Xenoblade 2 Censorship in West


Seems like a lot of atuff was changed...again

B-B-But there was a dick joke! That means it wasn't censored!!!

Is there a non-censored english version/patch/mod of the former game somewhere?

>Game gets shilled nonstop for 3 weeks
>Thread about censorship appears
>None of the shills step in


Wouldn't the shills be defending it hardcore then though? That kind of logic doesn't really add up.

Because they only care about waifus.

what do you mean dog mode was censorship

>game is literally just Ar Tonelico Qoga with slightly higher production values.

The big narrative XC2 shills were pushing was the only people who didn't like it were SJWs triggered by anime titty.

Now that we know their anime titty game got censored, they're nowhere to be found.

People were moaning about the bad localization in every thread, so this is not news

Only in murrica. EU countries basicly use a 1:1 japanese script. Why do they always feel the need to completely change conversations in english

It fucking doesn't. EU and US version are the same

>name changes REEEEEEEE
The state of "Censored" Gaming.

No anime titty was censored though.
Though some of those changes just seem stupid, like why make up a new month if September was what was originally said? Silly Euros.

How is it censorship if I can listen to the original script in the game?

No, many nip games including this or square games for examples use different scripts.
In the german translation for XB2 for example they actually talk about the breasts and selling her body etc.
Only in english they pussy out it's always the same shit, same with Final Fantasy

Does it change the text too?

It fucking doesn't. I played the EU version.

Did you play the german version though nigger

Lmao. Enjoy your censored game, EOP cucks.

Nvm, didn't realize you were talking about non-english script. Didn't even know those were available.

>They couldn't keep religious themes
>X allowed you to be an atheist and slam religion

The absolute state of XC2cucks

Like every Xeno game?

Really reaching for controversies

Damage control incoming.


>Nintendo: Okay we wont do it this time

>nothing censored except for some name

Fuck off you retarded monkeys.


>Hana JS
>Hana JK
>Hana JD

oh you crazy japs

Fucking subtitles. They exist.

Well september is just 九月 or literally "ninth month".

Sure september is derived from 'seventh month' of the Roman calendar, but that's not what it means nowadays. I can understand why they'd change it.

I mean't, I din't even know they bothered translating the script to non-english.

They also censored lewd dialogue for waifushit scenes, which was this game's target audience.

This is what I hate about Nu-FE, they sacrifice so much for the dating sim aspects, only to be censored in America.

>watches video expecting massive censorship
>some dialogue lines were slightly changed

Not to be the guy that points at someone else to make his point, but you know that every single game that gets locailzed from Japan has some kind of changes to its lines, we should be complaining about every single game ever made in Japan...

There are religious themes in the game though. Specially the later half of the game

>strongly hinted at gay character gets rewritten to just want to have a tea party with girls


>P-pls give our dog shit videos some views we need some youtube money
lmao no, nothing got censored. Name changes are not censorship you fucking retards.

See pic related right here? This is all I give a shit about and it's completely unchanged.

I didn't even watch your video btw kek

I feel like even NoA would have actually kept that in.

is that a pussy indent I see?

So the only real "censorship" is that the Otakupon is less perverted in the english version. But only a bit.

Seems like a biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig change.

She states in a sidequest that she prefer women over men. Nothing was changed there

You know what is also unchanged? The fact that they deny you that body if you ever want to use her as an actual character and force you to stare at the shit ass frumpy jumpsuit instead.

>I didn't even watch your video btw kek

EOPs in a nutshell.

>Royal Tea Party
>Sheba sits in her bathtub to attack in tandem with her watery lover
Still gay.

this doesn't even cover everything. People forget that treehouse has a new censorship protocol. They are involved with the development of the game, in japan, to avoid the scandal that was XBX and fatal frame. From now on, if anything needs to be visually changed or censored, the japanese version is gimped as well so there are no apparent differences between versions so as to not cause an uproar.

This has already taken affect with XB2 with the removal of all blood. The scene in the beginning where jin impales rex, after jin pulls his sword out he does a swiping motion with his blade. This is a telltale motion for wiping blood off of your sword. The animation was kept, but there was no blood on the sword. Same goes for when the gormotti man attempts to become a driver and "explodes" in "blood". Rex even makes a comment on how there was so much blood, but again, there isn't any blood. It was just a very small poof of light blue gas that came out.

It's still obvious that she prefers women.

This. Sage.

So that is it? I expected something the likes of #FE or XCX. Looks like some idiots will eat this up anyway

Treehouse had little, if anything to do with XB2 and most of the staff have been quietly fired. Former employees can be found at various meninist web outlets bitching about how gross Japan is to this day.

>not liking amathatober

If it's the same in all versions then it's not cwnsorship, unless you want to call all changes made to any game in development censorship.


don't forget that the onsen scene was very clearly censored with that fake ass looking "fog" effect covering their breasts. It was definitely more revealing initially but was covered up after the fact.

