Heores of the storm

New HOTS hero looks fun

I agree with you.

Also, Blizzard, please revert every meta-change you've made this patch except for towers having unlimited ammo. Games are ending at 6-12 minutes every single game now.

>Games are ending at 6-12 minutes every single game now.
what else did they change other than the towers?

>Mercs are stupidly strong
>There's less buildings to raze which means pushing forts is far easier
>Getting a few merc camps and then winning the obj will get you a at least a keep, every single time, and usually snowball you to a win.
>People that can do mercs are top tier now.

I don't mind a lot of the merc buffs, but they shouldn't have given them so much health/magic-res because now it's a real chore to defend against them. It should be that mercs left unchecked can punish a lane but should be able to be taken care of quickly.

The problem is that certain specialists (Sylvanas) make mercs literal non-entities, so people would generally just ignore them unless they had absolutely nothing else to do.

I never played much starcrft but ya this guy looks like he'll be fun

Don't forget
>They made towers/forts unlimited ammo but nerfed their damage
>People literally just ignore towers now, dive you, kill you, then kill your fort as an afterthought after taking 10 tickleshots from its pillowfight cannon
>1 less tower and no damage from remaining towers means you can end the game with the first boss


Yeah, I kinda miss from other mobas having towers that were actually a threat to players. I wonder if it would change the dynamic much to have LOL's system where the tower immediately attacks players than attack another player.


>Another literally just walk away from it ult
Why do they keep doing this? Until they have more forced movement abilities like alarak or garrosh, these ults are gonna remain bad.

Honestly I assumed towers did that.

>other MOBAs
League is the only MOBA where towers rape face and force a tedious laning phase where almost nothing happens.

This is my response to anything Blizzard.

Blizzard sucks, their whole marketing strategy is to "make casual games and sell them as being hardcore." The last great game they made was Warcraft 3. You're a fool if you buy or play anything made by them today.

>their whole marketing strategy is to "make casual games and sell them as being hardcore."
I think you've confused Blizzard with From Software. Nothing Blizzard makes is every advertised at difficult, it's Disney-tier "fun for all ages" in everything it does. The only game they tried to pass off as hardcore was D3.

To be honest, I'm not sure what I prefer.

>You're a fool if you buy or play anything made by them today.
user, I hate to tell you but you are involved in a largely pointless hobby and playing any game is a foolish waste of time. we're only here to have fun, it doesn't matter in which form people find it.

Get competitive with Overwatch and Hearthstone :>

>Speaking reason
>On Sup Forums

stop, you'll only get meme replies

Shit games are not fun, Activision.

fun is subjective, cunt.

Blizzard doesn't advertise those as "Hardcore" though, it just advertises them. There's no "PREPARE TO DIE IN THE MOST BRUTAL FUCKING ESPORTS PLAY THE WORLD HAS EVER SEEN!" advertisements anywhere. This isn't Quake.

On top of that WoW and Hearthstone are played almost entirely by women and children, and Overwatch is played almost entirely by manchildren.

the mismanagement of the warcraft brand makes me sad.

anything else, hon?

>shit games are not fun
People like Deadly Premonition and Postal 2 regardless, faggot.

>League is the only MOBA where towers rape face
What no they don't. Even low lvl dives can happen with no one dying from towers if you play it right. Then there's a rune to kill towers faster, Rift,Baron, and ZZ portal for pushing. The item that no one buys, but can freeze towers. Despite all this shit, towers can die in 5-10 mins now since a wet cardboard box is sturdier than towers.

>It should be that mercs left unchecked can punish a lane but should be able to be taken care of quickly.

So how they were before, then?

Towers in LOL are definitely much more of a threat early game than in any other moba.

>5-10 minutes.
Towers in other MOBAs go down before the 5 minute mark on average. HotS especially has multiple keeps down by the 10 minute mark.

>DotA for retards for retards
no thanks

>anything else, hon?
yeah heroes of newerth isn't very fun either