MMO Thread

We should have a MMO thread tonight

>Looking forward to
>Go past the point of no return in (meaning you invested too much time into it to just quit)?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Final Fantasy 11
>Dynamis currency
>Final Fantasy 14
>Server shutdown

>Server shutdown
maybe in 10 years

I just downloaded Mabinogi today, but I'm really annoyed that I'm now stuck with long hair unless I pay real money.
Also I don't really like it, but that's not as bad.

Just make a new character, no?

MMO titties


>Reinstall blade and soul
>start grinding to catch up to new max level
>main story quest is insultingly shit and requires hours of mindless grinding
>discover that endgame is grinding dailies for better gear
>try pvp
>obliterated by an organized gang of max levels
>join a clan
>forced to join their faggot discord
>no on responds to my memes
>instead they bitch about their depressing lives and act like humongous beta faggots hovering around their attention absorbing landwhale whores
>uninstall game

>Things that never happened

>getting defensive
back to your containment chatroom

Post proof.

I just want a fun actiony MMO with decent content and no p2w shit
why must I suffer?

Only two action MMO exist, one is f2p (Tera) and the other is b2p (BDO). Play TERA.

try dfo online

Sure. Do I need to get money from the ATM machine to play it?

>instead they bitch about their depressing lives and act like humongous beta faggots hovering around their attention absorbing landwhale whores

that happens all the time though

I already left the discord and uninstalled the game.

not a mmo, not even "action". It's a literal fighting game with MMO elements.

its free but if you want more stats that everyone has you either have to farm gold like a slave or pay up in real cash

I don't think you understoof the shitpost lad

>that happens all the time though
Literally never experience this in my.... 6 year MMO experience and I use Discord everyday. The only people who seem to experience this are people on Sup Forums and /vg/ because you idiots can't handle regular guilds because they don't give you retards attention and will quickly kill you out for being a degenerate.

>fighting game
literally nobody thinks its a fighting game

pvp is dead

>literally nobody thinks its a fighting game
>All skills are fighting game inputs
>All the moves/skills mechanics come from fighting games
>There are 1frame link combos in DFO

it's a beatemup not a fighter

well I'm just glad you admitted it's not a MMO since that was my entire point. But you're still wrong. The developers in their original interviews said that it's a fighter merged with a dungeon crawler. Hence the name: Dungeon & Fighter.

Planetside 2 is shit but it exists, try it out

i mostly just raidlog WoW because i have nice guild mates, and then play Granblue all day. i think it counts because its probably even more timesink than FFXI.

korean devs are retards

in the western developed world that's what's know as a beatemup

Dungeon Fighter does not play like a beat em up. You're only calling it that because it's 2D. I bet you think Closers and Soul Worker Online are beat em ups too.

>people in my favourite chink grinding simulator can't be this cancer
the sooner you realise, the better your life will become.

I fucking hate new YR's design.

I just don't play with /vg/ so I never see this kind of degenerate shit in my guilds.

>muh special snowflake unique genre

fucking koreaboos man

Decided to give old school runescape a go after 10-11 years of being away
Surprised to see this many people still playing and i'm still having fun.
It's one of the few games out there that make me feel like a dumb kid as i'm rediscovering shit i forgotten from a decade ago.

fight n rage is fucking neat

Some money for a minion and Red Mage
Lack of time to play
>Looking forward to
Nothing. Might unsub
>Go past the point of no return in (meaning you invested too much time into it to just quit)?
2800 hours in but I genuinely have nothing interesting to do and I dont have time to play so Im just paying to log in and check if my retainers brought my fucking minion.

>Play DFO in 2008
>have a blast
>not murrican so I can't play in a party since I need a vpn to play on Nexon's server
>Nexon NA server shuts down, Neople takes over
>try DFO again in 2017
>enemies are extremely nerfed, and they give you relevant buffs and weapons every few levels
>want to try all these cool skills
>enter the room
>enemies die from one skill
>enter the boss room
>boss dies from any 3 skills
>continues up to 30+ levels
>this is just the beginning r-right? The game is going to get better, r-right?
>watch highlevel KR gameplay on youtube
>character enters a room and casts a huge-ass aoe
>enemies die from one skill
>boss dies from one awakening skill
I mean why? Did they nerf the whole fun beat-em up aspect for the sake of what? Pvp? I saw they hold irl tournaments now.

insane powercreep happened

Is FFXIV ever going to become free to play or buy to play?

I played a trial,I liked the overall atmosphere, character designs and story mostly because I liked singleplayer FF games. But the core gameplay feels kinda stiff, oldschool and lacks variety for a sub-based game.

probably not. FF XI is still sub based. not to mention there are enough retards willing to pay for it.

>bought an MMO roughly a month ago
>do /played on my main yesterday
>9 days 20 hours
what the fuck man

getting ready to play BDO to unlock Mystic awakening then drop it in a week when I get bored again

>Haven't played elsword for a few years
>Decide to check what's new
>Woah all those new classes and characters
>Want to try them out but remember the grind it required to go past the second job advancement
Now I'm not sure whether I should return to NA or to Void. I don't have the enthusiasm to grind as much as in the past, but I also don't want getting my progress fucked over at some point on Void. Though it was only ED that got wiped if I heard right?

