Have you ever quit and left Sup Forums this hellhole and for how long?
Have you ever quit and left Sup Forums this hellhole and for how long?
I "quit" Sup Forums every weekend when I actually play games.
3 months and my life improved
I quit for three weeks when the first breath of the wild leaks appeared.
Quitting cigarettes is easier than quitting Sup Forums.
I left Sup Forums in 2013/2014 and came back recently
It's not that I quit, just that no one wants to talk about the old ass games I've been playing once I stopped being enthusiastic about any new releases other than FFXIV updates. A cracka can only make so many Metro is fun threads that get no responses before not trying anymore.
Six months. A mod was stalking me.
It's pretty easy to leave Sup Forums. Only browse when I'm bored for about 30 minutes while I use to spend all day on here, depressed a couple years ago. When you get tired of Sup Forums and the unfunny endless racist and sexist jokes it's easy.
Fuck off normalfag
I quit between 2013 and 2017, went to /vr/ instead.
I don't think collecting held my interest, it just made me feel like a sad bastard, getting excited over japanese plastic.
The later half of 2011 because of how awful it was at the time with all the off topic and generals and then all of 2012. Came back in 2013 because wanted to see what people thought of DmC: Devil May Cry and now Sup Forums is essentially new fags trying to imitate 2011 Sup Forums.
No you don't I liar
Good job!
Not true, you shitposted a lot
No it's not, I smoke and I know this
I came here i 2010, been here longer than you
TLDR lol
What mod? I might know him or her
It's harder than you think. Sometimes I just think about it when I walk to work
you fuck off nigger
/vr is garbage kys swiftly
2011 and 2012 was the best time
You're a gay nigger foot
There's always one.
I am unque that's for sure
None of yall are like me
>I came here i 2010, been here longer than you
user... i found out about Sup Forums by my edgy emo friend on runescape back in 2008. I remember him telling me that his brother shot himself right next to him and that we just irritated because his blood and shit got all over him. His rsn was Vortex Flame or Flame Vortex .
Remember he told me that Sup Forums would kill you or assassinate people if you posted addresses.
I was born on Janary 1st 2000, so I am 18 actually. I can post here now haha!
Flame me all you want, but I just started coming in here in, like, August. I kinda use it as a substitute for all the worthless friends I purged from my friends lists. It helps me be "alone" by offering a surrogate for communicating with people. I guess I quit whenever I get banned. I'm just a little more bored than usual for a couple of days.
You liar! You been here since 2010! I know that
I started coming here in around 2006 when I was 17/18. I usually hang around for a couple of weeks to see what the latest is and have a laugh then get bored and stop visiting for a few months. Often when I've lost steam enjoying games.
This place was, is and always will be a hellhole. But you wouldn't want it any other way.
I left Sup Forums in 2008 when Sup Forums invaded, viewing the board as a lost cause that couldn't get worse.
I came back in 2010 and was shocked to realize I was wrong and somehow the board was even worse. Even now, I'm still shocked how the board is still managing to get worse.
Haha, I think I was still legit scared scared of all the Sup Forums rumors back then.
So you're telling me nu-Sup Forums's opinions about game aren't any old than old-Sup Forums's like I've been told?
>tfw you switch boards based on what your current main hobby is
Another reason to be thankful
>What mod? I might know him or her
Unclear. From what I know they camp /scg/ though.
You should have put an anime girl in your pic so that you get more replies
>browses the single largest western chan site by a massive margin in the west
>calls others normies
Still don't get this desu
I can't. Without Sup Forums I have no interaction with other people.
I left for awhile two years ago but I just ended up staying on different boards, mostly /m/ and Sup Forums
Sup Forumsideo games have always been my main hobby so I have the most to talk about here.
/m/ is a way better board but I haven't watched any mecha shows in ages so I'd feel like a poser going back there.
A week before any story-driven game I care about comes out, don't return until I finish. Latest was 3 weeks in total for XB2.
once for 6 months (prison, possession) and for about 4 months because I was actually playing videogames daily.
been here for 7ish years but the amount of e-celeb and other shitty threads make me want to leave sometimes
one time I quit video games and all the sites I frequented, including Sup Forums, for a year
it was a nice break that made me appreciate video games even more.
I stopped browsing about 4 years ago. Unfortunately, I've recently returned.