Steam Sale

It's the final countdown soon. Post carts, hidden gems, suggestions, possible buys.

Other urls found in this thread:

Should I buy the crypt of the necrodancer dlc?

I recommend Underrail for WRPG fans, and basically any Falcom game for JRPG fans. Especially Ys oath in felghana, can't go wrong with it and it's super cheap.

Not him but thanks for reminding me this game exists.

Appropriate picture edition

well actually someone could shoop his nose and swap the santa hat with a traditional jew hat

Saw this in a sale thread the other day. Looked really cool. Anyone played it?

Sequel looks better but a lot more expensive.

I just bought these. Which should I play first?

I have to recommend Fallout 4 to everyone, is really good now, impressive coming from an indie dev

hmm you look familiar

Fuck off todd I already bought it

Call of Juarez has a nice arcade mode that I enjoy playing.


bamham combat

Someone posst the poorfags best choice´s please.


ares extinction agenda
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA A reckless disregard for gravity
Alien 2 shooter
Aliens vs predator Classic 2000
Archon Classic
Dark void zero
Gratuitous space battles
mr robot
plant vs zombie
space Rangers 2 Reboot
YS : Oath In Felghana
Dark Project II
Little Big Adventure 2

Free or good to be pirated:
Jazz jackrabbit 2
cave story
captain claw
Poke646: Vendetta
Research and development
Bermuda Syndrome
Blade Runner
Bad Mojo
Half-Life : Invasion
Noitu Love 2 : Devolution
Off (french rpg)
Squid and Let Die
Akatsuki Blitzkampf
Trilby : The Art of Theft
Head Over Heels
Super Crate Box
Vampire Slayer: HL1 mod
Cho Ren Sha 68k
Mega Man 8 bit Deathmatch
3D Ultra Pinball : Creep Night
3D Ultra Pinball III : The Lost Continent
Crayon Physics Deluxe
Full Metal Sister Marilu
Knytt Stories
Outlaws (doom like made by Lucas art, really like this one, so...)
Shivers (same thing but with Sierra)
Steel Saviour
World of goo
Ougon Musou Kyoku
WG Realms 2 Siege Breaker
Neophyte the Spirit Master
Stealth Bastard

Any more comfy base builders like Rimworld or Oxygen Not Included on sale?

Lethis path of PROGRESS

-100% Orange Juice
-AaaaaAAaaaAAAaaAAAAaAAAAA!!! for the Awesome
-Airscape - The Fall of Gravity
-Alien Splatter Redux
-Bot Vice
-Chroma Squad
-Crypt of the Necrodancer
-Deceit (free multiplayer game)
-Dungeon of the Endless
-Environmental Station Alpha
-Grow Home and Grow Up Bundle
-Half Minute Hero: The Second Coming (comes with original game as well)
-Invisible Inc.
-Kingdom: New Lands
-Lethal League
-Mark of the Ninja
-Megabyte Punch
-Mini Metro
-Monolith (support a Sup Forumsirgin today!)
-Nethergate: Resurrection (and other SpiderwebSoftware games)
-One Way Heroics + Plus Edition
-Orcs Must Die (1 for single player, 2 for co-op fun times)
-Pharaoh Rebirth+
-Recettear: An Item Shop's Tale
-Risk of Rain
-Shadowrun: Dragonfall and Shadowrun: Hong Kong
-Space Rangers HD: A War Apart
-Stick Fight: The Game (fun to play with your friends )
-Strikey Sisters
-Super Meat Boy
-Super House of Dead Ninjas
-Super Star Path
-Tales of Maj'Eyal (Ignore the autist screaming out it not being a roguelike because it's free on the dudes website but you still have to pay for the expansions)
-Titan Quest
-The Swapper
-Toki Tori
-Train Valley

>It's the final countdown soon.
Nigga, the sale doesn't end until the 4th.

Today is the last full day though

Necrodancer has DLC? Fuckin' a.

Rise to Ruins

recommend me a fun exploring game

Call of Juarez is the most boring shooter I've ever played. Just a tedious slog through boring set pieces and ear gratingly predictable dialog.


