>Be me
>12, playing runescape
>someone on friends list messages me
>”hey bro, can you do the fight caves for me, it’s too hard?”
>hesitant at first but he convinced me with payment when it’s done
>he logs off his main acc and onto a different acc
>messages me pretending to be someone else. He wants to see if he can trust me
>I play along as if i don’t know what he’s trying to do
>he’s convinced that I am trustworthy
>he logs back onto main and gives me his password
>log on to his acc and trade all of his valuables to mine
>he logs on 10 mins later and message me “why did you do it”
>I respond “because I felt like it”
Good times
Have you ever scammed anyone in a game?
where did you download this pic from, I NEED to know where these filenames are coming from
>that filename
explain yourself
>be me playing wow
>create a female elf character with some girl name variant
>go to orgrimmar
>open general chat
>"hey im newbie can someone give me some gold for the mount? ;)"
Before steam trading was introduced, bait and switch trades in TF2 were my daily bread
>even as a kid I never could scam people
tfw too much empathy
You are a cunt for betraying the trust of a friend.
I got scammed in Runescape when I first became a member, it was the old farming staff that was listed as being worth like 1.8m in the GE but they were really only worth like 50k, a guy sold me 4 of them for like 1.2m, that was all my cash and I thanked him for the great deal. I put them for sale in the GE at 1.8m each and they would not sell, it took me like 3 days to realize I had been scammed. I was not really mad, I was actually impressed and happy that that guy gave me the idea, so I then bought shit tons of these things at 30k-50k each and sold them to noobs at 400k-1m each, I ended up making 30m which was unbelievable money at that time in the game.
>tf2 trade server
>someone is trading minecraft account for hats
>give him hats, get the account
>sell the accoun for some steam games minutes later
>go to the first trader
>"hey can you change the mail? i want to use mine"
>he refuses
>he gives me all the hats
thanks notch
2 for 1 trades back in pokemon d/p days on serebii irc
>Me and a friend would takeover someones modded lobby that just changed the speeds of the game but didn't rank you up
>Message and invite a bunch of people showing them the modded lobby
>Tell them we will turn on rankups if they messaged us Microsoft points
Surprisingly it worked quite a few times even bought Mass Effect and GTA IV with all the points I gained from it which I don't regret it to this day. I also scammed a fuckton of people when dicing was introduced in Runecape and made like 200m which was enough for overloads and got muted like 20 times doing it.
You are a hypocrite user. So because you didn’t do it to a friend, that makes it ok to scam someone?
He didn't say he wasn't a cunt
Although it does take a certain type of cunt to do it to a friend.
I loaned a irl buddy of mine my first ebotd Colossus Blade, and literally watched him get scammed out of it by his online buddy running a long game on him. I didn't really care, because afterwards we just paid like 20$ on PayPal and bought like 200 ladder high runes a couple days later, but at the time I was pissed because I told him not to trust the guy.
>playing diablo 2 online
>enter a game titled "free stuff here" or something
>this guy in really good gear says i should download a program that will give me free shit
>he drops the grandfather sword for me and i'm like oh shit he's legit
>download and open the program
>watch as my mouse cursor opens my character tab and start to drag/drop all my shit
>i have no control over my mouse what the fuck
>start panicking and yelling
>alt f4 doesn't work
>hit the reset button on my pc
>while my computer is rebooting i'm sweating bullets and freaking out
>go back into the game to find over half of my shit missing
>huge pang of depression sets in and i close the game, deleting it
>haven't played it since
Are you going to post this every few months?
i was a noob with a weathly friend so i had all the gear and no idea. literally gave someone my adamant plate for trimming Kek.
The internet was nuts before service pack 2.
>Look at a porno website.
>Next day all your D2 characters are cleaned out.
My friend had something done to him like this as a joke on WoW (like actually, nothing bad happened, it was a joke, but he got mad)
>he on skype talking to friend
>friend goes "hey dude download this"
>file called NotVirus.exe
>"oh haha very funny, what is this really"
>*chuckle*"just download it dude"
> "haha fine whatever" he does thinking the friend named it that for memes
>turns out it was a backdoor program
>the dude assumes control of his computer and mounts friend's character, flies up high into the air and dismounts, killing him
My friend actually got so mad he threatened to kill him,so i hear, but the dude quickly deactivated it and my friend just deleted the file
>Kingdoms server
>Have an enchanted flame sword
>No knowledge of trading house
>Drop sword for trade
>Player takes off
>Never see him again
My friend and I scammed a kid on Xbox Live and stole his gamerpoints from him because he thought we had a Jtag Xbox that could mod a MW2 lobby and get him 10th prestige and everything unlocked.
I remember playing Dead Rising while we were scamming him. I later on used those gamerpoints to change my gamertag kek. Kids are gullible as fuck.
it's the new iOS default filename. if you see that kind of pattern or IMG_xxxx it's a phoneposter and you should shame them.
I've seen so many awful fucking posts with them lately, this is good to know.
>selling coal
>put 500 noted coal into trade screen
>close out trade screen
>"oops my bad man"
>open trade again and put up 500 noted iron
>instant profit
Runescape taught me a lot about the real world at a young age
>2003 or 2004
>shopping in ch1 Varrock
>also wearing a set of castle wars armor
>about to leave when some random opens trade
>"hey can u dye my armour"
>don't want to refuse him when he's gone this far
>take the armor(mythril?)
>switch channels
>block him
>put on his armor and continue on my way
i still find it pretty impressive that kids in runescape literally scammed themselves