>he hasn't bought vr yet
He hasn't bought vr yet
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That's not realistic for me because my hands aren't white
you also don't have floating hands whats the problem?
definitely not going to after that fucking webm
oh man im lmaoing
>spending hundreds of dollars for low quality porn when you can wait, pay less, and get higher quality porn
Can't talk too much smack on early adopters, they are funding the dream after all
Soon, brother. We will get cheaper VR SOON.
This reminds me of that stupid video of the old man petting his dog, and the dog going absolutely ballistic while he keeps a straight face.
this'll be the reason the ai starts fighting back
that's a good female model for that game
also I still prefer honey select in VR to this "realistic" game
I actually jumped a bit when she started snapping at the camera
>not buying a product means producers make it cheaper and better instead of giving up
Maybe you should just keep waiting forever, it's bound to improve even more
Whats the fuggen game? Play Club?
I kek'd
now we're talking
I'm excited. People are getting better at making these.
>Technology doesn't decrease in value with age
You should shill for Nvidia
That was strangely arousing.
>He isn't rayman
i bought a rift on sale and played with it for about 2 hours. fucking intense experience if you've never done it before and used that demo it comes with. but almost immediately after the fucking lenses kept fogging up, and after i tried to clean them with the provided cloth, are now permanently smudged so everything has a fucking really annoying light ray emanating from it.
i'll get around to cleaning it at some point but because of how much of a hassle it is to set the fuck up i haven't gotten around to it. i'll play with it some time i guess.
om nom nom
Name of game?
Quickly! Before it 404
Post more please
It's not realistic for me because I wouldn't be able to afford a room like that one.
underrated post
My sides are killing me.
that's Silent Hill levels of fucked up. Reminds me of that rape scene from SH2
Do they react to beatings or abuse?
I laughed so hard I started drooling
Thanks for the laugh but VR is an overpriced meme machine only good for porn crap.
Maybe in the next decade I'll think about it.
come on, what's the source?
tell me about the way
thats unfortunate sorry
>only good for porn crap.
I don't really know why anyone would waste their time on VR porn, but then I don't understand why anyone would fucking WATCH porn in the first place.
Putting lube on my dick to fuck an onahole is too much hassle, do people really think they'll be strapping shit to their face to do it?
>why anyone would fucking WATCH porn in the first place.
What are you?
>paying $400 for a thing you're gonna try out and then never use again
people want that Endorphins rush of the purchase.
Video porn is shit, dude. Boring scenes, no story, just penis in hole.
>no story
that's sad
Microsoft Mixed Reality VR are like 500
please and thank you
>La Luz Extinguida
>I haven’t been scammed into buying some shit with no decent full games yet
Why is noone saying what the source is?
It's also not realistic for you because you would never be in a room with a naked woman of her own free will.
God I wish that were me
Just ask /r/
Seeing the LA Noire VR stuff is the closest I've come to actually unironically wanting to go VR.
Then I remembered it's $599.99 on Steam and my room is a pig-sty, so fug dat.
Just get a Gear VR for porn videos. This janky ass video game stuff is so far from being immersive.
SixyVR my friendos. Patreon porn game #6384 that goes nowhere.