So after what was duke nukem forever ,is there a market for another duke or should this series remain dead?

so after what was duke nukem forever ,is there a market for another duke or should this series remain dead?

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We need a reboot where Duke is a PoC.

As with many nowadays "classic" IPs, there'd be demand, even pure NEED for more of that stuff. However, the AAA industry's capability to provide such unadulterated, pure oldschool expriences has been proven again and again to be literally zero.

After DNF and all the shit Queerbox put him through the Douk-brand is pretty much dead and victim of necrophilia by now.
As a character he's also irrelevant since he is a parody of things long gone by and never really grew out of that role and developed like say Serious Sam who started out as clinically retarded, having to add "serious" in every second sentence, but has gathered a surprising amount of characterisation and wit over the years.

Well allow me to ask this, If giving the chance how would you Reboot the franchise?

>As a character he's also irrelevant since he is a parody of things long gone

There's always the option of an Austin Powers style parody. That was really where I think Duke Nukem Forever went wrong, his character in 2010 really should have been universally mocked, not universally worshiped. That doesn't mean he can't be a hero anymore, just don't keep telling us he's really cool when he's really not.

That fucking faggots owns the rights.

You know the one. The "Bad Ass" Battleborne cunt.

Dukes dead. Get the Megaton Edition. Stay away from paying for the Atomic edition. Don't give them money now.

They would ruin Duke nowadays anyway as popular culture is all memes. It won't age the same as making movie quips.

Since 70s and 80s science fiction might be considered dated, are there any modern science fiction or action movie one liners and references duke could use?

>Austin Powers style parody
NOLF3 when?

Zero Punctuation's Yahtzee was actually approached by 3DR to write the script for the game which would've been more or less that but was turned down since it didn't fit the tone they wanted to go with.

>RIP Harambe *Duke dabs*

>Implying the story and characterization was what was wrong with DNF
Duke is fine, being worshipped the way he is is part of his character.

The problem with DNF was the gameplay being modernized in all the worst ways and the absolutely horrid load times.

>If giving the chance how would you Reboot the franchise?
Not him, but I'd make Douk do what he's best at: being a sexist asshole. If I had the money, I'd unironically make a game about how a SJW army from the future came to the past to conquer Earth and it would be up to Douk to stop them. Douk would get the opportunity to be the likeable sexist macho man asshole that he is and fight female soldiers with superior tech and their numale cannon fodder. The game would spark a huge controversy in the industry and that's what Douk is suited for best, IMO.

The Duke Nukem games never had great gameplay in the first place. That's not what they sold on.


build engine gameplay is great

things like Time to Kill weren't horrendous from a gameplay perspective, but they were only really held together by the charisma of Duke

>NOLF 3 never got released
>no re-releases or sequels because no one cares about it but wont give up its rights or some dumb shit

In randy's hands, yes.

If I remember correctly the problem was the insurance company that owns the rights was just asking for way too much money for it. Nobody wants to pay.

Duke 3D sold because it was sci-fi Doom with slightly better engine and had a titty bar in the second level.

The level design (at least in the first episode) made it good.

>duke is dead
>NOLF is dead
>timesplitters is dead
alll the good FPS are fucking dead

Build engine did cool stuff like allowing rooms over rooms that even the quake engine didn't allow

It was one of the many things that were wrong with it and some of it really showed how troubled and messy the development was.
Duke getting glorified left and right but nearly never reacting or talking to anybody was pretty damn similar to Half Life 2 because we know that Broussard had to throw in everything that was popular at the moment and a lot of the jokes and references Duke spat out were ridiculously outdated like his completely out of place "AMERICA FUCK YEAH!".
It almost felt like most of John's voice clips were already many years old and they never bothered to actually record more and fitting ones, with the call by the general and the president being one of the most obvious moments where Duke is completely dead-silent for the entire conversation.

DN3D was a great game, even without Duke's antics.

As another user mentioned, games like Time to Kill weren't bad in any respect, either.

DNF was a fucking mess, with the same regenerating health and two weapon limit that had already plagued the genre for years, forced driving and turret sections that controlled like ass, and again, those awful fucking load times.

There's literally nothing wrong with Duke as he is.

I want a Time To Kill 2 game, i.e. a 3rd person shooter that focuses on exploration and traversing difficult environments, not just shooting. Kind of like Tomb Rider with (more and bigger) guns.

>We don't want GOOD games we just want games that sell

Holy shit.

I'm pretty sure you're incorrect about quake not having rooms above rooms

>Build engine did cool stuff like allowing rooms over rooms that even the quake engine didn't allow

This is not even remotely true. The Quake engine COULD do this, properly. The build engine could not, they faked it with primitive "portal" tech.

