Main character is an overly masculine girl

>main character is an overly masculine girl

Name 3 games

Bitch got a mustache

How about you go fuck yourself and let me hate on women in peace

You brought it here, retard.

is that dunkey's squeaky voiced woman

Why do you insist on calling every woman masculine?
Do you want all women to look like your animu girls that have no chin or nose?
Do you use that to hide the fact that you can't get women to talk to you?
Do you also argue that liking traps isn't gay as fuck?
what happened? who broke your heart?

roastie roastie nice and toastie

It offends my masculinity when women I see movies and videogames with women acting tough
Shut up cunt


That girl is not masculine, she's just brown my dude.

>Stumble across this girls ASMR channel
>"Wow geez this girl seems like /r9k/'s wet dream"
>Find out all mention of /r9k/ and Sup Forums has already been banned from her youtube and twitch

Hey they are ok, what’s your problem?

Not videogames.

So uh... someone wanna tell me who she is...

That’s SammyClassicSonicFan now

So it was a girl with meat flaps? i see.
I know its normal to be intimidated by males that are toughter than you, but how much of a wimp do you have to be to feel intimidated by tough women? you musn't have much masculinity if you're so insecure.

Final Fantasy
Mirror's Edge
Jackie Chan

Why did r9k go so far off the deep end about roasties and shit rather than just peacefully converting to 2d?

She's just kinda ugly and has more facial hair than the average Sup Forums kid but it's not being masculine

Some asmr autist

Go back to /r9k/ faggot. Agatha is a Stacy now.

I actually can't think of a single game were this is the case. Not metriod, Samus is a hotty.

uncharted the lost legacy
nu lara

LoL, none of those girls are like over 180, none of them have a strong chin. They don't even have big arms the most they have is abs which is actually sexy.

that's more stache that grows on me in a month. goddamn.


Faris from V passed off most of her life as a man.

>nu lara
What the fuck do you know what manly is? she's girly as fuck you idiot.
Can't say anything about uncharted altough i think the portagonist are that black women from 4 wich yeah, she's pretty manly, but i think you play as chloe,right? and if you play as chloe then you are wrong.

Is that Battlefront 2?