Of course, if you are not a chilango

Oneshot is $6 aaaaaaaaaaaa

Is it good?

tampoco me insultes carnal

(Un)official Poorfag Games List of good, lesser known games under $5 for all the poorfags. No AAA shit. Give suggestions for additions and removals

-100% Orange Juice
-AaaaaAAaaaAAAaaAAAAaAAAAA!!! for the Awesome
-Airscape - The Fall of Gravity
-Alien Splatter Redux
-Bot Vice
-Chroma Squad
-Crypt of the Necrodancer
-Deceit (free multiplayer game)
-Dungeon of the Endless
-Environmental Station Alpha
-Grow Home and Grow Up Bundle
-Half Minute Hero: The Second Coming (comes with original game as well)
-Invisible Inc.
-Kingdom: New Lands
-Lethal League
-Mark of the Ninja
-Megabyte Punch
-Mini Metro
-Monolith (support a Sup Forumsirgin today!)
-Nethergate: Resurrection (and other SpiderwebSoftware games)
-One Way Heroics + Plus Edition
-Orcs Must Die (1 for single player, 2 for co-op fun times)
-Pharaoh Rebirth+
-Recettear: An Item Shop's Tale
-Risk of Rain
-Shadowrun: Dragonfall and Shadowrun: Hong Kong
-Space Rangers HD: A War Apart
-Stick Fight: The Game (fun to play with your friends)
-Strikey Sisters
-Super Meat Boy
-Super House of Dead Ninjas
-Super Star Path
-Tales of Maj'Eyal (Ignore the autist screaming out it not being a roguelike because it's free on the dudes website but you still have to pay for the expansions)
-Titan Quest
-The Swapper
-Toki Tori
-Train Valley

Add Shatter

Tempted by the Steamworld bundle.
The Digs look interesting and something I'm up for, heist not too sure. Also DLC, since it comes in the bundle not sold on either.

Looks like hot garbage. Like someone looked at Night in the Woods and thought, "this could be more twee."

Yeah, nice music and bg art that reminded me of hyper light drifter but without the gameplay.

Ok so I'm thinking either, Dark Souls 2 or Monolith + random recommended games or Dark Souls 3 Ringed City DLC

I finally found this again after seeing it on Sup Forums twice before discussion(?) of it vanished from this board. is it gud?

>recommending games without explaining what they're about or why you recommend them

I want to buy a comfy, happy turn-based rpg

This nails it perfectly.
I honestly can't see how anyone recommends this game without trolling. I'm still trying it and it seems like ONE bad fight fucked my entire save up. Because I lost ONE party, I'm behind on gold, I'm behind on items, I'm behind on every damn thing and I keep having to abandon missions to avoid losing more people just halfway in because the retards who made this game decided "lul let's make healing 1/10th as powerful as damage and then make the player fight 10 fights per dungeon, ensuring that they get whittled down unless they can grind a healer up through the RNG fest."

As far as I can tell, aside from RNG, 99% of the "difficulty" in Darkest Dungeon is just that they simply made healing pathetically weak while still forcing you to fight a lot of consecutive fights.

lisa the painful

What are some good controller based games?

I bought Dead Cells recently loads of fun. Already bought Rabi Ribi, haven't touched it yet.

>full day


>bitching about RNG in darkest dungeon
Any opinions you have can be safely discarded.

Fallout 4
Si te gustan los CRPG UnderRail se concentra más en explorar, incluso tiene un modo donde solo recibes experienca de objetos en el mapa, Subnautica si te gustan ese tipo de juegos, Dude Sex MD tiene zonas muy abiertas y Life is Strange para explorar tu sexualidad

Pit people

any good RPG that has no issue delving into adult themes

I'm not talking about porn RPG Maker games, but more like Neverwinter Nights, Baldurs gate style, where it's mentioned, implied and or no problem talking about it

What was that VN about two sisters that were lesbian for each other?

Some user recommended it a while back and it looked interesting but I can't remember the name.

Consider playing on easiest difficulty then if you feel like you're behind on everything



Its great

play Witcher 1 instead

I need a game where I can lean back in my chair with a blanket on and relax, while still being engaged.

You shouldve bought the OG call of juarez or bound in blood, now youre just gonna be bored

>unironically agreeing with randall

Hey, friend. The world is filled with people that feel and think differently from you. They don't do this to spite you; they don't even think about you when they do it. Take a deep breath, and try to stop being a cunt about nothing.

Also, you're playing the game wrong. Obsessing with healing is a newbie trap. It has its place, but there's plenty of other utility available to you and the entire death's door mechanic makes healing already fantastically strong. You're not very good at the game. This is ok, because you're new to it. You're supposed to be learning, not getting upset. Stop getting mad at video games.

Not sure but look through this.


Nah, fuck off with your fucking 3rd grader cliches.
>durr its ok because they MEANT to be retarded!

It's not ok when you pretend to be retarded.
It's not ok when the DD devs pretend to be retarded.
This is just idiotic. What kind of moron thought this was good game design?
What kind of subhuman scum thinks RNG should decide ANYTHING important in a game?

It doesn't add anything!
It doesn't require more skill.
It doesn't make anything more fun.
It doesn't make the game more challenging.
It just adds this non-negotiable, insurmountable little "fuck you" to the game. And these pathetic little "fuck yours" add up until they just fuck you up and there's nothing you can do about it.