I really wouldn't be suprised if they gave it to machinegames to work with

What? Are you crazy? Quake engine is lightyears ahead of Build engine and Build is a damn fine engine.

Isn't Doom a sci-fi?

More horror than science fiction

I dont want to give gearbox my money, so how do I get the megaton edition?

MachineGames is owned by Bethesda. That means licensing shenanigans between Zenimax and Gearbox. I doubt that would happen. I doubt they'd even be interested.

pirate it

where else do you get your video games for free user?

Not gonna lie, I'd buy it

>Ultra macho, beer-drinking, steroid-taking, one-line-spouting, buff action hero guy who sexually objectifies women and constantly shit-talks his opponents while reveling in his own hyper-masculinity

Do you really think that your average 2018 nu-gamer (to say nothing of the gaming """"""journalists""""") would appreciate Duke? It has nothing to do with demand... any older series can be rebooted and hyped for its "retro" appeal, but the culture is different now. Either the developers would have to tone down some of Duke's attitude, or the press would rip the game a new one

Duke Nukem is a meme setting, 3D was good because of the level design and tools. Today market doesn't want level design, so don't expect shit

I really think the backlash they would face would actually help boost the publicity of the game, but if the game is hot garbage i couldn't see it ever coming back

Serious Sam and Duke Nukem crossover when?

Duke - lara crossover when?

Ew, this image is so sexist.

Why is Duke gently cupping her boobs? Implying Douk wouldn't give em a good firm squeeze.

Duke is all about chauvinism, sexism and machismo and none of these things are liked by modern numales. The only way for an authentic Duke game to sell nowadays would be to make the game so offensive, that it would generate a huge SJW and politcorrectness related shitstorm so that people would buy it just to see what the fuck is going on.

> Gearbox
> responsible
Do your homework next time. It was primarily the lead designer who fucked everything up by wasting millions constantly trying to come up with all sorts of shit to add and constantly scrapping just about everything over and over again trying to push it on to new engines. Gearbox basically just salvaged what they could

If it were started today, it would probably end up decent. The iteration of DNF we saw was most based on the late 2000s, the absolute most cancerous time in history for FPS games. We were better off before and we're better off now.

Dukes new queen.

It's a reference to this famous photo.

So Johnny Bravo with guns? I could handle that

> Quake couldn't do room over rooms
Could you make it any nor obvious that you're underaged and probably weren't even born until a decade after Quake came out?
You're thinking of idtech 1 which was what Doom used

>When your marketing team is so incompetent they cancel your game

The absolute state of vidya

>"we cant market this game it has too much characters!!!"
>even tho they just made cortez the main character in the last game and marketed it that way

I think people are focusing faar to much on Duke's personality and how it'd screw with the game.

First off, who cares if some numale-landwhale somewhere can't sense humour? I certainly do not. They don't have to play the game, and I can have good laughs at Duke's expense for being what he is as I hopefully woud experience good gameplay ( which is what I'm looking for ).

Second, if his character is such a big deal of an issue, how about counter weight characters? Introduce some characters who will balance up Duke's shenanigans.

dont try to always make everything accessable to the widest and safest possible audience

There's nothing wrong with Duke, but Gearbox is a garbage hipster ironic humor studio and I don't want to see their own efforts on the franchise.

His attitude in 3d wasn't as sexist as people make it out to be, honestly. He made a few cheesy jokes and tipped a few strippers, so what?

A new game wouldn't be THAT hard to put some context to his personality, contrary to popular belief, you can be perv/ player and still be classy about it. Take the spy from TF2 for example.

It pissed me off how crass and creepy DNF Duke was, though.
The scene where his current "girlfriends" are about to die from aliens popping out of their guts while screaming for help and all he can do is make a joke about them having "sex" with alien impregnators.
The old Duke never made a single joke about the captured women, in their presence or otherwise.

>Introduce some characters who will balance up Duke's shenanigans.
Eh. I don't know about that. Duke Forever almost had a gay robot and that sounded pretty fuckin dumb. Duke isn't about story and character interaction anyways. The more cutscenes, the more it has missed what was great about 3D.

And if the pod women died in 3D, he sounded deeply upset about it.

>tfw no new Duke game that totally rips off D44M and all it's mechanics
>squeezing space titties while glory kicking aliens in the balls

I remember this ad.

Man, it's been a while...

>rips off D44M
hopefully it stays it own game and rips off nothing, hope we get the true duke nukem forever soon

Unfortunately game design is still a business. Can't feed your family on game awards and Sup Forums praise.

That said, they really should factor critical success and nostalgia of a well received series.

