Just played through hotline miami for the first time.
Why is this game so popular? Nothing against it but I don't really see how it could've accumulated such a large fanbase
Just played through hotline miami for the first time
Other urls found in this thread:
a) It's one of the best housebreaking serial killer simulators there is
b) the music is good
Good music, story is weird, pixel violence.
unironically aesthetics
It was the only good game that came out in 2012
It was a well known indie game for its time, kind of like Fez. Had kick ass music and came out at just the time that synthwave was coming into its own as a music genre and getting popular. The art style / story was well done.
HM2 is even better though, with a more interesting story and even better soundtracks. Gameplay is often criticized for having too many windows / being shot from places you can't see though, but it's still a good game.
Really good music, fun intense action and when you die you immediately start again. Plus an interesting story. I don’t know why you think it’s weird it has fanbase considering all the other things on this board that do
because the gameplay, the story, the music, and the visuals all individually and as the sum of its parts create a singular and clear aesthetic, and it's one I can jam to
How is this on PS4? I played the first one on my laptop but I became a console peasant would like to keep my games there
>I played on my laptop
>I became a console peasant
Playing indie games on a laptop is the equivalent to playing mobile games. You were never a PC gamer
Because the gameplay is fucking tight
Music is orgasmic and energetic
The gore is just satisfying
Overall this is my favorite game of all time
>You were never a PC gamer
Do you have an ounce of self-awareness?
Holy shit the shilling in this thread is over the top
Never said I was PC gamer. I was thinking about building one but I chose not too
>Plays on a superior platform
>Downgrades to a shitty console instead of saving money and buying an entry level desktop
I would not consider you a PC gamer.
>game is fun and good so people are recommending it
>getting called a shill
Never change Sup Forums
>this was never a "should I buy it" thread
Please go away samefag.
how fucking retarded are you exactly
I'll take that as a "no"
shitty reddit neo-80's fanbase over rating yet another thing into the ground
>Just played through hotline miami
>"should I buy it" thread
>Why does this game have a large fanbase?
>proceeds to list the same reasons again in multiple posts
I'm lmao'ing at your life.
surreal story/visuals
fun gameplay
great music
>why is this game popular
>reasons why it became popular
>Fucking shills, you should only shitpost and hate on games on Sup Forums
>Why is this game so popular?
This is literally a clickbait title for a shill article. Asking this question is asking for shills.
not even gonna give you a (You)
I dont know either, OP. I thought the music was great, but I thought the game was average. Reviewers and Sup Forums make it seem like such an awesome game. It's really not whatsoever. I don't think it's bad. but it's gets way too much praise.
It is a good game, but some things are incomprehensible. Why did flappybird blow up? Why did Undertale blow up? They aren't even good and still blew up. It's just internet BS and memery I guess.
It's unadulterated mega violence in topdown pixel form against dirty Russians with techno music blaring. What's not to like?
is the second one good
It was one of those breakout games that kinda took everyone by surprise, by how violent it is, the trippy visuals, a unique style, how challenging it can be since you die in one hit.
Also HM1 had a weird balance where you could plan what you were going to do on a level, like first take out this guy, throw the weapon, then a punch, but you forgot this other guy so you lose. Yet, if you went in like a drugged up madmen with a baseball bat, you could kill everyone in one go. It just added to the whole thing, made those chaotic moments really fun. Interesting story if you're willing to decode it.
It invented neo-80s
It grew on me but I think it's weaker than 1. It relies a bit too heavily on guns, with a lot of levels having a bunch of windows so you'll find yourself getting shot from offscreen with no real way of anticipating it.
> Asks why game is popular
> Anons give reasons
> "Stop fucking shilling"
No reaction pic can describe how retarded you are.
The reason it has a large fanbase is because the competition at the time against other indie games were using similar pixel art but in very shit, boring, and generally unappealing ways. Some games have gotten better about it since then but at the time hm stood miles above the others by being stylistic but still nice to look at and able to comprehend in a split second what you were looking at on screen. Not to mention the art direction, with the way the level sways around you, and the music pumping makes it feel like a panicked power trip throughout.
It's an acquired taste and definitely need patience and persistence alone just to like the basic gameplay, but its pretty safe to say that its look and sound carried it a long way too.
Mad your shill thread was called out soyboy?
>Playing Hotline Miami for the first time
>Game kicks my ass in every single level
>Closest I've been to raging against a game
>Beat it and move on to different games
>Before HM2 released, went back to replaying 1
>Got through the first seven or eight levels without dying once, only died a few more times before finishing it
Felt like a fucking god.
Because it's surprisingly good for what it is. It was also pretty unique at the time. It really nailed the vibe it was going for. If you dissect the "game" yeah it's a pretty average game maker game. But I think it's more than the sum of it's parts. It leaves an impression on most people that play it. It's like a good movie in that it can stick with people.
I thought the movie Drive was utter dog shit, but people unironically seem to love it. I think it's for a lot of the same reasons.
