Oh hey, gameinformer made a top rpg game of all time list. I wonder what's at number one?
Oh hey, gameinformer made a top rpg game of all time list. I wonder what's at number one?
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Something the matter user?
Not at all Todd. Fallout 4 didn't even make a single slot on the list. Wow, that's pretty bad.
Anyone else hate western RPGs? I've tried to play all the "best" ones and I just don't get it.
>The best RPG ever made is rated as the best RPG
Ok, and?
I would rather skyrim be 1 in these lists then some super old ass RPG that's only on there because it's a "classic" even if plenty of newer games do everything it does better, which is how top game lists tend to go
>The best at anything
Valid opinion 2bh
What would you have chosen for the best RPG, OP?
I feel like Japan is better at making turn based RPGs than the west from what generally little experience I have with the genre, but there are a lot of western action RPGs I really love.
>wouldn't know a saving throw from a feat
It's funny because Skyrim has neither.
>set a standard for open world RPGs
Bethesda has had the same fucking formula since Morrowind except dumbed down with every new release I hate the direction this industry heads more and more each day.
It was already time for people to notice that Chrono Trigger isn't that great and it was only nostalgia googles
hello 2000
No game does the genre better than D&D.
>I've tried to play all the "best" ones and I just don't get it.
>playing the console versions
you deserve to be miserable
I clapped when I saw Skyrim. I clapped because it's a game that I know!
>he thinks JRPGs are actually RPGs
I knew it, Jesus H. Christ Skyrim is barely a fucking rpg. I'm so fucking mad, I'm having a shitty fucking night and I see this, son of a goddamn bitch.
The civic is one of the best cars ever made though.
Remember when Game Informer gave Paper Mario 2 a 6/10 because "Most people won't like it and we score games based on public opinion"?
wtf BASED gameinformer
Top 10
>Gothic 2
>Deus Ex
>Betrayal At Krondor
>Might And Magic 6
>Lands Of Lore
>Wizardry 7
>Ultima 7
Anything else is wrong.
>t. Shingo
Getting sick of this meme.
if the top 5 didn't contain a combination of Ultima 6/7/Underworld/Online, Wizardry IV, Fallout: New Vegas, and Baldur's Gate 2, this list is invalid.
>Skyrim was revolutionary
Do they list Mass Effect 3 and make fun of everyone who complained about the ending? They've done that twice now.
all western games are shit
>I feel like Japan is better at making turn based RPGs than the west from what generally little experience I have with the genre
99% of them are literally dumbed down copies of old WRPGs with a cringey railroaded story thrown in. I really don't understand how you can think this. Do you not like RPGs?
Metal Gear Solid
even ign gave number one to a good one
Yes yes very funny, but really the civic is almost the perfect car. Light, fun to drive, great on gas, will last into the 300k mileage range. If a nuclear apocalypse were to happen Mad Max wouldn't be driving a mustang, he'd be driving a civic.
I agree with this comic.
The game isn't even remarkable and that is further displayed with their middling review.
>hurr it opened up RPGs to a bunch of retards
That's like something you would congratulate the 80th game on the list for.
>durr you role-play as a guy so it's the best example of role-playing
So do plenty of other, better games, with better and more cohesive stories, and gameplay that doesn't shit the bed only an hour in.
I'm surprised you could read that much and have that opinion.
I love DA:O but its a very awkward and ugly game. I couldn't in good conscience put it up that high.
So its the exact same list as last year
>Might and Magic 6
But you could get all those things with a Miata and not look like a tool.
>Ultima 6/7/Underworld/Online, Wizardry IV, Fallout: New Vegas, and Baldur's Gate
>posts Daggerfall screenshot
I like the dungeons in 6 more.
Like I said, I don't have much experience with turn based RPGs at all and most of the ones I have enjoyed happened to also be JRPGs. I should probably play games like Wizardry but I've just never gotten around to it.
>best car ever made for poor people
based skyrim. now be honest, how many times did you buy it?
At least its not FFVI
it's the only one i had with tiddies in it.
There's no anger left.
I'm an ocean.
Patient. Waiting for another videogame crash.
you're lying, i checked
he'd either be driving a chevy or a ford just from abundance of parts
Where you guys from? I live in southern california so not only are Miatas and Civics much more expensive but the people who drive them are all tools, so there no avoiding that. Besides I've owned a Miata and as fun as it was it wasn't viable a daily driver for me.
