Is this worth 150 bucks plus tax? I have been a huge MH fan ever since 2008. Does anyone know what kind of material the Nergigante Statue is made of?
MH World
Of course not. Don't be a fuckin moron. It's a shitty plastic figure, 4 bucks in boxes, a "DIGITAL SOUNDTRACK" (not even a disc??) that you can download anyway, and an art book that is probably just concepts you will look at once and forget about.
Buy the game, buy the DLC when its on sale. Put the rest toward ripple or some other crypto.
Yeah the only "DLC" is like 5 cosmetics, this game has been confirmed to have NO DLC content. Full game will be released at launch.
Crypto? With 60 bucks? Where
>5 cosmetics
What's with the number choice?
"Wyvern" face paint
"Topknot" hairstyle
Samurai Set
Additional Gesture 1: Zen
Additional Gesture 2: Ninja Star
Additional Gesture 3: Sumo Slap
Oh, I thought you meant 5 in the future not with release/preorder.
Also, we're confirmed to have DLC.
That seems to be 6
What's with Sup Forums posters and talking out their ass?
>Also, we're confirmed to have DLC.
Yeah but the DLC will be free correct? All I know is the future content will have free monsters. Did I miss any updates on this?
We've got paid DLC that's supposedly purely cosmetic, in the same vein as the samurai set from the Preorders.
Monster updates are apparently going to be free though.
Not him. what we got confirmed was that they will add monsters in the future as DLC. There's no day one exclusive content that isn't cosmetics. But despite free DLC monsters I wouldn't rule out the possibility of paid expansions in the future.
>figure as big as my first
And you can bet your fucking ass that a better figure is gonna be released sooner or later
>digital soundtrack
>probably thin ass artbook
Not worth it.
>tfw no MHW on PC
Nergigante is probably going to have his own Figure statue down the line which'll probably be better
The artbook is pretty thin, probably not worth it
>digital soundtrack
Don't you get the facepaint from the beta?
No, you get it from the digital deluxe edition for 70 bucks.
but monster hunter world is coming out on pc too user
Ah, that sucks. You get a green tigerstripe facepaint as one of the rewards anyway, probably looks better and it's a good thing too considering I'm going helmetless.
awww gee whiz, i need plastic and shiny objects to clutter the walls of my studio apartment to make me feel happy and put warm fuzzy wuzzys in my tummy hahaha give me more plastic and shinies heheheheohohahahah