Where's the MH thread?
Monster Hunter World
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Shills are sleeping or posting on resetera
You gotta start with a shitpost about casualization or something like that.
im just happy this one will flop and make capcom go into even more debt because they deserve it for ruining all their ips
>m just happy this one will flop
>literally the most popular MH game to release outside JP
Even though Dual Blades are my favourite weapon I actually want to see them buff the charge blade even more if just to see how much more ridiculous the weapon can get. As a fyi you can now charge your sword if the shield is charged (I think) which gives all your sword attacks ko damage. What's next, you can use items if your shield is charged?
>inb4 butthurt switch babbys
"most popular outside japan" isn't really anything significant for MH, especially considering the JP market is the only one that actually buys the game in the first place. Western sales will have to more than quadruple to make up for the fact that being tied to the PS4 in japan means it's not likely for the game to sell much more than 1 or 1.5 million domestically. But please, call me a nintendo fanboy despite my intent to buy it on PC.
>not loading your charge blade up with traps and bombs and triggering them with a SAED
They should give the CB all the guard points it had from Gen in its different styles, and turn the SAED into the Energy Blade hunter art if you use it with both sword and shield charges up. 400MV BAYBEE
Fuck me I can't wait for a PC release.
I'm gonna break and buy it for PS4 like a weak bitch.
I almost fell for it and gave a (you)
For fuck sake Sup Forums, I completely forgot about this game until beta 1 and 2, now I can't get it off my mind - already pre ordered the digital deluxe for ps4. How the fuck am I supposed to survive the next 3 weeks?
Also where is my boy shag daddies announcement?
>MH threads have reached the point where objective discussion of historical sales figures are considered bait
Well Sup Forums you did it. You managed to make even MH threads shit.
>pre-ordering the digital deluxe version
But why
is she drunk on the job
is this an actual ad?
For the vanity armour and emotes, of course
Yes, angry guy is from The Hero Yoshihiko too
Not much left to talk about since they aren't releasing anything new till release date.
It's the calm before the storm.
Every single word of that sentence... was wrong.
Nigga there's a live stream Friday.
doesn't seem worth it
An issue I have is that the free updates are going to be in the form of timed events so I can't help thinking that early adopters will have more/the noly opportunities to get certain equipment
Any word on what they'll show
>new monster
>new area
>more story
>all of the above
I just want the weeb vanity armour, also, I know they've said there would be timed event DLC, but did they say that this would be the case for EVERY dlc?
they haven't mentioned any other kind
Any news about the game's sales?
MH dlc comes in waves, once a month or so they'll add several new event quests to download and you can download them any time. There hasn't been anything missable since Jhen in Tri
>tfw no MHW on PC.
They've already confirmed they will be adding monsters post launch as dlc
For free. I can't imagine they won't charge for anything. I suppose they'll charge for maps
Pretty sure they've mentioned layered armor (like the pre-order samurai armor) as a microtransaction opportunity
>Hey we need a new Elder Dragon to put in
>>Shit dude, why don't we just use Godzilla?
>Not good enough
>>Alright, let me strap a volcano or two to his back, all good?
>All good.
I fucking love Monster Hunter. Let's hope we get crazy stuff like Zamtrios and Glavenus post-release. Or at least the Magalas. Is Fatalis on that Leak list or is he going to be post-release?
I would pay hella for Ceadeus armor
i wonder what the odds are that Sony is paying them extra to keep quiet about the PC version. they've got exclusivity in Japan, special pre order bonuses for ps4, only platform to get the beta, limited edition consoles. wouldn't be surprised if they're also paying them to not talk about PC on top of all that seeing how many people who've broken down and bought a ps4 just for monhun because there's no PC release info
Most likely, many people will double dip and not giving a release date of pc until after console release doesn't leave many impatient fans a choice
Is there a costume/transmog system in this game?
They've mentioned charging for vanity armour, gestures and stickers
Why didn't Gabe pay them more to not keep quite about the PC version?
>Paying for anything ever again
I'm laffin.
How much did Nintendo pay them to keep quiet about MHW for the past 4 years?
If I can nyance then I'll drop a few few £'s for it
How much did Sony pay North Korea so they can start nuclear missile development?
Where is that user with the ass webm. I need it.
I'd prefer if the game just looked like the old MH games if it meant it could run at 60fps.
