ded or not?
Ded or not?
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Dead but there will probably be some dumb option where you can save him when they put out the Persona 5 remake
I want him dead
Dead buried on my ass
Dead and I want him to stay dead. Adachi was way better than this fag.
This and he'll be a romancing option. They'll also add a scene at the end where everyone mourns him at the end if he dies.
>game doesn't show his death, but implied to be dead
Probably dead until the inevitable P5 expansion comes out.
Adachi was a pussy. He didn't even have the stones to be a real edgelord.
He did nothing wrong.
Besides acting like a gigantic faggot, he did nothing wrong.
>Waaahhh, my daddy doesn't give me any attention! Better kill people to make him notice me!
Not dead on screen = not dead
>there are people who legitimately think that the Phantom Thieves are as bad as Goro " Daddy Didn't Give Me Dindins" Akechi in their methods
Wouldn't be surprised if it was something stupid like "lol I only made you think I died but it was an illusion" because if a guy could create his own perfect son just by thinking it it's hardly a stretch
Don't show body= not dead.
Besides with Japan's legendarily shit taste he's the post popular character in the game. So expect a forced redemption arc.
i wish him dead but i know for a fact atlus will find a way to bring him back.
I know the story, in and of itself, is ridiculous, but the fact that there were any criminal charges pressed against The Phantom Thieves is retarded. Japan's laws may be different, but how would that ever pan out in a court of law? There is literally no evidence at all that anybody murdered these "victims," yet everybody in Japan acts like it's a done deal.
You must not know much about Japanese law. They have something like a 98% conviction rate.
That only applies to Western media. The Japs are all to happy to kill people offscreen.
literally who?
Can you please point me to a single case where somebody was convicted of murder on a purely supernatural basis?
Major figures in the government and police knew about it and tried to pin it on them.
And they sent Goro to kill the leader anyway because they knew it would be hard for the charges to stick.
Do you realize that doesn't matter? Japs have zero reservations about sending people to jail with zero evidence. Why would this matter?
You didn't explain anything. I know that it is a grand conspiracy, but there is still no explanation of how the general public would believe that somebody would be guilty of murder with zero evidence whatsoever.
Again, please find evidence that somebody was charged with murder with zero evidence whatsoever.
>Phantom thieves do supernatural stuff and brag about it thanks to the stupid forum kid
>Supernatural murders that aren't done by them start happening
Well golly gee I wonder who's gonna scapegoat this one?
>but there is still no explanation of how the general public would believe that somebody would be guilty of murder with zero evidence whatsoever.
What makes you think the public gets to see the evidence? If the court says they're guilty, then they're guilty. the end.
It's fiction, so he's not 100% dead if we don't see his body.
Since he's pretty damn popular in Japan, they'll probably revive him for a spin off.
The general public has their own dungeon which represents their complete apathy with the final boss at the end trying to subjugate them to his will.
Essentially the general public is supernaturally apathetic.
>ctrl+F DLC
>0 results
You're not this naive, Sup Forums, I know you're not.
He's coming back because he's popular in Japan, at least among the fujos.
Just like how Adachi became his own big deal and got more fleshed out in Golden.
I'm not really a big fan of SMT, so I think I missed the point on who the final boss was. Is he a relevant demon in the SMT-universe or something? At least in Persona 4 they explain who the gods are, but here his name came off out of nowhere.
Yaldabaoth is proper name of the Demiurge, aka the Gnostic interpretation for YHVH, or Old Testament God.
Which is why Satanael is the guy you summon to defeat him.
>If the court says they're guilty, then they're guilty. the end.
There was no trial, you fucking moron.
Nah, still doesn't explain it. Also, "apathy" means indifference. The Phantom Thieves were condemned by the public based on nothing. That is not apathy.
Uhh spweelers???
Apathy is almost the right expression, but not quite.
It's more that the Phantom Thieves represent a disruption to the status quo, advocating for personal responsibility and self sacrifice. The people need to rely on themselves and each other because sometimes the people they're meant to hold accountable aren't going to be.
