Why are hispanic/latinos the absolute worst people to play online with?
Why are hispanic/latinos the absolute worst people to play online with?
They never do their own thing and always try to take someone elses job
I don't like it when they swarm a game or English speaking server, but other than that I don't care.
Russians on the other hand, I refuse to play with them.
Because you can hear their fucking sister's Quinceañera through their mic, with the added bonus of babies screeching. Just fucking turn on push to talk
What annoys me the most is how they always have their mic on and yiu can listen their family and their shitty music
>north american problems
Try being a nordic and playing with italians and french. they will not accept english as the common language and spam the chat with their gibberish language.
i'm a spic and i agree
there's nothing worse than playing with latin americans or brazilians
better than playing with middle easterns in european servers
Their house only has one room so you have to listen to their entire family screaming in the mic along with them.
c mamut :'v
What's wrong with russians?
They're the spics of Eurasia.
matate. hijo de una gran puta.
Get out pls
They cheat for the most part, swarm a server and kick everyone they don't like, jack your account and hack your computer.
Simply better to not play with them at all.
I'm Hispanic but same as you. Whenever I see someone with a stupid Spanish name like XxDiosdelaguerraxX I know we're going to lose. Remember back in the day when I saw a Mage in Wow with Strengh enchants or how they don't follow instructions because they don't fucking understand them.
qe malos xdio
don't worry my pals
i think i contracted cancer as soon as i typed those words so i'm not long for this world
Autistas should be hanged; all spic countries woyld be better without them
para jugar
argentinos > peruanos >> venezolanos >>> chilenos >>>>>> brazucas
t. uruguasho
>be spanish
>play online game
>have to deal with retarded americans
>have to deal with annoying britfags
>have to deal with sudacas
>have to deal with french faggots
>have to deal with stupid italians
>have to deal with 400ping ununderstandable russians
>have to deal with underage spaniards that makes me nuke my country
>have to deal with almost the rest of the world which is fucking retarded
there are few nice people
be respectful or kill yourself
Why did you place peruvians so high?
>makes me want to nuke my own country*
the quick rant made me forget words
gracias provincia
>not understanding muscle wizards
because I've played with a lot of them. they're decent people and I CAN understand what they're saying
>play with americans
>memes and ""funny"" voices
>play with spics
>don't even bother talking english and either just go solo, or team up and spam the chat with spicspeak
>play with Germans or Koreans
>play with australians
>even more memes and """funny""" voices
>play with japs
>actually try to help and speak the little english they can
>play with chinese
>they complain that other people than chinese are playing the game made in the west
>play with ruskies
>russian everywhere and the only english words are insults
>play with ukraines
>absolute bros
where are you from
Most of the times I've played with Hispanics it's been pure hemorrhoids. I can smell their negro breath on my face. Disgusting. And this comes from a Hispanic, so...
>not the frenchs
say gl hf at the start
>latinos: gl hf
>br: gl hf
>russians: gl hf
>americans: gl hf
>UK: gl hf
>italians: gl hf
>germans: gl hf
>canadians: gl hf
>asians: gl hf
Oh yeah I forgot about them. Rudest people all around.
yeah I don't know what's wrong with french people, they're fucking weird.
they'll mix french with english even if they know no one but them understands french. And a frenchman that speaks good english is rare
>play with americans
>memes and ""funny"" voices
>play with australians
>even more memes and """funny""" voices
american here having friends in aus is great just because they are like us, even stay up to play with them.
Canadians can fuck off though, they are always shit or never shut the fuck up.
you don't want me to shit on your country huh britbong
i didn't mind south americans until a group of "friends" that i used to play with started begging me not only for skins, but for irl money too. they were pretty cool/funny before that, but FUCK that. also, the open air market mics and the nino ratas... they deserve a lot of their hate lol
They fucking ruined gears 4
>anything worse than gr*eks
Oh yeah, I forgot about Canadian's as well. Terrible experience, since they try so hard to be americans. You can smell the leaf insecurity everytime you play with them.
Puto argentino
at least im white :DDDD
are you fucking kidding me
you people and the dutch are the worst
get more than one swede/dutch on the same server and they won't stop spamming in their meme language for HOURS
at least the french and the italians have an excuse, they come from shitty countries where no one speaks english, you faggots know english and intentionally refuse to speak it just to be cunts
They are barely human, they will blame every bad thing in their country on someone else, they think the US is behind their country being the violent corrupt shithole it is.
So instead of working towards having a better country they will play videogames or take daily 20 hour siestas and will get angry at anyone else while playing vidya online
Your dad wanted you to be normal and play football with the lads and you spend your afternoon erping you big fruity
don't give a fuck about what my dad wanted
maybe he should've used a condom
Sorry miguelito, the Falklands are british not fagertinian
>play overshit
>use moira
>gold on both elims and healing
Well you’re not wrong
>tfw Canadian
>can't argue against it cause I know its true
Why are other Canadians such passive-aggresive wieners!?
Really tho
No matter what part of the world you're playing in and the people you play with are from, it's always underage rats who ruin online gaming. As long as you're playing with mature people you'll always be in for a nice session.