>Players want 4k not high framerates
>30fps is cinematic
>the eye can't see beyond [insert low framrate here]
it won't flop, normies will buy it and ruin monster hunter forever. If you're a veteran, sorry the game you loved is gone
cool, but you can probably cut off the last ten seconds
is there an english version of this ad?
When you're right, you're right.
What's PC?
nigga please, this shit will make more money then pachinko once it hits PC.
>mfw the game I loved is on a fucking nintendo toy console
The PC version looks like the old MH games? I thought PC could do better than that and still hit 60 fps.
Give monsters a health bar and allow me to use some kind of Detective mode to more clearly see the monster, its weakpoints and various collectibles. On top of that let me pause the game like Zelda and eat all the food and potions I like then unpause it and beat up the monster
It's time to let go of the archaic game mechanics of the old games and make MH like every other game ever made.
see I wish I took the time to learn how to subtitle shit
you basically described the changes already in MHW
rage only edition
Lao is objectively superior design wise (battle wise theyre both gonna suck)
If you want an actually great mhw monster see Legiana or Ultranigga
>me trying 3DS games and then trying World
but the webm has no sound :(
Fatalis will likeky be post release, he doesn't fit as part of the story but does fit as this external evil ancient dragon coming out of nowhere to destroy everything for lols so he's perfect for a free dlc.
There's being critical and then there's shitposting, not that you people care anyways. Here's your (you)'s.
I fucking hate japanese tv shows
Rathalos armor still looking sexy
Would be cool if they did a story-focused mini-DLC that dealt with Schrade Castle. Like how did it become a fatalis nest and why does so much spooky supernatural shit seem to happen around them
I don't even have to look
That would be absolutely amazing, i loved both version of castle Schrade. with new gen graphics and all they could really go out on all the celestial spooky shit like black holes and stuff
They make more noise than the monsters themselves
thanks for webm
>why show us the monster's moveset when you can run away screaming
All l want to do is play as a cute girl hunting monsters with a big ass weapon and indulging in yuri fantasies about my handler
You don't know how long I've waited to not have to pause in real-time or have invincibility frames when carving, catching bugs, or mining so I don't have to put up with the endlessly spawning enemies.
>I want them to break the balance of the game just because
It means that if you want to talk about video games you shouldn't do it on Sup Forums - Video Games
Posting a gif is not an argument you fucking retard. Nice job showing you can't even refute his points.
Capcom's been doing great lately though user. The new Resident Evil was a success that restored the gaming audience's faith in the property and they're making a new Megaman that looks promising along with the new Monster Hunter. Now they just need to make a new Breath of Fire on PC and I'll be pretty damn happy.
They've discussed vanity armours and emotes, but there is the chance that they might also make legitimate expansions (Like a G-Rank expansion or an expansion that adds a whole new map complete with new monsters and quests and a continuation of the game's story or something).
>tfw released in just 23 days
More like a guarantee there will be a G rank xpac. Doubt they'll re-release the entire game again for G rank like previous generations though, maybe as a 30 dollar add on for existing owners and a complete version for new buyers. I have a sneaking suspicion the PC version will come out when G rank is released and be standard kinda like "complete" versions of other console ports.
the fuck is this
>Hunter armour
I've always loved this set, please tell me PC gets it too
I highly doubt any armors/skins will be locked from PC except for some exclusive cross over stuff like ugly Aloy.
that's the lowest tier of the preorders so I reckon anyone who preorders regardless of system will be able to unlock it
>The Fair Wind charm carries a skill that increases your attack power, and one that adds a chance of reducing the damage you take. The charm also has a nice visual impact, as equipping it will add a glowing aura effect to your left arm!
So it's literally just Latent Power?
I feel like this digital deluxe package comes with some absolute shit. 20 extra dollarinos for a buncha hot garbage I won't use more than a bit into LR? No thanks. I wish they'd fucking release a good physical special edition here other than that shit gamestop is offering. I might just go with standard digital copy.
But that's what all pre-order or 'deluxe' editions are for, purely cosmetic. I wouldn't mind the artwork book from collectors though.
I mean they could have gone with better cosmetics, the samurai armor looks cool I guess but seems out of place in the game with all of its over the top designs. I would have rather they put in iconic cross over designs instead like from other Capcom IPs or something. Maybe some dragon's dogma cosmetics or onimusha.