No amount of skill fixes this. Advanced knowledge HELPS MITIGATE IT but no skill will un-RNG your ass. No matter how good you are, when you NEED that Brothel slot open you cannot "outskill" the Caretaker out of the slot.

Nice bait, retard.
Does your mom know you're gay?
Do you still molest kids?
Yes or no answers here. Let's hear them.

Or just play W1, W2 and W3 in order. I don't like how nobody plays franchises in production order anymore

Can anyone please name me some semiopen world games?

Love Ribbon

Hello soyboy. Couldnt handle oozing masculinity?

Lost Technology is like Sengoku Rance but real time battles.


No, don't touch that garbage. TW3 is the only good game of the series.

I don't have the time to play through other games just to play the game I think might be interesting.

He'll get stuck on chapter 2

>hear anons always talk about final fantasy
>check and see that some of the games on sale
>require agreement to a third party EULA and making an account with square enix to play some ten year old single player game

After a JRPG similar to the turn based Final Fantasy's. Something a little bit grindy even.

I'm on your side user

I wanted to like the game but skill and knowing the game only gets you so far, it relies far too much on RNG. I love punshing games, I love dark fantasy, I love brutal games I have to fight for progress on but Darkest Dungeon left me feeling with so little control over the proceedings aside from the odd thing like party composition and development. You can still always be fucked by RNG

I agree that DD fans have some really, really fuckin weird taste.

>Advanced knowledge HELPS MITIGATE IT
That's the point you fucking lobotomy victim. You really sound like you should be playing on easy difficulty. Don't be ashamed. You're just not good enough to manage what the game deals you.


Someone sell me on Overgrowth

Where's a list like this but for BL?

shit opinions belong on reddit

Lobotomy Corporation

Control what is essentially the SCP Foundation, Fallout Shelter-esque in its gameplay style. Something a friend recommended, but it sounds great.

>so little control over the proceedings aside from the odd thing like party composition and development

it's shit

Worst opinion of the thread, kys

I thought Sup Forums liked Gunslinger

Get good.

house of the dying sun, its dogfights in space.

Fuck off retard.
If you're any good at game, you'd do more than just say "ur bad, don't heal."

For your information, I don't always heal. My second line squad was an Antiquarian, Graverobber, and Man-At-Arms combo that stacked Dodge and Protection and just avoided damage.

The issue there is it's even MORE RNG than just fucking healing. You get hit once, twice per fight? It all adds up until you're going into the last fights of the dungeon with mortality debuffs and having to spend thousands of gold back at the hamlet to rehab your fucking squad.

>Nice bait, retard.
>Does your mom know you're gay?
>Do you still molest kids?
>Yes or no answers here. Let's hear them.

I'd like to say the same. I like punishing games like Dwarf Fortress that have steep but managable learning curves. I like games that take a lot of skill to master.

This game, so far, doesn't seem to be that. It seems like it's rigged to force you to lose.

That's not difficulty. That's not challenging. That's just bad game design.

>implying the wagon isn't RNG
>implying RNG doesn't dictate what drops you get for your party
>implying RNG doesn't dictate how your missions go as you try to train up newbies

The whole fucking game is just one big RNG fest. You just have to pray that you get what you want at the right time.

Sup Forums does like Gunslinger. See:

We do, those guys just are some contrarians. Gunslinger is kino

That's morning Sup Forums, we are witching hours Sup Forums

>Especially Ys oath in felghana

Why do self proclaimed Ys fanboys always recommend this game? Napishtim, Felghana, and Origin use the same engine, so they play nearly identically. These three games are the low point in the series in my opinion because I had much more fun with YsII/Dawn of Ys and Ys Seven/Cecetta. I'm waiting for the retranslation patch before I play my copy of 8, but I already know I'll like it more than Felghana.

Sup Forums does


Then stop playing the game, friend. You're here ranting and raving over how bad you are at a video game. Nobody cares. You're doing this to yourself. Just stop. Go do something else with your time.

Stronghold + Crusader HD
Gothic Universe
Men of War
Age of Wonders
STALKER bundle
Civilization 3
Supreme Commander
Original War
The Witcher 1 and 2
Warlock 1
Overlord 1 and 2
Seven Kingdoms 2
Necrovision 1 and 2
Tron 2.0
Super Trench Attack
Divine Divinity
Sacred Gold

Gunslinger is fucking amazing.

steam has too many sales, they are all starting to blend into one another now. also the amount off sucks.

You got 10 seconds to buy Skyrim and fallout 4 right now

>Darkest of Days not on sale

Looking for more games like, Any suggestions?

Fuck you Todd

I'm bored and want to buy Fallout 4, is the base game fine or is the GOTY version worth it? I need some hot opinions on the dlc content.

Mate, learn to google
>Yaoi steam list