Eat shit retard, you're an ocean because you're apathetic to a medium that never cared about your experiences and you're just now realizing it but instead of being upset about it and leaving it behind you can only just sit idle and hope the wonder of yester-year will come back in some form.
D&D is the Elder Scrolls of tabletop.
1 and 2 were from a simpler time, and are pure. 3 is the best, but kind of clunky by today's standards. 4 is underappreciated. 5 is watered-down gutless normie trash.
Are you serious? Honda has just as much, people swap parts from all different models and types 'retard'.
yeah all of Sup Forums should play wizardry 4 tbhfamalam. great entry level game.
I got Skyrim for PS3 as a gift when it was borderline unplayable with 5 FPS due to a bug that wasn't patched until a few weeks later.
I bought the special edition last year and then refunded it when I saw they were pushing the creation club bullshit.
played it on ps3 as well, worked fine for me all of release, miss that book glitch or whatever it was that let you max level in no time. it's cool though, glad you enjoyed it
>hate skyrim
>keep buying it
how do i stop
>Pathfinder is good
>5e is bad
If you don't like Wizardry or Ultima you are a garbage human.
don't even joke like that user
Thank you for buying my game, Sup Forums, I love you
Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines, Dragon Age Origins, Knights Of The Old Republic one and 2, The Gothic series, and so many more. These games are better because the role you play influences how you progress through the game rather. In a proper Role playing games the player should be allowed to play a pacifist through out the game
>Fallout: New Vegas below Fallout 3
>Mass Effect 2 number 4
>Persona 5 in the top 20 just because it came out recently
These guys really know how to trigger me
Perks are basically feats and disease resist is kind of a saving throw, not that it's even as close as complex as rolling against a DC while adding a CON mod
The Civic is a beast though and he's just saying God Hand for easy respect.
>81. Destiny
lmao ok
i hope you know every third billy bob in his garage has a small block chevy sitting
nearly every shop has parts for small block chevies
go to a big fuckoff warehouse and guess what
small block chevy parts
open the door - sbc parts
take a shit - wipe your ass with sbc parts
and after that you wash your hands with sbc parts because THERE'S SO FUCKING MANY
>not playing GURPS
Bully was a better RPG than Skyrim
AD&D 2e is far superior (as is evidenced in Infinity Engine games) and liking Pathfinder is like writing yourself off as a brainless pleb who needs settings literally packaged and handed to them for the fair price of 49.99.
Bethesdrones HATE New Vegas.
I disagree
I'm a pathfinder man myself.
1 was from a different time
2 was super basic, with a huge stress on what race you were, and was basic as shit
3/3.5 is a giant pile of crunch with 2000 options and 200 ways of busting the game
4 was "everyone is exactly the same and has the same powers, with different flavor texts"
5 is closer to 2. You have pretty much zero options at character creation but race and class, but they're differentiated. It's way different from 3/3.5 because of the lack of options, and the way lower amount of magic items. It's simple to run, but it's got a little bit of depth if you look for it.
I just played my first game of 5e tonight. Playing through Tomb of Annihilation. We're going pirate hunting, and I think we're goona die.
>Fallout 4 didn't make it on the list at all
Big if true.
Why do rpgfags act so elitist here? Wrpgs act like literally ever jrpg is some watered down normalfag game or weebshit and jrpgfags act like every wrpg is either literally wizardry 1 or some political bullshit. Play both ofvthem you idiots.
>Honda Civic
>not the best car ever made
Some people
>Gothic 2 not on the list
Really made me cogitate
You would want to play a game as a Chad faggot
>giving shit to saving throws and feats because people are too retarded to grasp something so basic
>TW3 released 3 years ago yet it's already breaching Top 5 GOAT status
They can't keep getting away with this!!!!!!!
>implying the dragonborn wasnt an ultra chad
>wizardry 4
>Wrpgs act like literally ever jrpg is some watered down normalfag game or weebshit
this is true though
>literally ever jrpg is some watered down normalfag game
this is correct
No one's throwing a fit at Final Fantasy VI being #2 or Chrono Trigger being #3. We're upset that Normie Scrolls is #1.
>people are too retarded to grasp something so basic
You say that but people still argue wording and RAW/RAI over certain feats
>4 unappreciated
Doesn't the writer and creator of 4e even admit that it was bloated and a slog fest?
maybe if you played it as a chad, furthering my point you only wanted to be a normie chad fag scum. gtfo
Literally all rpgs, both J and W are just Wizardry
He was the literal chosen one who could fuck Dragons into submission with his voice no matter how you played him. You cant get more chad than that.
I bought it once.