What would you like to see in a sequel?
I'll start.
>story that isn't generic young adult trash
What would you like to see in a sequel?
Other urls found in this thread:
>game takes a year or two after the first game
>Aloy isn't the main character, but instead you play a creata character or a girl that resembles more of Aloy's original design
>robo dinosaurs
>let you hack into enough robots to create a robot army
I hate Aloy's face but I like the way her hips move when walking.
>a sequel
>as if this wasn't one-off trash that flopped embarrassingly hard
i almost feel bad for sonybros. i know you guys are struggling for some epic franchise to hang your hat upon, a place to call home. too bad every exclusive from the playstation's very inception is soulless corporate garbage. Remember the sony smash bros ripoff that was on PS3? Remember the roster? No? I don't blame you.
I'm not far into the game, but it seems like the kind of game where everything gets resolved and all loose ends get tied up
But it didn't flop? It was a commercial success. Pls no counterpoint me by calling me a sony-fag. Just saying.
Nope, they sequel bait hard at the end, even if it's not needed at all.
It sold very well for a new IP.
Nah there's definitely quite a bit of sequel potential. I won't spoil it but the game ends with multiple antagonists still out there
>no Kat mascot
Feels bad man
Blame Japan Studios and their inability to actually improve on Gravity Rush. They expanded the game in all the wrong ways.
Sony doesn't want a stinky hobo as their mascot.
Of course it sold well. Like I said, you sad faggots are desperate for your own Mario or Halo, something special to call your own.
No, I just wanted to try the game because I thought fighting robot dinos would be fun.
Less feminism and lib propaganda.
What did they do wrog
>Riding a StormHawk or some other robobird
>Crazier looking bots
>More melee options
>Better side characters, only memorable one is Sylens
I'm probably asking for too much.
They bloated it with dumb bullshit like never ending fetch side quests. Also the plot is boring for 80% of the game and the ending is rushed as all hell.
This. I dont mind good female protagonists if they're written well.
Name one female Protagonist that's well written
Alyx Vance.
>story that isn't generic young adult trash
That goes for pretty much all video games, doesn't it? At least the ones who attempt a serious story, the rest doesn't even reach that. Even VNs are all light novel tier(inb4 vn freak throws a tantrum).
Why can't anybody write something decent in games? I'd like to mention silent hill 2 as good adult writing, but I'm honestly not sure.
Heather from Silent Hill 3
story wasn't about about young adult problems, you fucking dyslexic retard
You guys even pay attention to the plot or subtitles, is like im surrounded of people with adhd
The game wasn't even even that overly feminist. The game had two major sjw lines. One where she questions the tribe by saying that all leaders are female. The pic is always posted without context and in reality Aloy hates the fact that the female pseudo popes exist. Then there's that cringy ass line in the dlc where they about female intuition or something. Admittedly pretty bad.
Nu Lara aka
Jill Valentine, Lara Croft, pre-M Samus.
you do realize the sjw just jump on this just because, its not really sjw crap dude.
The absolute state of soyboys
>about female intuition
They still do that?
That's what made me drop Boing boing way back when it wasn't full sjw.
They had some great series reviews, but one of them started with anecdote from the author about how she was in a car with a friend and they came to a intersection and they didn't know the way. He went left when she "felt" right. And in the end right was the right way, so she rambled about how society needs to take female intuition seriously already, and stop being so mysogynistic.
you being a idiot is not an argument its just you being idiotic.
>women enjoy a game that doesn't make fun of them or has only sexualised women in it
>for some reason this is funny
Maybe I'm getting too old but I don't get it
But the story was pretty original and so was the setting
Yeah that line was retarded and honestly the only true sjw line in the game, besides that out of context pic some user already posted like I knew they would. I doubt any of these anons played the game
Neither one of you played the game then.
>playing feminist games
How does it feel being so scared of women? Genuinely interested
The game I felt went both ways. There's a constant feeling of "Women are strong, independent, and very capable people" being kinda put in your face but at the same time they aren't trying to drag men down either and portray them just fine. The most civilized and efficient tribe is run by a man who is very honest and genuine for example. I can also say though that most instances in the game that portray a strong bond between two people do coincidentally alwas seem to be women but it's not like it's a lesbian thing. Idk overall it's nowhere near as "feminist propoganda" as people try to claim. I feel most people screeching that are shit posters who haven't actually played the game.
What’s so bad about a male tailor?
>all the mad white bois itt
>What’s so bad about a male tailor?
It's feminine profession.
>Better aiming
You have to aim at very small, fast moving objects with a stick. Makes bullet time almost mandatory. More shotgun-style weapons could be nice.
>More wacky robots
Since an AI made them based on human knowledge, the robots can be anything. Would be cool with mythical creatures.
>Better reason to be an open world game
It might be one of the best open world games I've played, but the open world is still fairly pointless besides looking absolutely amazing. Would be nice with more purpose to it.
>Better crafting system/scavenging
The scene in the beginning where Aloy is scavenging mechanical parts from the first boss was great. Wish the game was more focused on doing something like that.
