what game has the best writing?
What game has the best writing?
Games shouldn't have writing you fucking retard. Games are games not books or movies. Games are supposed to be pure gameplay with no dialogue. Dialogues kill the fun. That's why mario is one of the best and most fun games of all time.
Books apart from non-fiction are purely entertainment.
> role playing games shouldn't have writting
are journals entertainment?
EA is looking for interns. You qualify just fine.
Good bait maybe?
Some point & click in all likelihood. Azrael's Tear's narrative is interesting but I think the actual lines are mostly saved by the voice acting.
Planescape didn't have that great writing overall, it's mostly lifting bits from other works and generic RPG dialogue. The interesting stuff is the setting.
the witcher 3
>remaster looks worse than the original
what did they mean by this?
Choose 1, that doll is adorable.
I didn't think Sup Forums was still capable of satire this good
I guess you die if you do anything than put it away?
Fucking retard. You are a disgrace to your family.
Primordia has good writing.
This, but unironically.
Fuck off dunkey.
Ultima 7 was written by literal playwrights.
Nier Automata, hands down, has the BEST writing for a VIDEO GAME. Any other games that claim to have "great writing" are simply mediocre "should've been" books in disguise.
redpill me on the missing content of planescape
First time you get sent to a maze, second time you die
>dude what if robots and androids hated each other lmao
chess is pure gameplay and i bet you are terrible at it
you need to change "pure gameplay" with "mindless childish fun" and your views would be internally consistent at least