Yeah no. The fog is classic anime shit.

They don't want you using anyone other than Rex anyway.

>japanese porn isn't censored because the censorship exists right from the very beginning! That was the directors intention!

this is what you sound like

just because all versions are the same doesn't mean it wasn't censored in house right from the get go you stupid goy

you need to watch more anime if you think that fog was added in by noe

but you can't prove that it was censored at all.

>Said there were so many dialogue changes he couldn't go into them all
>I-It wasn't that much guys!

I'll wait for the uncensored patch.

Oh no, they changed "moe" to "blushy-crushy," faffed about with the names, and changed a few ecchi jokes because they got triggered.

This is an outrage and I for one will be marching on NoA demanding a fixed version - is what I would say if I was the biggest sperg on the planet.

Being a weeb I have enough of a passive understanding of japanese that I can tell what they're saying anyway. Git gud.

Posting best blade

>jews fear the samurai
>let me use all these jew memes
Nigger you aren't even trying

That's a retarded analogy and you know it, japanese porn is censored because that's the law there.

>b.b.but I hate a POPULAR game I must be RIGHT
fuck off, retard.

t. cuckold

Woah censorship, I just realized I didn't actually enjoy the game!

region free.
but bitches gonna bitch

Xenoblade 2 was not translated by Treehouse.

Xenoblade 2 was translated by NoE

Oops you're retarded



Something is wrong when anime fansubbers can do better job than professional publishers.

Shouldve censored the whole game cause it sucks lmao

Based Nu-tendo killing this clickbait channel.

NoA said they were working with the devs to ensure there were no problematic elements for the dual release.


>plays japanese videos in english
What a casual

In many european subtitles it's still moe.

NoE aren't anime fans, so it's to be expected.

They want the game to have a wider audience then the niche it was made for.

are you mentally retarded? Being a law is irrelevant. If that is the only way it is viewable, does that mean it is censored?

Yes, it does, because it is censored. It doesn't matter if that is the only possible way to view said media. There does not need to exist a "censored" and an "uncensored" version for one to be called censored.

It is clear that XB2 was censored of all blood in the game. There are animations and dialogue that directly acknowledge visual depictions of blood that simply aren't there. It was removed. It was censored.

>switch exclusive
>not popular

get a load of this stupid nigger

>Learning a dead language

You forgot something.

>Worst selling switch exclusive

No, user, they changed "moe" to "blushy-crushy!" Those fucking ((((jewish)))) cucks hate our freedoms to masturbate and took away the BEST parts of Xenoblade!

Also any time the models not having nipples or a vag gets barely covered up by fog like in every anime to ever exist IT WAS REALLY NINTENDO TREEHOUSE BREAKING INTO THE JAP DEV OFFICES AND CENSORING THE GAME EVEN THOUGH THEY HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH XENOBLADE IT'S A FUCKING OUTRAGE

Hang on, let me go find a random Nintendo employee on twitter, mine their feed for anything even remotely disparaging to nerds, and then make a huge MSpaint collage accusing them of everything from communism to pedophilia

well they didn't do a very good job since pretty much all the female characters are "problematic" besides Meleph

It's because the pros aren't fans at all most of the time, in fact many of them explicitly hate it and go into the business to change shit they don't like.


Not really. If you know the other Xenoblade games there never was blood rendered, same goes for actually eating the food. It's too much effort for minor things for them.

Shulk gets fucking shot through the heart and even touches the wound looking at his hand like it would be covered with blood, but there is no wound nor blood.
And the game wasn't even supposed to be released ouside Japan first.

The characters are still the fucking same as the original version though. Sheba is still a fullblown lesbian in the game.

sup reddit

>If you know the other Xenoblade games
Why would you assume some faggot 12 year old from Sup Forums even plays video games

Their game of choice is called "internet outrage"


have you only played the xenoblade games you fucking child?

Xenosaga was censored to fucking hell and back when it came to blood. Takahashi always tries to include it but it always gets censored out.

No one gives a flying fuck about bongland

This is a burger board

Right, sometimes I forget people here are just a bunch of faggots, fuckwits and Misgeburten.


Wait, so America and Yurop have different scripts?

Definitely could tell that they changed the context of some characters back stories and dialog. Doesn't stop the game from being a nonstop weeaboo cringe-fest

What a pointless thread. Pretty much everything is intact but not overblown like the japanese release qmqnd people complaining about the greek names in the comments it's fucking hilarious since one of the most important characters name us in greek

Have you payed your 10$ Sup Forums pass, americuck? Ajit Pay will cleanse this board soon enough of burgers.

how dare customers want a superior translation

Ironic weebs going full autism in the thread

Nothing was really changed in terms of backstories