dracula's Castle
What a fucking fraud.

To be fair, Jons videos have actual production value, and need funding. GG on the other hand is skinflint enough to where it took them years before they actually had individual microphones.

I didn't even play Ocarina and just from wathcing the video his arguments against it were weak and forced, only real one is how combat system is about locking on an opponent and waiting for the moment to strike, don't know why he bothered making a video if that's the best he could do

ads are cancer but a necessity because we all have adblock.

also audible is great, I'm not a shill I just really like it.

>be a fan of egoraptor's animation from the newgrounds days
>hear something about him doing a let's play channel with someone i've never heard of
>watch a few game grumps episodes, interesting to hear more of egoraptor goofing around behind the scenes
>find the other guy kind of loud and annoying but enjoying it fine nonetheless
>decide to subscribe
>end up binge watching it and having good time
>start liking the loud guy a bit more, find him funny and check out his channel
>months pass and continue enjoying the channel
>jon leaves all of a sudden
>"uh well okay i guess, i mean at least arin is still around"
>keep watching for a year or so but it isn't the same
>arin starts to get annoying at times
>he gave up on making animations (which i assumed this was a small distraction from) and the overhyped pokeawesome 2 or whatever was not funny and weird
>eventually unsubscribe from egoraptor since he wasn't doing anything and his sequelitises just got worse including OP
>it starts to dawn on me that jon was always the good part of game grumps
>go back to older episodes and find that arin just wasn't as funny and likable as jon was in those videos
>jon disappears for years and his content is worse when he returned
>game grumps goes to complete shit as arin makes everything about him or about getting other youtubers involved so he can get views and merch sales
>unsubscribe from game grumps
>maybe those older egoraptor animations weren't all that great, i mean, those metal gear solid jokes were probably the first things he could think of after playing the game for three hours then animated
>wonder why i ever liked him in the first place

>video all start with shilling of random mobile shitware

Jon is a bit of a crybaby and comes across as a little dimwitted and Arin is the most unfunny and infuriatingly opinionated person I've ever watched. I don't know why I was ever subbed.

>Refuses to watch ads or pay for Red
>"Why are these youtubers putting ads directly in their videos?"

Fuckers here act like in-video ads are a creative decision.

Who was in the right here?

Even that was just regurgitating obvious crap

You know what they say.
Never meet your heroes.

Arin has autism and cannot comprehend treating others fairly

>Metal Gear Awesome 3
hold the fucking phone

Hey, it's either have some sponsors or don't make anything at all. Who cares.

They both have autism that's why Jon had to leave cause it was getting to be too much

That's why everyone got caught up with his opinion for so long. He pointed out something valid (albeit obvious) in his characteristically forceful manner and took everyone along for the ride while accidentally slowly letting everyone know that he's an unskilled moron.

He's lost the voice... Remember this?

SMB actually had a tutorial, notice how first stage is built: you run for a bit, jump over a pipe, then over a taller pipe, then over a bottomless pit that can kill you

when will Tom Fulp finally sack up and reinvigorate newgrounds with all this youtube shit going on? everyone sick of the adpocalypse shit would totally go to newgrounds to host their content

What are you fucking retarded? Do you really think going back to flash is a good idea in 2018?

In some ways, yes

But you also have to remember how mindblowing the game was for its time, and how they managed to put so much on a tiny ass N64 cart

>Was he right about Ocarina?

BOTW proves that he was right, since all of his negatives were addressed by it, in the exact same way he said they "should" be addressed.

Who the fuck likes him?

He is not funny, he doesn't know anything about games, despite doing it as a job for three years, and is also a disgusting, obvious liar

that's not egoraptor my dude.

I like him.




Wait, what did he lie about?

I like coheed and cambria a lot and in the episode with claudio he is the only one who made any attempt to make the episode interesting. I don't like him either but he's a much better host compared to Arin.

>implying the lets players wouldn't put their shit on there too
>implying there wouldn't be any live action content on it like a funny sketch or something
>implying the newgrounds community wouldn't be harsh to the soft, soy generation of youtube faggots, shaping them all up to be decent creators

think before you post homo

Oh shit I forgot about that.
>Makes a carrer out of videogames
>fucking sucks at them

Really crumples my peanuts

botw has shit enemy variety

I don't think anybody would argue with that.