>stays it own game
>duke nukem

This. Duke Forever was trash because George Brussard kept seeing new game elements in the competition and kept sending them back to the drawing board. Unoriginality prevented us from getting the 2001 game that actually looked fun.

Your mean the captured women sprites?

That was the players choice, not technically Dukes to kill them.

Plus they could actually be saved in the 64 version.

I'm talking about the voice clip if you kill them. Duke is not happy. That is the most upset you hear him throughout the games.

I guess I'm a pussy then... I don't remember that voice clip because I never intentionally killed any of them.

It's pointless to do it anyways, unless you want a few more enemies to kill. I prefer the N64 approach where they become a collectible instead.

And Broussard surely was also responsible for the World Tour cashgrab or the poorly done and pointless inclusion in Bulletstorm.

Ah missed 90's crossover potential.

>his character in 2010 really should have been universally mocked, not universally worshiped.
Nah. Duke being worshiped is intrinsic to his character. Lo Wang did the opposite approach where everyone hates him and damages his ego. Seems kinda preachy to try to turn Duke around and make it seem like his antics aren't welcome in present day. Duke Forever did get kind of insufferable with that long intro though. Duke's awesomeness only needs to be communicated in the adulations of the babes or EDF soldiers he meets, or the end game celebration where "everyone loves the guy who saved the world."

I don't know how I feel about Duke killing human women, SJW's or not. Make them an army of robot women produced en-masse for their cause or something and I'm sold.

>should this series remain dead?

This moronic fucker owns Duke Nukem. Unless some worthwhile dev buys it from Gearbox, it's a dead franchise. I don't expect Randy to properly make a Duke Nukem game without completely bastardizing the character. DNF was that 'bad' it just was mediocre and it had nothing to do with "the hype" but rather because it was a mixture of leftover ideas rushed and stitched together in no cohesive manner.

It shouldn't be dead. Duke is too good a character to abandon.

let it rot in peace

Thanks to recent resurrection of Shadow Warrior and Doom, resurrection of Duke would not be that far off.
But then again fucking Gearbox of all things owns him

>You a bigot or something?
I can't believe someone this fucking lame had a hand in Duke 3D.

Duke is owned by Gearbox. He's basically dead even though he's technically alive. He's in purgatory.

You mean the characterized version of Duke doesn't feel like someone projecting to you? Duke is Randy's fursona.

They really need a good witty writer to write quips and the story though. DNF felt odd to say the least. Many of the things Duke said were painfully obvious old soundclips they made back in 1999-2001 of movies that didn't age well compared to 80's action movies. I don't think many remember Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon like they do with Terminator, Commando, They Live, Aliens, Star Trek ect. On top of this, the references weren't as subtle as many of the ones encountered in Duke Nukem 3D. You also had references of fucking internet humor from the early 2000's that were clearly written in by George Broussard since he had an addiction to games like World of Warcraft.

He was a level designer. Same with CliffyB for Unreal. Twitter is the shittiest thing made by man. Would you be surprised if a really good movie you like had some pretentious uber progressive hollywood celeb in it? Probably not.

The Don Hertzfeldt reference where someone randomly yelled "my anus is bleeding!" was probably the most baffling thing in the entire game.
There was no build-up, no punchline, nothing.

>He was a level designer

and only for episode 4

Duke's comment about the Master Chief power armor was incredibly cringe, plus super ironic because he had regen health anyway and couldn't even take many bullets.

You bite your tongue. Duke's 90's awesomeness was not an invention of Randy. He just tried to take it for himself after the fact to make up for his own castration.

What levels did he even do in The Birth?

He did "It's Impossible," I know that much.

I really want a Switch port lol

Duke 3D Megaton was my most played game on my Vita

Naw, i think Duke should have went the Serious Sam 3 route.
Literally every one thinks he is retarded, but he still can destroy a alien flagship by himself, so they roll with it.

Gearbox killed Megaton Edition so their Duke 3D World Tour version could replace it.

It's Impossible, The Queen and Area 51 and apparently slapped his name onto the Levelord map Pigsty after he left.

He kills the brainwashed man and fuck the swj woman, converting them to his side.

Apparently E4M1, 10 and 11.

This thread is really making me want to replay the original episodes in EDuke. Wonder if someone's ported the new episode from World Tour into it yet.

No the reboot would be a black female dukett with an afro and she kills all the white male pigs, you have to rescue LGBTQ from evil white nazi aliens and return them to the safe space.

Duke is about good shootan and cheesy one liners. He's not sexist and I want a new game to make up for Forever being garbage. It's doubtful to happen because of muh sexism.

And that Gearbox owns the IP.