it's easy to milk casuals and children out of overpriced ports amirite
The Switch barely have any games they buy the shit out of indies
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oops fucked up one of the tweets
I thought ps4 was the console of choice for Indies, what with how Sony gave out free dev kits to them and making sure they have a center stage attendance on the store and banners
A lot of indies like Nicalis will only care about the Switch from now on due to being handheld and their games sells more there, it's a shame considering most of these games are on Vita since awhile
>The switch is doomed because people are buying games on it
You just don't make that shit up.
no i'm just saying their users are so dumb they buy literally anything that comes out on it, then devs think it's the best console to make their games on it.
Most Indies work perfectly for a portable console out of the box. That's why the Vita got so much Indie support, like the Switch does now.
>The Switch barely have any games they buy
>The Switch barely have any games they buy
>The Switch barely have any games they buy
Can you imagine if you removed ESL shitters from Sup Forums for a whole week
Too bad the vita version of BoI runs like fucking garbage.
So people are making games for it and people are buying them. And you seem to see this as a bad thing for the Switch. Are you retarded?
yeah shame it's one of the only game that doesn't have crossbuy with ps4 too
they bought brawlout because it looked like smash yet it have shit reviews everywhere, truly some drone logic
Sony have been ignoring indies for some time so Nintendo is taking their market. Sony have been making some really dumb choices for a while now.
Is it also stupidly expensive on the Vita?
Indies shine on platforms without much competition
>game sells more on one console than any other
Luckily, most devs aren't stupid console war faggots like you.
it's 55$ on Switch tho and you're forced to get Afterbirth+ which is really meant for BoI players. not newcomers
The Switch has become the haven of indie developera now that Steam has turned into a qaugmire of shite. And many of the game simply suit the Switch better. No need to be jealous.
one of these games is even on ios/android. the fact it sold more on Switch just shows enough about how the switch users are easy on buying anything that comes out on it which is my point
they even praise monopoly or cn: battle crashers which are 40$ more than other platforms lmfao but of course neet like you have to defend it as if it's worth it, kys faggot
>less than 0.5% attach rate
Doesn't seem like many people are buying it at all.
>haha the switch has no games, only kiddie first party games, fucking soyboys
>haha soyboys are buying only third-party shit-tier indie games for the switch
Pick one, dumbass.
there is nothing dumber than buying fifa
I think you misinterpreted my post. I'm saying that it's stupidly expensive on the Switch. Is it also that on the Vita? I genuinely don't know. I've spent $20, tops on the franchise on Steam and gotten well over 1000 hours of playtime out of it. I somehow can't justify spending the money for the switch version though.
they're proud to get 50k players in 2 weeks but I'm already ready to bet 1000$ on its death if they make a new smash, look at how Arms died after Splatoon came out. even the updates didn't saved it and it only have 100 players at the japanese tournament :^)
The Switch version did at least tweak the progression a little, shit like void portals don't even show up in runs until you're well into endgame now.
rebirth is 15$ on Vita I doubt the DLC would be 40$ alone
Neets aren't buying every game that comes out on a platform
has this been patched on PC? I have afterbirth+ and I remember seeing portal on the first floor
>Sony have been ignoring indies for some time
Based Sony not giving in to faggot soyboy mediocre developers.
considering who the Swtich users are they're either 10 or manchildren, no wonder why some irrelevant games sells more there, they're way too entitled to play on another console (they shit on ps4/xbox/pc constantly)
Indie devs are abandonning the OG versions of their games to praise the Switch now. Cave Story+ got a lot of new features that are Switch Only, Super Meat Boy is getting a 2 players mode on Switch etc.
