There are no perfect ga-

>There are no perfect ga-

>gaming has sucked since 19-

i fucking love bloodborne

this is an excellent game.
>generic temple puzzle simulator is a good game
nice meme

Switch has BotW and Odyssey
PS4 has Bloodborne and Horizon
Xbone has ????

Cuphead and Sunset overdrive

still cant find a game that comes even close to bloodborne in quality

My favourite game right there.

>Alternate universe follow up to Demon's Souls where gameplay and level design refinements from Dark Souls never happened

One of the best game of the gen, but far from perfect

>fuck you, the heal system was a step back
>chalice dungeons
>you get the best weapon at the begining of the game and terrible weapons placement
>meme stats (but to be fair, every FROM game has those)

This game was incredibly disappointing. Almost as bad as DaS3

It's just Dark Souls 2015.

>Sunset Overdrive




I don't mind games running at 30 fps. I find it perfectly playable in most cases. But saying 30 is better then 60 makes you objectively stupid. The only way 30 is ever better then 60 is if the game logic is tied to framerate and making the game run at more then 30 makes the game go crazy. But that's just poor form on the part of developers and I think most devs don't to this anymore.


That feel when Bloodborne is the only game I've beaten 3 times and never got bored.

Blood vials are objectively worse than Estus flasks.

Really? It runs pretty shit. Its not that hard user.

Blood vials suck. In darksouls if you died ,so what, you learned from your mistakes and lost nothing. With bloodborne if I die to a boss I've now got to go spend 5 minutes farming bloodvials and quicksilver bullets before I can try again