What are some video game moments women will never understand?
What are some video game moments women will never understand?
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Pretty much the entirety of Automata is lost on women because they can't get past her wearing a skirt.
All of them.
John Marston stepping out of the barn
Soulsborne games
Pretty much every game
Everything about the end of MGS3
>le epic purple man of waa waa me want fuck she but she not real, me not real either :((((
fuck off soyflick
It's funny because the only character in automata who cared at all about their physical appearance was the feminist.
This is a good example of why Sup Forums is the worst board on the site
>le I don't like thing so summarize in baby text because I'm gay and gay cummies and gooey lumpy dehydrated cummies eat jello cummies with fork and suck whipped jizz
Yakuza series
Kys Sup Forums soiboi. Go back to your board where you worship DC films.
Since this is a shitposting thread, I loved how all the roastie journos cried that the movie is "sexist" because "muh womyn in the movie are all slaves and prostitutes and shit", completely missing the fucking point
>game is supposed to make you feel bad because you always had a choice not to kill those civilians with napalm
>the choice is just to turn off the game bro lmao
shit game
>go see it on release
>leave theater thinking it was a 6/10
>think about it over a few days
>realize it's actually really good
>watch it again in a new light
easily top 5 movies of all time for me
fuck off. Sup Forums loved this shit when bioshock did it, now you hate it because reddit loves this game
that movie sucks also not video games
also check this 5
There's a point in the buzzword where you're just as emasculated and bitter as the same people you're mocking, you just have a safe space to begin you aren't guys.
Like Sup Forums reads like a bunch of middle schoolers trying to one-up each other's edginess for real now. Not just hyperbole.
Sup Forums is not one person
>Sup Forums
>loved Bioshock
What alternate timeline did you crawl out of?
only nu-Sup Forums and Sup Forums hates bioshock
Argh, I meant believe.
>proving OP's point
What an abhorrent post.
Bioshock's twist was that you didn't have a choice because of the "would you kindly" working with player interaction when breaking the 4th wall. Spec Ops says there's always a choice and then saying just turn off the game off is the opposite approach, but more importantly, it's not being heavy handed in condemning the player.
>watched a camrip
Hello roastie
Umm, no sweetie. I realize you weren't here 11 years ago in 2007 when the game was released, but Bioshock had a lukewarm reception at best. Most people regarded it as a striking disappointment that couldn't so much as hold a candle to its predecessors.
It wasn't until you and the first wave of redditors (neo-Sup Forums) began to arrive in 2010-2012 that people started to look favorably upon it.
>Yo buddy, still alive ?
>And thanks friend. See you again...
I hated this shit, I saw it from a fucking mile away that you'd be bombing civvies yet there was no way whatsoever of avoiding it, then the game had the gall to go all "hehe aren't we clever what a dastardly twist you bad, bad evil soldier man you >:") "
>K and Joi will forever be stuck with the travesty that is the rest of this movie
Like Halo, original Sup Forums gave no fucks about Bioshock.
>we're all stuck on a planet with the travesty that is your existence
Spoken like a true newfag
Anything that deals with male comraderie.
They're like soyboys in that respect, they only ever see some homoerotic fantasy of their making.
>travesty that is the rest of this movie
the k/joi subplot is literally the least interesting part of the movie
Tale of Two Brothers.
t. been here since 2010
Sup Forums doesn't like bladerunner?
what happened?
It's only one guy. Chill.
Boot Runner
My girlfriend loved NieR. She put it off because of 2Bs designs but gave it a shot when it got a lot of buzz. It was her GotY.
if only the screaming autist understood irony that is himself
kys plebe
i've been here since 1995 bitch
What are some games that soyboys who like Villeneuve's pretentious shit will never understand?
>she loved it, therefore she understood it
I don't have very high hopes for her intelligence if she's in a relationship with your dumbass.
wouldnt saying it "your dumbass" imply that he owns a dumbass? Shouldnt it be "your dumb ass"
Who called in the pleb brigade?
why are you asking us? we don't know who employs you
Fuck off turd that faggot isn't Sup Forums he's Sup Forumseddit cancer and your responsibility
>The women can't understand media about meaning, existence, dreams, bonds, etc meme
She doesn't want to get married, she doesn't want children. Her only dream is to make meaning for her life. I'm pretty sure she understood it.
>no u
The state of nu-Blade Runner fanboys
>no arguments
the absolute state of you
reading this thread really made me agree with about the fact that women really don't understand video games unless they play dumb down mobile shit
Well you clearly didn't understand it.
I haven't even stated an opinion about what it was about though?
Clearly beta male cucks can't understand male themes either. Too busy putting women on a pedastal to ever comprehend even their own lives. Sad!
You just did.
And to be clear, said GF isn't against fan service. We play DoA and the like. She just wasn't convinced that something with fanservicable character design would contain deep themes. Not just blanket "this is objectification" opinions.
All of Lavitz and Dart in LoD. They even have two women around just trying to understand it, but they can't get over sniping at each other to actually listen to the men.
The whole game.
Calm down soyboy, you're digging a bigger hole for yourself with every post.
I prefer Almond milk, but how is soyboy even an insult. It sounds pretty cute to me.
In your post.
lmao where did you come from?
It is his ass that is dumb.
Question. Do any of you sexually inactive savages even know any women? I once had a friend how mirrored alot of this threads feeling about women. Trouble was most of the women he knew we're either sorority girls or cam models. I was always telling him he felt that was because if the women he chose to associate with. I feel like that's kinda the situation here.
>People actually decided to kill him over fucking Jane
He was a hothead sure but they pushed way too hard in the final episode to make it seem like he was going crazy.
>metal music
>long hair
>wearing shades inside
>thinking hes king because he has over 100k subscribers on youtube
He didn't like it because he still hasnt realized that he isnt special, i.e. hes still a child
thats a dumb opinion
My post just started my girlfriends situation and the general inference most people were making in the thread. Nier is an amazing game but I said nothing of what I think of the meaning.
imagine being this much of a virgin
>forms his opinion based on Sup Forums threads
implying roasties are different in any meaningful way
>no marriage
>no kids
Top beta
Quite literally all of EYE
accurate critique
2047 was an okay movie but it's a shit sequel to blade runner and features way too much fan service/nostalgia and brainlet pandering
I didn't click the link but from what you say, can I guess it's a Razorfist video?
Do you run these posts by your GF for approval before submitting?
I don't want it either. We've been traveling since 2008. Lived in 4 different countries, spend out free time seeing new things , gaming, and persuing creative projects. Have fun giving up your hobbies to rear kids for 18 years minimum. Marriage doesn't mean anything. If you're going to work out with someone you will whether or not you wasted 10k on an elebotate one day party and piece of paper.
Machiavelli once said that you can only see the mountain in its entirety when you stand on the plain.
>woman didn't like something until a bunch of other people liked it first
what else is new
What's this faggotry? Fuck off back to plebbit