What's the best way to come up with a gamertag?

One that doesn't sound completely trollish, associated with any sort of media or product and is mostly unique?

first two letters of your first name + middle two letters of your middle name + last two letters of your last name

Not him but it worked.

Zanion, sounds pretty cool.

Your name reversed and a little edit so it sounds cool

Take any edgy word and add multiple x and z and parentheses, replace letters with lookalike numbers when possible.

did a search in steam and came back with 8 other people with the same name...


shitsux mang

awesome. most of the time it makes a pretty cool name.

best part is it's likely not a real word so it's not taken by anyone else. it makes your name unique.

maybe try the reverse? like the first 2 of your last name and the last 2 of your first name. and leave the middle be.

or take 3 letters. you can get pretty creative with your own name.


or fojael


You pick a line in an extremely poorly received anime with a low budget, find synonyms for the nouns in said line and use that.

I use old film names

Best gamertags I ever saw were some broodwar players who used angry fruit names: PissedGrape PerturbedMelon, shit was nice.

color of your shirt + the first object you see to your left

People will think i'm flip

mythology; just choose something that's a bit obscure so it's unique.

on a slightly related topic why the fuck do people still have names like atv1995 or pepsi12 on Steam? there's literally nothing holding you back from having an ounce of creativity

black dildo



Rate me, i can't decide

What's even worse is psn every conceivable name is taken so you really are grasping at straws to come up with something.

Reminder if you put your birth year at the end of your name, you go to Hell before you die.

i think it's cool

Niack is cool too.

im curious, do they purge old usernames from inactive accounts? PSN has been around for a long ass time and i imagine theres quite a bit of good names that were taken on launch and never used again

cool beans

i just use my first name

Sounds like a noise a cat would make while throwing up. Pretty gud nam.


Don't bully Jerma

Nope. You can look up tags and there's ones that are registered and have 0 activity on the account since their creation.

sounds like a character from the elder scrolls game or a name you gave your wizard in a dnd session.

literally the only twitch streamer i watch, he's such a lovable guy

i wish i was kidding

Red bed



that's actually pretty neat. if your name was Tyler it would be perfect.


not sure

Daiki or Dabiki

Red Bed Redemption

sounds Japanese

good if you were a girl

or a girl(male)




>shit Jerma was taken
>well I was born in 1985
>guess its Jerma985

Jerma's a kind soul but his name is pleb tier.

I like trap myself but I aint a sissy boi myself

A bit better, but still..

what if I got two middle names?

Thanks anons, i will use it. may we run into each other online one day

>naked geisha

What if I have two middle names and double last name?

post that garbled mess of a username



Use the captcha.

These days it's pretty shitty and samey, but refresh and refresh until you find something new.

Roma Tapuias

that's actually pretty good, getting big fantasy vibes

hit 4-6 random keys then add vowels so it can be pronounced as a word.


Don't fucking spread my old secrets like this you faggot.

Although they weren't the middle two.

thats alot better than i expected

First thing I do is do a google search on it to make sure it's not the name of a terrorist or gay pornstar and then if it's good, i do a search on steam/psn to see if its already taken or if there's multiple users with the same one.

I actually used the WARendfeld character generator once, which generates Transformers characters in the vein of Echowarrior by mashing two words together.

>The newest WARendfeld character is Clawslaughter, a tapir/carp Fuzor with the head of a 41-year-old 19th century robber baron.

Alternatively, make up a kenning for something, which is kinda like this but more abstract and old-timey.

use it

It's like cancer but better.




I dig it.


sounds like a variation of Gordo!

sounds like


from a cash register

desu i got this from an user on Sup Forums many years ago and he used the middle two

Hello there, fellow Cajang!

that one's pretty good

>Pick any mythological creature from your country
>Change some letters to your liking

Wow so hard


Come the fuck on man.

bretty good imho

I like it


Sounds like an Italian porn star.


Sounds retarded, but plausible



Fucking kill me



Holy shit it actually spells nigger lmao



Holy shit what the fuck

That's a lot fucking better, but still not satysfying


Sounds cute



Sounds pretty dumb!

Just go with the usual xXxDarKVegeta420FalleNSephirothxXxDabMaster you 12 year old faggot

what if i put my sister's birth year?

use her bust size instead


wow it's shit

3 letters from your initials. Good enough for arcades good enough for you.

black kandinsky

>Now Google your name
>One of the pictures in the first row is now your avatar

Jeohon... I guess.

Don't know how to pronounce this shit but it look like some nordic shit