>only copy of Persona 5 please
Only copy of Persona 5 please
Other urls found in this thread:
>Throw away my first pick, please
>One 2018 Superbowl ring please
he's a qt
2018 is Browns year.
They played 4D chess in the 2017 season and has now gained 2 top5 first draft picks
Patriots shouldn't have let him go. Brady is done next year.
Do you realize the number of years in a row now that the browns have had the first or second pick?
The problem is their management. They make bad picks then they train poorly. The team will never recover until they fix the management.
Yeah the Browns have done so well with high draft picks in the past
>assblasted xecuck crossposting here after getting btfo on Sup Forums
>Browns will pull a 180 so strong that it’ll completely reverse the Earth’s rotation as well as it’s orbital path around the sun
>Pats return to being completely shit for the rest of eternity
God please let this happen
I want this
This but unironically.
Please help
Browns fans have been saying this for literally 20 years now.
Force your owner to sell and completely rework your management.
Is he the future?
Management isn’t a problem. The Browns have a reputation for being shit and it’s the team where careers go to die. The players who play here are demoralized by the stigma and have no motivation to do their best because of this. The projected Browns picks of the draft every year beg other teams to take them instead because they do not want to go to Cleveland ever.
One copy of your finest super bowl ring for PC please.
Why PC? Because I'll be playing it at home of course.
We already got a owner to sell and guess what happened? It got even worse. We're just cursed to be trash forever.
If the Panthers beat the Saints then you are fucked. If the Saints win though then you guys better obliterate them.
Guys, I think Kirk Cousins might leave my team.
What are my boys going to do?
le brady face
Kirk Cousins is an elite quarterback. You’ll be fine.
I forgot the “not”
If the Browns make him the highest paid QB in the league does he say no.
Either game would be at home. The vikes only lost to the Panthers because it was an away game and they played like shit.
The falcons are the only team in the nfc I'm worried about honestly, or if the saints play like dirty niggers again.
The Patriots would also be a really tough game in the owl, but the home team advantage might give an unseen morale boost, though it could also cause them to choke.
It's more likely that Jags are going to poach him
"At least we're not the browns!"
>winning the superb owl
>being anything but a useless shithole
>tfw Eagles was ELITE all season but the GOAT Wentz got injured
They'll never ever get a ring
The Pats are easy. The only thing you need to do is have a great offense, but also make sure you don’t shit yourself before the last quarter ends. Your team is definitely ready.
t. Falcons fan
Goodell unwillingly cursed his favorite team by being a shithead commissioner
Sorry but any QBs the Browns trade away from are also cursed.
Vikes guy here. Sorry, it was definitely your year and the nfc championship game would have been a lot of fun.
But I know that sorrow. 2009 saints took away our year with their dirty niggers tactics and I'll never forgive that team.
Watch them do the same this year.
Fortunately refs have gotten much harsher about roughing the QB these days, so they would give up the game trying to.
But then we'd lose the owl unless Bradford is ready to come back.
>Fortunately refs have gotten much harsher about roughing the QB these days
unless it's the patriots
One copy of 2-41 please
Just a few more years til Brady retires and that team falls apart.
And thus forever ended the myth that preseason means anything.
Legitimate NFL talk on Sup Forums, truly the Chads have invaded.
Brady doesn’t make that team. Bellichick does. Brady is merely a puppet.
I'm a week that spends most his time watching anime, playing Japanese games, and shitposting on Sup Forums but spends a few hours every Sunday visiting family to watch some handegg.
Watcha gonna do.
Sup Forums is under constant invasion by the chad's from Sup Forums and Sup Forums
The 08 Lions swept the preseason too. Which means a worse record is still out there.
We were contracted to drive out the Nintendo soyboys. We’re on break right now though.
Quick Sup Forums, name your favorite NFL team
Washington Redskins
Sports can be just as autistic.
Laugh at you for being a dumb phoneposter
Does Sup Forums actually exist then? /fit/ Sup Forums Sup Forums and Sup Forums have taken over. Just like black men have taken over whites women.
i wonder what his cum tastes like haha. no homo.
>Implying nintendo isn't the GOAT of the big 3
So(n)yboys please. I was hired to get rid of the neogaf remnants here.
My nig. I’m a skinny fuck who looks like he wouldn’t harm a fly. Most of my days consist of browsing the internet and discussing weeb shit. Primarily visual novels. But man, I cannot stay away from rooting for my 2 main cities in the NFL. I fucking love football.
Sup Forums is actually shit now. The mods have effectively turned it into /r/sports. RIP Outlels.
One copy of Wolfenstein 2 please
Atlanta Falcons
inb4 28-3
The most hilarious thing about this dumb thug are the liberals who don't watch football screaming for every team with an injured quarterback to sign him.
Like for fuck's sake, there's a reason he turned his name into a publicity stunt, it's because he was a bad quarterback in a decent team.
Minnesota Vikings.
This year is both insanely exciting and incredibly terrifying.
The dumbest thing I keep hearing is how various teams should sign him as like 3rd fucking string. No one is going to pay kaep what he wants for a third string qb, and it got old hearing about it every week for a fucking year.
>I'll grab a copy of FIFA 2018 thanks babe
It’s okay Redskinny. It hurts, but you did the right thing. All of our shit coaching staff is going to disappear thanks to your contribution, and we will once again be reborn.
Sorry, but Kaep is absolutely better than Deshone Kizer.
He's not better for what he charges.
or what he costs your team in controversy
I've witnessed this before. Horrible.
Kizer doesn’t deserve to be handled by such a shit coach. He’s definitely alot better than he’s looked. It’s a damn shame the Browns gave the HC more time. Now Kizer will be shoved aside for the next QB to be thrown into the slaughter, and Kizer’s career will fade into nothingness unless he gets pulled away by another team.
No way.
Kizer has talent. Just bad coaching
I hate ESPN so fucking much for hyping us up
So what are ESPN and FOX going to do when they can't just talk about how great the Patriots are once the franchise falls apart?
Their commentary gets worse every single year because it's just Brady this Brady that all fucking year.
Not even gonna lie. ESPN terrified me into believing this would be your year. Your last few division games and that game against the Pats (which you could have won if Nick Folks wasn’t such a shitty kicker) leads me to believe that you might actually have a good year next year. Your time is coming soon. Our division is going to be a bloodbath soon enough.
t. Dirty Bird fan
About damn time the NFC south started making ripples in the NFL.
>mfw the cleveland browns have 2 top picks and they'll squander them both
I really feel bad for any college grad who gets drafted by the Browns.