He is obviously not the one that made the thread since he responded to it, autismo
Keep raging OP, I'm laughing hard at your pathetic attempt at shilling
First time I saw it, I left with mixed feelings. Some scenes were perfect, others seemed to drag on for no real reason. Also Gosling is a weird actor. He has that weirdly distant look that's perfect in some roles, Blade Runner and Drive were good fits, while other times he's just weirdly emotionless, you're left wondering if he's actually a good actor or not. I still don't know the answer to that.
Liked it better the second time I saw it.
The amazing music from not that well known artists, great gameplay and the pixel art.
What the fuck is even the point of fishing for (you)'s in a slow thread where anons are having a legit discussion about something? are you trying this fucking hard to fit in on a fucking anonymous board where no one can see what else you post?
Go back to your hourly console war thread or whatever autismo. first and last reply from me.
>people comment on good points of game based on OP request
Good lord just kys you unbearable moron.
Naw don't give up yet shill I was having a great time laughing at you
Favorite song?
And then HM2 kicked your ass.
That movie takes a turn about 3/4ths of the way through that I wasn't prepared for. I kind of liked it up until the scene where they robbed the convenience store. After that I was just kind of put off. I liked the scene in the elevator, but I felt like them showing the guys head actually turn into mush like an old pumpkin was too much.
It's a really bizarre movie. And you're right, I can't tell if Gosling is a good actor or not - and I can't tell if I like him either. He's like right above "dead hand", but below "human bean", in the uncanny valley.
la-mulana came out that year user
I'm a huge HMfag, but I always found the pixel art kinda lacking, but the rest of the style the game has makes up for it.
Yeah. Still have mixes feelings about it. Too many guns, too many windows, really wished they made a 3rd one where they find a better balance.
Although they've said they don't want to make another one, and the ending of two kinda stops any possibility for a sequel
It was an indie game that released in an age of indieless games. It's kind of like Cave Story.
Hotline Miami 2 was kind of bullshit. They focused on the worst aspects of the first game and expanded it into an entire game that was way too long. And the last level was complete bullshit too.
I don't know, I really liked that difficulty spike in HM2, by the time I was finished replaying HM1 I was quite bored with it. If HM2 was the same but more, I wouldn't like it as much as I did. Hard mode pushed me to the limit sometimes, it was fucking bullshit and I liked it even more than the first playthrough.
He fit well for Drive since you're left unsure if he's meant to be some sort of psychopath or just detached or whatever. I guess its just part of how Gosling looks naturally.
I see what you mean about the pumpkin head aspect but I think that was intentional, same with how graphic and in your face that chick gets her head blown off with a shotgun. It's meant to give that high contrast of tranquility with absurdly violent scenes. Then there's scenes, like when he's shot or stabbed, I forget, near the end and the camera stays on him for like 2 or 3 minutes, you're not sure if he's alive or not, but the camera stays on for so fucking long. There's a lot of weird choices but I guess that's what makes the movie.
My problem is that it didn't feel natural. In HM1, if I died, I always felt like it was my fault. In 2, there were several times where I just blamed the game for playing like I Wanna Be The Guy. Even with pressing Shift to look further, there were levels I couldn't look far enough to actually see the enemies that were killing me.
Why do people like the game?
>they like it because x,y,z.
I should probably give it another viewing... Man, looking back it feels like a college art film that got a really big budget. I can't tell if a lot of the things that went right in the movie were deliberate or just by chance. It's such a weird movie - I will say though, there's nothing else quite like it. And I'll give it props for that.
Yeah, I can understand that. I am not saying it's a good design, just that I was ready to forgive it for some reason.
That was like the entire second half of the game. It was terrible. Really unfortunate choices. I don't see how they were able to make such a tight game the first time around and then produce the bloated mess that was HM2.
As someone in the top 100 I felt that 1 had worse problems with enemies off-screen or in places that were bullshit
But 1 relied more on melee. Even if an enemy suddenly showed up from a room you hadn't noticed, he'd have to run up to you. In 2 there were several times I would think I was safe and suddenly one single shot from offscreen killed me. Worse is, I wouldn't even know how to properly prepare next time, other than firing randomly through the same spot I was shot in the hopes that I hit the guy.
Only to find there were actually two guys there.
The only levels that gave me that issue was the mob boss level and the van level. If you check the right side first you can see the guys at the windows across the walkway, and if you shift look before entering the door after the elevator you can see the 2 guys waiting by the window down the hall.
Both shitty bait deaths though
Fucking level editor came out when all my hype from completing the game died, I will never forgive them.
It also happened on the docks, and in the military flashbacks.
I honestly wonder if the devs didn't want to make HM2. It's like they purposely made some mistakes, also ending the way it did, to make sure they can go back to doing whatever else they're doing now.
What about vengeance, highball and crackdown? In my opinion 2 was much easier to beat by the sheer fact that the enemies were better placed. Also did you not play 2 correctly because melee is needed for most stages like beard or the fans?