But they haven't been ignoring them, Sony has always made sure to show at least 7-9 Indies at every one of their press conferences since the ps4 unveiling. Last event they showed super hot be, remember?
i bought 1 port, l.a. noire
the idea of playing it in bed was just too comfy to pass up
i probably won't buy another. the game is comfy as fuck but i'm going to stick to nintendo games on switch from now on because nintendo knows how to do interaction and motion control very very well and
non nintendo games just aren't right, like i'm playing a phone game or something
Arms is gay waggle boxing shit made by some China loving literal who at Nintendo, splatoon 2 is sequel to squid lol is playing dress up and shooting Nickelodeon colored special sauce all over each other. No shit spla2n sells more
I remember when the vita was getting tons of indie ports and nintendo fans thought that was a bad thing.
I own a switch now and I see nintendo people circle jerking over late indie ports.
It's surreal.
>Cave story
Good thing Im not a faggot soyboy who cares for that trash. Next thing you'll tell me is that Undertale and Gone Home are coming to Nintendo's iPad and expect me to seethe kek.
What did cave story get on switch and how is it justifying the super expensive as fuck price tag
You're aware of the blatant irony in your response, right?
I like to buy Indies on the Switch because it's fun
The store front isn't a cluttered piece of shit like Steam and PSN, but instead it's fast, snappy and even somewhat curated
Sometimes Nintendo posts lists of recommendations, like "here are some Metroidvania games" or "best games under $10"
It makes the shopping so much more enjoyable
i'm talking about indie devs tho, what other indies on switch do you even consider good? Rocket League? Stardew Valley? kys you degenerate faggot
co-op and 16:9 support
"becuase it's fun"
most indies are crossbuy on ps4/vita plus Switch os is so bad it can softlock if certain games are heavy on specs
Also Nintendo themselves are promoting them
While Sony and Steam barely mention Indie releases, Nintendo is giving them announcements in official news feeds and even an appearance in the Directs
you need to relax about video games guy holy shit
During E3 2017 Nintendo of America showed shitty american indies while Nintendo of Japan showed nice japanese indies, I just want Crypt of the Necrodancer so I can buy it a 5th time
You sound like a pretty angry third-worlder, OP.
>even an appearance in the Directs
They made an indie only Direct.
Sup Forums - twitter posts & ecelebs
But they're also showing Indies in their other Directs as well, see the last big one from Autumn I believe, they showed a lot of Indies too like Steamworld Dig 2
In the end it sold 10 times more than on all other platforms combined
I don't know what's wrong with this, do you want AAA only or what?
i'd like to see more third party support (which will probably die soon)
The icing on the cake is that Gungeon is a total shit game. But it sure draws in nostalgiafags due to its visuals. Porting it to the Switch was the absolute right move.
Nothing 'suits' the switch better.
>It'd be perfect for the switch
Is a shit argument that comes up all the time and doesn't really mean anything.
Nintentoddlers would buy anything on their Nogamestho Switch (to pc)
imo gungeon is the only good one there, why do you hate it? you always get shit weapons and runs are too rng based? luckily the next update is casual friendly
If Switch owners will "buy literally anything that comes out on it", it sounds like third-parties would have to be crazy to not put their games on it.
They're all ramping up their support, one even apologized to Nintendo for underestimating the Switch.
The only exception is EA
I meant that due to the hardware limitations and the 64gb cart being delayed to 2019, a lot of devs doesn't want to develop on switch since it's a GPU based console (cpu-heavy games would suck major dicks on it)
Well of course. Nitnendo has only a couple of games to offer anyway. And Zelda, Mario and Xenoblade are all out of the way already. All thats left is FE, Metroid and NMH. Then the console is done. With six games.
Not him but Rocket League is amazing on Switch.
It's unironically the Dark Souls 2 of modern indie twin-stick shooters.
>64gb cart being delayed to 2019
That's a non-factor, they're not even using the 32gb carts.
>(cpu-heavy games would suck major dicks on it)
You think that actually stops some money hungry devs from tarnishing their reputation?
I don't give a shit. If Rainworld finally gets co-op running and they port it to Switch, letting two people play with the joycons, I will buy that shit in an instant. Hell if Rainworld gets on the switch at all I'm buying that shit. Switch is enjoyable to play games on.