He lies about everything, almost anything sexual was proven to be a lie ages ago by autists, but he also lies about very minute things

Like when he told a story of an otter at the zoo taking a shit, realized it wasn't funny, then added a guy singing "Circle of life" which obviously did not happen, then he went on about the otter eating his own ass because Arin laughed a little and he had to double down on the poop joke

The "creative differences" were that Jon only made the channel for fun and grew bored of lets plays. You can tell in his last videos that he does not care at all anymore and is just on autpilot.
Meanwhile, Egoraptor found out that selling your soul is much more lucrative than making animation on youtube, so he wants to squeeze as much money out of the channel as possible while making 80-part playthroughs of every zelda and mario game ever made.

He was wrong. Not only was he insanely biased against Ocarina, but most of his points (the waiting, the not being able to see anything, etc.) were due to the fact that he's just bad at 3D games, borderline retarded to be unable to understand simple 3D games.

He hardly ever even plays, it's always arin playing. He didn't even let Dan play Ocarina of Time, despite Dan not having played it before and not having had the chance to form his own opinions, like usual.


> almost anything sexual was proven to be a lie ages ago by autists
Wait, when was this?

no. also, another yt faggot tried to say n64/ps1 were shit. fucking hate youtubers sometimes

dan is okay. at least he seems chill and isnt usually trying too hard like arin

>ywn return to the days when they played sonic '06 for the first time

literally how can you be this bad at the game

I believe that if you're gonna have an opinion about a video game, you should be at least competent at playing it if you want your opinion to have any sort of value. Look at those game journalists that can't even play DOOM or cuphead properly, you think I'm gonna give a shit about what they have to say?

>When they barely beat that ruined castle level on their very last life
That moment still sticks out to me

>sonic 06 will never be completed by arin and jon
it still hurts inside a little

game grumps was never good and let's play channels are never good.

Last summer I put on their 06 playthrouh while I played it for the first time

>mfw watching Arin contradict everything he vomited during his Sequelitis videos as he played for GameGrumps or streamed live
Arin sucks at all video games and he literally cannot comprehend 3D ones.

>reverse search and look up the video
>retard talks like a fucking retard to a group of children
So is that why Sup Forums is shit? Too many underaged little fucking faggots shilling for these pathetic youtube personalities?

To preserve my very valuable reputation on is forum, I will tell you I knew that.

>Too many underaged little fucking faggots shilling for these pathetic youtube personalities?
This thread is literally bashing this guy you strawman fucking nimrod.

>literally does not know egoraptor

you have to be 18 or older to post here

I don't give a flying shit whether they're bashing this faggot or not. The fact that Sup Forums actively knows and follows this faggot and his terrible video content is embarrassing.

>literally does not know some eceleb

i'd say good for him for avoiding cancer unlike you

The problem is that the video was a criticism of OoT, it really wasn't a big comparison of LttP and OoT, compared to the other sequelitis which usually took a specific element of prior entry and pointed out why changing it worked or not.

>he's serious
Next you'll tell me you don't know what Newgrounds is.

Sup Forums is absolute cancer for a number of reasons, but simply knowing about someone who's prominent in the game community (for better or much, much worse) isn't one of them.

why are newshits like this so easy to spot

Well, youtube with ads is fucking annoying.
Every time I use it on mobile, I feel glad that I have an ad blocker on PC.


No sorry, I didnt waste my life on your faggot forums or watching this tryhard diarrhea like you.

No. Most of his arguments aren't based on fact, just personal preferences. The one thing he said that has some merit is the bit about z targeting, but that's a non-issue so long as you don't intentionally fuck up the third person perspective by backing up into a wall.

Then you can't complain about in-video advertising, as you're the reason it exists.

i like you

No, it just shows he is bad at videogames

>I didnt waste my life on your faggot forums
>Says that while browsing Sup Forums

>"Wow they fucking explain everything let me find things out myself"
>Does an LP
>"wtf?? Where am I supposed to go and how do I do things??"
No, he's retarded. He has a few valid points but most of them are either plain stupid or things that only bother people with ADD like the opening of big chests.

This, but I gave up on Arin way sooner, and realized Jon is a cunt too, just not as much as Arin.

I rewatched MGA1/2 and found it amusing, even if just for nostalgia's sake.

intuitive level design doesn't count as a tutorial
the openning of super metroid and
mega man x don't count as tutorials

Are you me?

this is exactly how it happened for me
> hated jon at first
> learned he was actually the tits.
> leaves.
> so do I.

>"oh man jon and arin are gonna play my favorite game as a kid: wario world!"
>"I hope arin doesn't get stu-"
>he mashes A on the tutorial sprite
>proceeds to get fed up with the spinner and kill the LP
he was right, game grumps was always bad.
I only watched it for jon.