Mario and Zelda will split the Nintendo vote

>Mario and Zelda will split the Nintendo vote
>Horizon will win because Nintendo fans will argue too much over Zelda and Mario and neither game will have a big enough majority

Has Sup Forums ever been this BTFO?

>* The Winners of this year *

>The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild - 128
>The Critics' Picks - 106
>The Readers' Picks - 22

>Horizon Zero Dawn - 32
>The Critics' Picks - 20
>The Readers' Picks - 12

Go home, OP. You're drunk.

Yes that proves my point that there was no vote splitting...

Odyssey is too easy.
BotW is basically just a tech demo.

My vote goes for Puyo Puyo Tetris

This proves that Horizon didn't suck and also that Zelda is overrated.

thats not how votes work senpai

>Sup Forums still angry over botw and odyssey

Good taste.

Critics love it but real people don't.
Just like the new Star Wars.

I love that picture.

what? it has more people's votes than horizon and it hasn't even been including the biggest american sites yet where zelda is stronger.

Winning a People's choice award game at shitholes like New Zealand and Hungary surely is impressive for Horizon. Your post reeks of reassurance

>it is now a strength for sony to only have 1 game

Of course it is buddy

There was never a doubt that BotW would win goty 2017. everybody knew 2 days after it got released. The rest were just shitposting.

>Sup Forums
Sup Forumseogaf my dude

>vast majority being BotW
m8. give up the console war shit. grow the fuck up.

I own a Switch, my anger about the games is how disappointing they were. Unlike most people here I actually own both a Switch and a PS4

Sup Forums is terrible at making these kind of predictions because Sup Forums is incredibly caught up in fanboy brand loyalty mentality and they cannot fathom the idea of an overlap in playerbases.
It's apparent when a game's sequel gets ported to PC without the previous game being ported, and they're all left wondering how could pc gamers have had access to that game in the past.

I can understand being disappointed about Zelda, but why disappointed about Odyssey? It has a shitload of platforming and it's all pretty great.

>Unlike most people here
always have to remind myself how many people here are fucking children that literally have no money
the other half are manchildren that give a fuck about the console wars

It's a little bit silly.

Horizo.... Zzzzzz

>GOTY awards
Why do they matter again?

>TW3 - 256 awards most awarded game of all time
>lol doesnt matter its shit
>TloU - 249 awards
>lol doesnt matter its shit
>somewhat down the line, BOTW with 128 awards
>lol goty awards matter its the best game ever

Not him but I found it too easy and honestly boring. Last Mario game I played was Galaxy, and before that 64. I just think I might have grown out of Mario for good.

Where are these votes you speak of? Because those aren't votes, they're picks by gaming sites. Most of which rely on advertisment to exist, therefore they'll never ever piss off big pubs like Nintendo.

Remember Gerstman and Gamespot?

I'm not angry, just disappointed. Disappointed that the industry is still overhyping games like this, and also that people are still using games to shit on each other relentlessly. Just like you are.
When people are getting this mad over games, its not surprise that the industry is fueling these flames to generate visibility.

>this stone is unironically grey
>it doesn't have a face
>weighs about a pound

Has there EVER been a time where Sup Forums has been THIS unequivocally BTFO?