PS4 buy or not

I am wondering about buying ps4, feel free to join the rant.

As for me I have NES, SNES,N64, PS1, PS2, PS3.

>Why not Switch or Xbox?
Never liked Halo, not interested in paying more for handheld feature, that I won't ever use because I drive a car to job anyway. Tried out Switch controllers in the mall, they kinda suck compared to regular ones. I was just thinking about throwing them out of the window and grabbing some xbox or sony controller to play that mario galaxy on the supermarket display.

I'm kinda on the fence with this one, despite 3(?) years into the market:

1. I already have access to Persona games.
2. Already played those remastered games.
3. I have no interest in Virtual reality or whatever it is called right now.
4. Lots of series that I played splitscreen coop seemed to have dissapeared... or lack of local play Where is FEAR, Resistance, Twisted Metal, Killzone? Resident evil turned to
5. None of my friends own PS4(obviously, wouldn't make this thread then).

What perks of PS4 would I have?

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OP I own an Xbone because that’s what my friends all play on. I got a PS4 for cheap a while ago to play Bloodborne and some of the remasters I never played like Crash and SoTC. Personally though if I had to have bought one console it would’ve been a PS4. Much better exclusives

> if I had to have bought one console it would’ve been a PS4. Much better exclusives
What are those user?
>Crash and SoTC
already have those on older consoles

What if I do a master trick, and wait for PS5? It will be remastered anyway, so why buy console for one game. Everything is remastered nowadays. Well, mass effects weren't...

The slim models are dirt cheap, go for it Not him but, the ones i liked the most this year were persona 5, yakuza 0, Gravity Rush 2 and Horizon

Thx user. I already have Persona5. Buying a console for the remaining 3 seems like a stretch. Horizon seems like a bland Witcher 3 and Yakuza seems like god of war type of gameplay, that I don't like.

>wait for PS5?
You could certainly wait indefinitely if you want. But you asked about right now, and right now Bloodborne is only on PS4.

Hmm yeah but only bloodborne ?Really?

Pretty much, yeah. Unless you're really into weeb games.

No idea about the PS4, but a Wii would be a good "investment" in that case.

A lot of games that you never had the opportunity to play (including Gamecube), trivial to make region-free, and, if you feel inclined to, piracy is an option.
Although I wonder what the second-hand market for that thing is like. The percentage of unhacked Wiis is probably minuscule.

Switch shouldn’t be considered a primary option imo. You get a Switch if you already have a good PC. If you don’t, get a PS4. I have all three and PS4 is just collecting dust after I finished Bloodborne for 20th time, but if I didn’t have a PC I imagine I’d play it more.

The Yakuza series
Access to majority of the RE series (but, the PS3 is better as an early model can play Gun Survivor 4 and Outbreak)
Being able to play the Danganronpa series
Access to new titles
The Gravity Rush games
About all I can think of right now.
Also, splitscreen coop kind of died for no real reason this gen.

Never paid much attention to the PS4, but is that Bloodborne shit actually real?
I mean, was there literally nothing else to play for the first year(s)?
Seemed like a stupid meme to me, so I never looked into those threads.

No idea, I picked up PS4 only recently. Apart from Bloodborne nothing interests me on PS4 due to PC and I’m not into Japanese (anime and stuff) games. I can barely tolerate Zelda, let alone others. This depends on your personal tastes ofc.

well it came out in November 2013, so the first year would include 2014 games listed below:

yeah wait years for a ps5 and then years more if ever for a remaster like me with gta san andreas

You would have to wait for 3 years to play it.
Besides there are other games only on PS4. Look them up.

Well, nothing that would make me go "Fuck, I need a PS4.", but it looks decent enough.

The sad thing is that the cringey autists spamming about nintendo with pictures of "soyboys" are hideously ugly people inside and out. I would not want to see what that person looks like.

Think about that.

Just get one off Gumtree for like 140

just get a PC

If you can't think of 5 PS4 exclusives that interest you, put that money into your PC instead.
Personally I bought a PS4 just for Bloodborne because I'm an autistic Souls fan and had to play them all, but every other game on the system is available on PC, where it's cheaper and vastly superior.