YHVH was influencing the public to stay content. Let authority handle things, give up free will, that sort of deal. You weren't using your soul anyway, right? It's not like you were going to achieve anything on your own.
And so Mementos is Sloth.
Anything related to Goro isn't really spoilers in this game anyway, it's everything else.
Having the final boss just be a run of the mill demon when the demons/shadows play zero roles in the plot as usual bothers me.
In P3 and 4 there was a clear distinction between the final boss and shadows, in 2 they were all a part of the Philemon/Nyarly/Collective Unconsciousness.
But they're all still part of the Collective Unconscious, even in 3 and 4 (3 is debatable but I think the alien thing is fucking retarded), it's just not always as obvious as when the CU was actively warring with itself (as with Phil and Nyarly)
P5 is actually a bit more explicit about the whole CU and Jungian theory, since Jung incorporated a lot of Gnostic work into his Red Book, where Philemon plays a significant role.
To the point that people have suggested that the rerelease for P5 might feature Abraxas, who is the absolute highest form in the CU.
Dead until they need to put his desecrated corpse in a dancing game
Yeah but at least you get to dress them up in silly costumes so it's okay
But I get to see his beautiful face again so it alright.
Plus confirmed no story mode.
he died for your sins, have some respect.
>tfw Sae romance got cut
>but her dialogue is still in
>it was even dubbed
just wait for Persona 5 CRIMEson
Believe me, I am.
I want to make that woman smile.
Well there was supposed to be words with this post desu~
I know characters could dance together in the last game so it's my hope that there's an option to have Door and Liz to dance together. I have no plans whatsoever to buy it but it's just something I'd be happy to see.
Expect him to show up in the P5 fighting game with heavy sexual subtext between him and the protagonist, like Adachi in P4U
me too, lord knows she deserves it
Not even the game or the main cast mention him dead, just missing. You're all idiots.
Shido will confess that he forced his son to perform assassination on his targets. The public and the police will conclude that Shidou is the one who behind everything based on his confession.
Goro will get scot-off free. The End.
>this salty thread
can't wait the outrage when he appears again.
He's one of the most popular characters in Japan. There's no way he's not dead.
err, there's no way he's dead*
polls are so stupid, all they do is expose the shit taste of japanese losers that have nothing better to do than argue which little girl is the best. Normal people with jobs and families to take care of don't have time to answer a ridiculous popularity poll, so the results are skewed. Let's just throw the results out, they don't matter.
Calm down ohyafag
Nothing the Phantom thieves did was illegal.
because the game is nothing but a knock off of death note, and in death note, the killer is a killer.
so they won't change that
what's japan's obsession with these cringe edgelord shit chars anyway
every fucking time I see a poll for some anime series or whatever from japan it's always the faggot anti-heroes who top it
fucking grow up already
This game feels like a telltale game, with all the not choices they give to you; why force me to walk to my bed everyday for a week? Just play cutscenes and skip the days.
the people who mostly read manga or play games are kids, teens and adults who refused to grow up. of course alot of them are gonna be geeks/losers going through thier edgyfase.
Same goes to the waifufags too
I hope not, I liked him
But most likely dead, yes. And knowing him it's safe to think he killed himself/died of heart attack in a hidden place so that nobody would ever find him.
"I was just following orders" is not an excuse. Especially when Goro was the one who gave him the idea.
You're full of shit. Japan has literally the opposite problem where cannibals and gang rapist murderers get away with no or light sentences.
I've busted out laughing in the office because of that pic
Is not Goro user, it's Shidou. He will full choke guilty because his heart is stolen and will confess anything. He will say among like "I took advantage on him for my own selfish pursue" or something like that.
only because there's no fucking law against supernatural powers
If you had the power to look at people and make them die with your thought that wouldn't be illegal either
Even tho I'm sure that with some adjustments and legal cavils you could arrest them for stealing extremely valuable goods and inducing psychopathy and emotional trauma due to their actions
definitely not scott-off free but sure, he would get out after just a few years of therapy and maybe house arrest
Yeah, maybe this.