>still no international release dates
>japan only
>still no international release dates
>japan only
>game region locked servers
>only japs play this game in my region
EDF is the only game I can play with Russians and other mongs with out going bananas, you really dont need that much voice com or text com in this game.
>That one time a Russian splits off from the grp in a tunnel
Shit was cash.
is EDF insect Armageddon a good entry into this series, it's like less than $2 for the game + dlc and I was thinking about buying it for my friends
Literally any EDF is a good starting point into EDF
I'm pretty sure it'll get released, else they wouldn't have translated the trailers. Now what I really wish to know is if we're gonna get it on PC.
>the armor boxes don't come to you
>you have to manually pick them all up
Except Insect Armageddon.
That's pretty much the worst one.
could you elaborate why?
>pirate insect armaggedon becuause Sup Forums loves EDF
>its a piece of shit
>post many times how EDF is shit and Sup Forums has shit taste
>try out 4.1
>its one of the greatest video game experiences I've ever had
Am I just ass?
I played some 4.1 and it was pretty neat, but that was about it. Is it the multiplayer that makes it a blast? Was I choosing classes poorly?
I want to have a blast with it, but I feel like I failed :(
I guess I'll just pirate both and see whats up for myself
It's mainly a multiplayer game, did you solo the entire time or something?
I want to have passionate but ultimately meaningless sex with a Wing Diver!
Yeah, my buddy hadn't bought it yet, so I was test-driving to see if it was worth him buying it.
The early missions and starting weapons are pretty tame, and playing below Hard is mindlessly easy
It worked for me.
Multiplayer is best, also helps to put in a bit of time and unlock some fun weapons
you do know that the PS4 is not region locked?
Normal is actually pretty hard early on when you haven't unlocked enough good weapons.
i really want to play this game but i have no friends so im always dying solo. . .
Insect Armageddon is the first EDF game to introduce the new Fencer class and Air Raider class. People liked them so much they got added into EDF:2025 and EDF 4.1. The problem with the game is that its incredibly boring compared to the other EDF games.
IA has tighter gunplay and better controls, but 4.1 just goes totally nuts with the enemy counts and destruction, which is what EDF is all about. Also the enemy corpses. In basically every EDF game, including 4.1, when you level a city block full of ants, corpses and limbs go flying everywhere Buildings are collapsing, theres a huge fireball lighting up the whole city and your FPS tanks. Its amazing. In IA bodys vanish almost immediatley, because the devs tried to reduce FPS drops. So way less mayhem, destruction and explosions.
But since IA is like $1 right now, Id get it. Play it, and enjoy it for what it is, and then get 4.1 for the real EDF experience.
There's been an edf thread every night for the past few nights. Have they all been different people or are you just one very devoted user
>Join random lobby online
>communicate with gestures and yelling only
Chat-less communication is the best, even the chinks are tolerable like this
I'm not OP but it's on sale, I just bought it yesterday and I love it now
So is anyone playing IA or 4.1 online right now?
Well usually we'd get like an edf thread every week or so maybe. But it's been like 5 days straight now, so it's just a bit odd. Not that I'm complaining mind you, everyone should know about the joys of edf
I actually like IA's Hectors. They way they move really sells that they're robotic super soldiers very well.
Also they ought to bring back the mechanical variants of bugs as well.
5 is out in Japan and IA and 4.1 is on sale
I want to fuck that lizard
post songs
>Insect Armageddon is the first EDF game to introduce the new Fencer class and Air Raider class.
wrong, global defense force had a flying class.
>fencer and air raider
>flying class
I mean, have you seen that video of the fencer in 5? They're basically a faster, tankier flying class
edf 4.1 is my hidden gem of all time, so much fun destroying shit
what about this EDF youtube.com
oh fuck i was thinking of the wrong classes. my bad.
So I started up 4.1 for the first time in a while, and my controls were all fucked up.
pic related fixed it, if anyone else runs into issues.
The online servers are you numbdick, JPNservers are only for JPN players for this game.
Yeah I had that same thing happen to me after the fall creator update, it was weird
Daily reminder that Vegaltas are underrated.
>No western release until late 2018 at best
Did they fixed the autistic armor grund in 5?
Pickups are shared between classes now apparently
Your off classes will get a share of the armor and weapon crates you picked up, failing a mission will give you a percentage of the crates you managed to snag before dying and the Ranger apparently has an upgrade that gives you a goddamn massive box collecting radius, but other than that you still need to run after those boxes.
>sneaks up behind you
>one shots your vehicle
>need to get all the pickups as a slow as fuck fencer
have you seen edf 5 fencer? You haven't have you
Those were the only fixes I would give the game franchise as a whole.
I wish sandlot would remake zangeki no reginleiv.
It's so sad that game was forgotten on the wii.