Learn to have situational awareness kiddo
There's no situational awareness to a random shot from offscreen. There's no Spiderman mask in the game to give me spidey sense.
*BAM* you're dead.
Should have paid more attention, desu.
Hm1 had perfect gameplay, i'm sorry if you can't realize that. The soundtrack was also amazing (if you're into electronica)
I can only assume its underage faggots trying to fit in, the neo-Sup Forums hive mind is seriously out of control. This game is passable at most, a true 5/10.
The shift button exists for a reason, and I've noticed that a majority of people who play the game don't know how to dodge bullets at mid to long ranges or realise that enemies have patrols. It's like you forget something because you are thinking about the staying alive with no combo part, but not about the speed. It's like most people can't do levels speedy because it's too fast paced for them.
It's not as good but it's still enjoyable.
My main gripes are that the levels are too open leading to you getting shot by offscreen enemies a lot more than 1, and that the story jumps all over the place.
I also think the way it filled in blanks from the first game ruined some of the mystery.
>Why is Jacket so good at killing?
>Why does Beard like Jacket?
>Who is leaving the mysterious voice messages?
people complaining about windows need to git gud______________
>Assumptions, the post
Read the thread, it's been discussed that, since the levels in 2 are larger with a lot of windows, even by pressing shift you can't see all the enemies. I think I first noticed it in the police station. There was some guy just barely off the screen, by pressing shift, who kept fucking me because it made it difficult to know where to shot, other than randomly in its general direction.
HM2 feels like it relies too much on this strategy. Not always, but more times than it should.
*blocks your path*
Can you dodge 2 shotguns from a cop in assault without Brandon or grahamn or baiting?
It might explain a bit too much but it does hit some really good emotional moments. 1 was more of a chaotic trip, no real story other than a vague thread of logic. 2 tries to do a bit too much but its rewarding to then have scenes like the last one.
Leaving this world is not as scary as it sounds. This will forever be ingrained in my mind.
Answering questions is ruining mystery for you? Bet you regret learning how to read, world sure is a wonderful place for a toddler.
I had a better time with hm2 because I was able to get a shotgun or his for off screen shooting because it's not hard to spray and pray in their general area
There's a point to what the user is saying. Explaining too much can be detrimental since it takes away all mystery. There's games/movies/books where it's best to leave just enough things open to interpretation. Dark Souls wouldn't be the hit it is if it explained in pain-painstakingly detail every single thing in it.
It's a delicate balance. Too much open ended and it's pointless to discuss because there's not enough facts to properly say which theory is right, too specific and there's no point in discussing it because there's nothing to be discussed.
>story is good
It's dark souls all over again, the story is vague and you fucking retards fill in the blanks to believe it's good when it's plain garbage.
This game was a 5/10 at best, after the 1st level the game doesn't offer you anything else. Music is pretty mediocre unless you're illiterate in which case you'll enjoy it
>Music is pretty mediocre unless you're illiterate
It's "high schooler downloads virtual dj virtual dj for the first time" tier music
user I think you need some sleep
It's because the gameplay itself is so rewarding due to how there's a clear path from scrubdom to complete mastery. Music, GFX and writing all working in tandem is the icing on the cake. Plot is massively overrated shit though and would be better if the hidden ending didn't exist.
Me and user are talking about 1 though. 2 I fully admit has some cheap shit with how far away enemies can snipe.
Vengeance was the one level I was thinking of, but crackdown and highball I didn't have much trouble with. I did play 2 without mods or cheats and beat it, but I do wish there was less gun reliance on the enemies for some levels. In the war levels and Russian levels I can accept it but it would've suited the columbians more if they were more melee focused since they were supposed to be a freshly starting opposing gang for the Russians, meaning they couldn't get as much firepower as they could.
The Colombians were not freshly started. They grew in the time between 1 and 2 considering they had a vault full of fucking gold and a large ship for smuggling.
epic post my freind
most western gamers are simply ameriboos so these games, like gta too, automatically get a good reputation.
they only call out weebs and feel superior doing it, while they pathetically havent even realized how much ameriboo tney themselves are
There was a bunch of strong indie releases in 2012. I'd argue the opposite of your point, that it was because the AAA developers shit the bed that year. Assassins Creed 3, Borderlands 2, Mass Effect 3, Diablo 3, etc. Far Cry 3 walked away with GOTY simply because every other AAA release fell flat on their faces. By comparison, indie titles of 2012 include Hotline Miami, La Mulana, Fez, Faster Than Light, Spelunky, etc. 2012 was the year when indie games for a brief moment overtook the AAA industry, and Hotline Miami was at the forefront of that.
If your favorite song isn't Deep Cover you'll need to get the fuck out of Sup Forums right now
t. larps as a slav while playing stalker
I have no idea what you're trying to say because outside of extreme violence gta and hm share nothing with each other and there's nothing that makes it strictly for the west.