I liked Elsword so i'm thinking of either going to the Closers open beta or code Closers.
I can also play on the KR server if it's better.

You can also play on a japanese Closers server. You don't even need a vpn to play on it, since another publisher took it over from Sega.

Shit really?
I hated how i always needed a vpn.

should probably level mystic to do this as well
and i know ill probably drop it too cause of boredom as well

>literally can't make a single friends because moonrunes
He's going to spend more time downloading the game and installing it then actually playing it. I never understand why someone would go through so many hoops and loops (not talking about ClosersJP) just to play a game for 5 minutes.

>It's like this for me so it must be like this for everyone else too
What if he can speak japanese?
What if he doesn't like to make friends in a game where most of the content can be soloed?
How can you tell?
Call me an autist but I personally feel more comfortable playing mmos either solo or together with a close friend. I want to discover and explore things in my own pace.

Many mmorpg players out there tend to rush content and value efficiency over having fun(or they have fun rushing content? I can't tell). So finding friends in such environment is difficult for me. Not everyone wants to just chill and play steadily.

for a second I thought I'd stumble upon /jp/ again
I have no idea why, but this post reminds me of it for some reason

>Call me an autist
I'm glad you admit it, unlike most.

There are literally no good mmos out :(

>I have no idea why
probably because he used a 2hu pic in his post moron

because "why would you play on the Japanese servers" is something that is constantly splurged in /jp/ MMO threads in an attempt to recruit jaypees to bad /vg/ circlejerks

never. and the worst part is gameplay at trial level is nothing like gameplay at maxlevel. So you either bite the bullet and love it or bite the bullet and spend a hundred hours hitting cap only to find out you hate it

Warhammer Online
My way to RR40
Could ge some extra fixes
>Looking forward to
Try KotBS or Choppa
>Go past the point of no return in (meaning you invested too much time into it to just quit)?
Not really, but the game is fun as fuck and I don't want to crush this fun again, since EA did once.

Closers and bns when I get that pvp itch
Just basic materials in closers ready for the eventual patch where we need new shit
How fucking dead the mmo market feels right now. Korea seems too fixed on repeating Aion and the west is still making WoW 2.0
>Looking forward to
I'm going to give A:IR a try and hope the owpvp shinanigans on /vg/ will be fun

Phantasy Star Online Blue Burst, a bit of Closers Online.
Leveling HUmar in PSO and Mistel in Closers.
This annoying itch to play FFXIV again.
>Looking forward to
Pangya and Mabigoni ramakes, I guess.
>Go past the point of no return in (meaning you invested too much time into it to just quit)?
That already happened to me with FFXIV (even though I'm taking a break now, I know I will end up giving in and coming back to it) and PSOBB (I have been playing PSO since v1 on Dreamcast, I always end up playing it again because nobody ever tried to copy its formula, not even fucking Sega).

I find really hard to play a new MMO that is similar to one I played before because I will just miss my old character/class and end up quitting the new game eventually.
For example, while Closers is a lot nicer than DFO, I don't feel like investing too much time on it because none of the classes looks/plays like F.Slayer. Same for every tab-target MMO and my Dark Knight in FFXIV.

>because none of the classes looks/plays like F.Slayer
You can try waiting until they release Violet
I hope EnMasse Closers doen't die before that.

ffxiv after not playing since omgea release
getting a dps class to 70
queue times and healers who stands afk and lets the tank die
>Looking forward to
new relic weapon, whenever that is coming
>Go past the point of no return in (meaning you invested too much time into it to just quit)?
im not that addicted to gaming

Yeah, I'm still playing Closers because I'm waiting for her. I really hope her gameplay/voice/visual scratches this my f.slayer itch.

What class should I play in dfo? I've played every class except the new knights that just came out but I have no interest in those.

The uninstall wizard.

MMOs are for nonpersons

Nothing right now, just let my WoW and XIV subs end in December and it doesn't look like anything is on the horizon.

It's really sad how the MMORPG dynamic has shifted away from creating vibrant and interesting worlds.

Should I play a lightbringer then?

Why do you hate ffxiv?

Aisha is the best girl now.

I know they could offer more to players and make a even better game because of what XI was capable of with its PS2 limitations.

Is there any other MMO that uses the Earth as a map? Atlantica Online has garbage combat and the other game whose name I can't remember that's with boats doesn't really use the landmass.

Closers have some IRL regions in the game, but they are just HUB areas.

About to play Everquest 2, anyone else play it here?

I'm thinking of going templar, or conjuror/necro, or both I don't know.


>DQX and XIV
>All vocations to Lv 43 for passives
>Lack of time to play
>4.2 not sucking ass
>Not really

>Atlantica Online has garbage combat
>The only mmo with jrpg-like turn-based party combat that managed to stay alive for so long
I disagree, but that's your opinion.

>posts same copy/pasta in every MMO thread
>When asked about game, guilds, help, etc, doesn't respond to anything.
Why play MMOs?


The only korean mmo with any sort of tangible population that isn't stale is Black Desert.
Everything else ranges between a couple thousand or just a few hundred.

I can't be fucked to keep playing Black Desert when it's not really good at anything it actually does, just kind of mediocre with a nice packaging.

Keep doing your starter quest you get a free style key and some pons to change your looks. There's also style events where everything is open for a week at a time.