>t. Spic
Love ya all.
it's cool, enjoy those rocks
This literally reads like a description of disenfranchised white guys in the US.
>they think the US is behind their country being the violent corrupt shithole it is.
but they are
Who's worse Russians or South Americans?
I can only speak about russians but they are pretty much the scum of the earth. Wish they fucked off from EU servers
Of course Juan, nothing is your fault, everyone knows the US is behind your excrement scented people being lazy fucks
Much like america you guys suffer from your coasters being faggots and giving the rest of you a bad name.
For me i just want to avoid any subhuman from California
>tfw br
>tfw 90% of other brs I find in american servers are underage and can't speak english at all
>they either act like pissy kids or just try to shit up the game because "le zuera XDD"
>there was that one time I found a 12 years old on a PvP fighting game and he decided to follow me around because I could speak english
>he'd only use the most broken characters and spam everyone to death and be like "lol skrub git gud XD"
>until I used a spammy character myself and perfected his ass 4 times in a row
>then he went apeshit on the chat and blocked me
>He hasn't met russians yet
>he hasn't met BRs yet
>he hasn't met germans yet (the ones who don't speak english) some of them are cool
no worse blind man than the one who doesn't want to see
South Americans>Russians>French
Meeting fellow kinsmen online as a nordic or dutch is rare, so we like to talk with them in our own language. Also are you some imperialistic dick or something? That you can't tolerate foreign languages in a european server
>instalĺ ESO
>finish tutorial island
>get to the first major zone
>five messages in Cyrillic by five different """"people"""" in under a minute
>uninstall ESO
Those are "chairos" or "rojos", the latino version of a leftie
>he thinks there are good spics and bad spics
Sorry Jose, all of your people are excrement
Jaja lol tu mama :v
>join an international server where everyone speaks English
>run into a countryman
>can either speak with him in English when talking in public so no one else is left out or send him private messages in your own language
>decide to be a cunt and speak your own language in public channel knowing full well that no one else can understand you and that you both know English anyways
>other people think you're a cunt for acting like a cunt
and no, English isn't my native language either
Your native language is CREEEEEE
>play with ruskies
>russian everywhere and the only english words are insults
>play with ukraines
>absolute bros
I wonder who's behind this post. I'll fix this for you, they're literally the same.
your highly isolated garbage data is just a little bit biased, don't you think?
i guess i should be thankful for not having a president thats not a walking meme/stereotype
im also pretty happy that school shootings, corrupt police(not as much atleast), swatting, sjws, dead net neutrality,etc arent a thing in my country
why is usa specifically 1st world again? they really differ from the rest in a lot of ways
Get fucked you wine dipped baguet, it's a very well known meme in EU that you people refuse to speak english on principle because the italians lost WWII and the french had to be helped so you have self-esteem problems or summin. us nordics have absolutely no bias towards english. end of.
Bongs are good but they get tilted WAAYY to easy
>constant spam of nigger, faggot, fuck you, cunt, cuck, etc
>constant spam of suka, pizdez, govnuk, idi nahui
>constant spam of gibberish
>etc etc
>hue hue hue
All nationalities suck, it doesn't really matter.
I remember playing S4 League on the gold days and have the spanish server full of latinos who said that the spanish, portuguese server were theirs
Have to create rooms with ''only spanish people'' on the name to don't play with people with 300ms
Later they added flags that appeared on your name but removed them because people were being racist, creating rooms saying only spanish people were baneable too
In the end the spanish people were forced to leave the server and play with germans
They went full Cristobal Colon on us
I will always hate latinamericans
I said "they", not "we". I come from an irrelevant third world shithole you never even heard from, much less encountered online.
>0 results
fuck these guys
Totally sounds like something a spaniard thinks while playing online.
>t. Another Spaniard
I'm Dutch and I speak English in an online game if I meet a feel Dutchman. Fuck off, if you both know English and other people on the team don't know the other language, stick to the common language and don't be a cunt.
you don't come from spainards. you come from wild savages.
i'm not american, i don't care whether i'm 1/64 italian or not
Nope. Russians are far worse.
>chile is brown haired
Well memed
Why you keep making this threads?
Did Juan took your lunch money again?
I'm not OP but you don't deserve any kind of real reply with an abysmal grasp of the English language like you're displaying in this post. Learn to construct actual sentences before posting.
No he took my lawn money.
You're a nigger too. fucking uncle tombien.
>being this butthurt
>Cucked by niggers
>Jewed by kikes
>Jobscrewed by beaners
Stop playing f2p games.
This is true.
Believe me lad, it's worse when you can understand them
This. Exactly the type of white retard that blames spics or nigs for not having a job. Meanwhile the real problem is being an uneducated dim wit who thinks the coal industry will last forever.
>nordcucks intentionally refuse to support their own language
Sweden is being Sweden.
Everyone's fucking annoying.
As a scotsman, I can tell you playing with englishmen is a fucking nightmare, and amerimutts will just be like "oh wow man that accent is so cool"