>repeat exactly why was said except without irony
you really jut don't make that shit up.
a DS games would have better graphics
mostly because you need to download the games completely as it is right now. LA Noire download is bigger than the game itself on PC
im not saying the switch is bad tho i'm just saying their users are dumb as a brick and would jump on any overpriced port.
>simply being on a nintendo console will make games better
It's not like I haven't realized that nintendo console versions of games always get higher average reviews than the other versions but it's pretty amazing hear someone actually admit it outright.
Literally irrelevant. Playing tiny cars with tiny controllers anywhere you want is a pretty good feel desu.
it's not irrelevant when the anti aliasing is so bad it looks like a NES game, the only pro is its 60fps but even there it sometimes drops.
You can soup up the graphics however you want on your alienware but it will forever remain irrelevant. It's a tiny cars and big ball game for Iwata's sakes.
even a best buy laptop can get better graphics on rocket league than a Switch, its UE2 for fuck sake lmao
>missing the point entirely
I thought you were the mustard race.
Only an idiot doesn't understand why the Switch is the superior indie device.
>Low-Powered Hardware
Because the hardware is ancient, the visuals are old and dated by default. This is perfect for indie titles which, except for a handful of releases, all have shit definition / fidelity.
>Lack of titles
When there is hardly any good games on the console, your competition is low. In other words, there is a large chance your garbage game will be bought because there are really no other alternatives for switch owners.
>Nintendo's demographic
Are mostly underage normies and soyboy manchildren, which are both fine playing garbage like Candy Crush and roguelites, farming / building / survival garbage, or metroidvania clones, which are most of the indie titles in the world. Anything with low IQ requirements really applies here though.
100% agree, shame there's no point in getting them a second time for 2x the price
Soyboys are easy too please.
>The store front isn't a cluttered piece of shit like Steam and PSN, but instead it's fast, snappy and even somewhat curated
This. PS4 store wants me to buy shitty sony movies and tv shows, and Steam is fucking worthless now.
The old PS3 Store was the best
Imagine being so mad at a piece of hardware you have to do some of the most retarded mental gymnastics to come up with a reason why games selling well on it is a bad thing.
>"This game only sold well because Switch users are starved for games!"
We are going to hear this line every single time something manages to sell well on this thing, aren't we?
if the game is on every device including mobile but still sells better on Switch, yes.
If you remove the n from Sony you have Soy. Really makes you think.
Switch is selling so well shitposters now can only spam nonsense like those anal vore wojacks.
They have no logic, no sense, they aren't satire nor criticism, it's just a dumb thing spammed to death with brainlets laughing at it like it's the peak of comedy.
Meanwhile, Nintendo becomes rich and they can't do anything about it. It's like those children that start screaming because they can't obtain what they want.
>Getting THIS triggered by Whirrposters
ironic considering the only shit switch gets are ports lmao
Truth hurts
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting lmao
>UE4 Yoshi and Pokemon
Can anyone post any actual PROOF that arms died or are we still pushing the meme that nobody plays it despite always being able to find full party lobbies and ranked matches?
6. The quality of posts is extremely important to this community. Contributors are encouraged to provide high-quality images and informative comments.
arms probably have like 5% the amount of players Splatoon 2 have
>fighting game has significantly fewer players than a shooter
well color me surprised, but you still didn't post proof that the game is DEAD.
It's not a flop, it sold way over one million copies
But it's pretty clear that it has significantly less players than Splatoon 2 and Mario Kart 8 DX
>games don't sell
>games sell
The only option is, surprise, to not give a fuck about what shitposters on Sup Forums think
It’s the increasingly nervous man!
I’ve not missed you.
Too slow, too bullet spongy.
i like it
>too slow
you can teleport, either way its not this slow games like SS: Bogus Detour are much slower
>bullet spongy
play as huntress her crossbow can 1 hit most yellow bullets
If only.
>"it barely has any games that's why every game on it sells fantastically" - Sony soyboys
So this... Is the power of the switch...
People like these are the ones buying and hyping this shit. No comments. It's disgusting