A PC release would get me interested at all, otherwise less of a collectathon, and male characters that don't act like they are sheltered 7 year olds. I get it, stronk womyn, that's great, but Jesus was that pathetic as fuck.
>It's feminine profession.
t. literally hasn't played the game
He's not talking shit about anti-sjws you retard.
>Better aiming
It's not as bad as you imply. Abuse the slow mo features. Also hitboxes are pretty generous (sometimes)
>Abuse the slow mo features.
That's the problem. Also that you start abusing stealth, which is almost completely broken.
At this point you're just trying to shit post and have no reading comprehension either. You also haven't played the game. This is my only (You) for you.
I can agree with you how unbalanced stealth was. The difference between being seen and unseen when you have the stealth outfit on with stealth mods on it is fucking insane. You're essentially invisible and considered dead silent unless you're 2 inches away.
Except the arrows magically curved to hit their target for you, so aiming was pretty easy.
Don't be that fuck boy that doesn't know how to sew his own clothing, it shows how much of a manchild you are, every man should be able to sew basic seams and buttons and shit.
How about we make some male protagonist based on slavs? That will show them.
How about discarding the concept of realism entirely?
Still have Aloy has the MC
Keep the entire original map, but make it twice the size with Oseram land to explore.
Have it be about a new war between the Carja and oseram, both are using the Nora tribals as slaves so it's basically a destroyed wasteland.
Game is basically new vegas since they have the same lead writer.
Literally every male character in the game is a coward or a pushover, every single one of them.
How far into the game did you get? I'm asking honestly.
Fuck outta here
When you played then game, what happened that made you feel that way about the game?
I don't buy trash games.
You cherrypick low quality images and to shit on the game.
Ok I just wanted to make sure you didn't play the game as I already suspected. How wrong you are already proved it but making sure feels good.
>Better climbing
>More and varied robot enemies (Fucking robot dragons/Spiders/ mansized hummingbirds when?!)
>arrows that work like anti personnel grenades
>Enemies that reworked large robot carcasses into pilot-able machines Or just using machine bits in new and interesting ways (like the bandits that used radar units from machines to find the player in the dlc)
>Easier way to farm for or buy rare parts.
>make it so you can ride every machine (like thunderjaws/ stormbirds/ fireclaws etc) within reason.
>Literally every male character in the game is a coward or a pushover, every single one of them.
Did you get past the first....5 minutes?
>nigger hair
Here is a high quality pic
Sylens was the sexy negress? i actually liked the naive commander of the city guards
Shx looks like Wayne Rooney but with more hair
Sylens was the smarmy negro that told you where to go and acted like he was better than you
more civilizations like Meridian. have aloy be someone who has traveled across the country and kept up with trying to unravel the mysteries of the old world while trying to prevent everything from ending again by fixing the broken down systems. introduce hope for possibly restoring the data on humankind that got deleted from the archives and MAYBE introduce human faction from the space ship method. they said it blew up, but who the fuck sent the signal that caused hades to become sentient then?
goes without saying, but lots more robo animals. also gimme flying mounts
Sylens is the black dude who knows about the truth and everything that happens along side you. Also the possible antagonist of the second game if they ever make one based on the ending we got.
ohh shit. i had forgotten about him
Straight hair with a few braided strands is nigger hair now?
You can make anyone look stupid when you pause them mid sentence.
You gay?
That's what upset me when I finished the dlc. That we still don't know where the unknown signal came from. What we did learn though is that these sub programs of Gaia might all have sentient thinking because we learned Hephestous wants to kill people but not make them go extinct. That it wants to kill like a standard human murderer would. But now we're left with another question, why?
>likes "girls" who look like literal men
>calls others gay for not liking the same thing
elena from uncharted
Fair point but she's not a protagonist.
What part of this looks like a 'literal' man?
Redpill me on this Sup Forums
I got this game and it honestly feels like a far cry game with dialogue wheels.
All the stories about the extinction and how humanity was fighting was the best part of this shitty game, so a prequel could actually be good.
Her face.
When does this happen in the game?
as in you don't get to play as her? she's still a main character that is in all 4 games accompanying the player for various sections.
does ellie work for you? you do play best portion of last of us as her.
Everything, just look at this caveman.
Your thread is good but the fact that you used generic buzzwords makes your opinion invalid, stop doing that.
What man has this biology?
Still mad for the shitty design Aloy has in the final game. It's so generic compared to the original design.
A transvestite.
Face it fag. You're gay.
Please stop
>start of the game
>find a really cool looking power armor hidden in a cave
>need to play the game further to unlock it
>after 20 hours come back for it
>hype as fuck to finally get to wear good looking shit
>it's just basic armor with hologram plates slapped on it
I will never forgive Guerilla for this. Also for the rewards for bringing all the collectibles back.
Hzd is such a masterpiece, Nintendo shills can only talk shit about how the MC looks.
Her head is too fucking big for her body. It's why she looks like a man.