Playing with my GBA in the car

>playing with my GBA in the car
>sudden urge to throw it out the window

The French have a phrase for this. Whenever you seem to have a compelling urge to self-sabotage, to see what would happen if you put a knife in yourself or what it would feel like if you stepped off a cliff or to see if you even *can* throw your GBA out a window, it's called l'appel du vide - "the call of the void."

>Imagined little dude running alongside the car and avoiding all the obstacles

i'm pretty sure it's just called "anxiety"

if it's severe enough it could even be a symptom of obsessive compulsive disorder

>going on a trip with my family
>sudden urge to throw my cousin's cap out the window
>I actually did it

>playing 3ds while driving
>cop pulls me over

>playing a video game
>sudden urge to come to Sup Forums and argue about videogames

Are you me?

nintentrash products are meant to be thrown away so why not?

>be stupid bitch
>get the urge to hang my body out the window while nude
>fucking die

>see your dead boby
>feel the urge to laugh at you and film it
>kill my career

>remember dumb thread from a hundred years ago that's been reposted countless times
>repost it with an even more degenerated reaction image

Actually the psychological term is "invasive thoughts." It's actually perfectly normal. Congrats, faggots, you're both normies.

>see a thread that's obviously been reposted countless times
>enter in it anyways stating the obvious with the intention of being "clever"

It's literally called "call of the void," retard. He didn't just make it up on the fly.

oh fuck don't remind me of myself


I remember that webm of that rusky whore, I feel bad for her son when he grows up and sees thats the way his mother died

I did that too. I'd also use my hand to make a little man that would skate on railings and shit.

I still do that. Once i almost crashed while i was driving in the dark and imagining some stick guy running through obstacles.

>mfw I would lift my ass slightly everytime I passed something tall to pretend im jumping over it.

so funny user, tell me more

Fuck yeah, doing darkslides on guardrails all day

I imagine my guy just cutting up all the trees and post lights while running.

I think you mean "intrusive thoughts"