Weekly Hardware Chart 2nd December 2017

It's over, Xbox X Won


>switch this low on holidays
at this rate it wont make it past 10m

How come the console with the best hardware, cheapest price and most games sells most????

Reminder sonygroids can't refute this

>Games xgods buy and play over the yearly cod rehash
>Pubg, that's it
>Games sonybros buy and play (not the indieshit they shill constantly) over the yearly cod rehash

pii u 2.0 in a single year lmao


Because it's a sportsgame and CoD machine.

should ve go with that instead of mario

Sounds better than a BING BING machine.


How the fuck is the PS4 still selling this well, who is there left to buy one?

Because all its games are either available for PC or simply shit.
Nintendo consoles might not be all out on multiplats, but at least you get access to good first party games that you won't find anywhere else.

xbones numbers in N america are surprisingly healthy this season

Am I retarded, or do people ignore the fact these numbers have PS4 crushing the competition like always.

Even the Switch is more of a global success then memesoft.

Pretty sure Mario has been on every Nintendo since time began.

Normie retards.

If only japan wasn't a bunch of racist pigs Xbox One would dominate another generation.
Fuck japan and fuck europe.

>people are still buying a wiiu

Horizon was one the best selling PS4 games last year. Wonder what PC.ucks were playing.

Reminder that the only numbers that developers care about it is how many games they sell.
Doesn't matter that your console has sold over 70m if your exclusives only sell 3.5m copies (Horizon Zero Sales).

Even if Japan and Europe bought it, it still wouldn't beat the PS4 in burgerland.

>Horizon was one the best selling PS4 games last year.

The BEST SELLING game on a platform of 70m people only sold 3.5m copies? Multiple Switch games have outsold HZD and there are only ~10m Switch owners.

Why don't PS4 owners buy games?

No you aren't, they just in total damage control. This is almost PS2 level of dominance.

There are unironically people still buying xbox 360 ps3 and xbox one

Horizon was literally the only western AAA exclusive Sony had last year and even then Horizon is casual garbage compared to other games that get completely ignored.

poorfags and Brazilians, probably

Are you retarded my man?

At least the PS3 is probably dirt cheap, and you can play games on it that you can't on PS4

>not AAA

Are you?

What do you think "AAA" means? If it's anything other than budget, then you're wrong

Is this the hourly "pretend vgchartz is anything other than purely made up numbers" thread?

>4mln by now

Must be troll. Fucking Nioh on PC couldn't even reach 25% of that.

weak bait

Xenoblade X and Smash 4 are fun.

Because it's literally who tier.

Pubg has sold over 25 million with not a single sale, no advertising and no one can run it.

That's because chinks are fucking stupid. Based user > Smelly Chinks

Ignore every chunk and it's still about 15 million. Accept it.

It's better than any game on PC. No wonder that outsold them easily.
>Multiple Switch games have outsold HZD
>Why don't PS4 owners buy games?
You what? They buy MOST games.

Doom was considered a big success, and sold about 4 million. Let's count the install base.

70 million + 30 million + 150 million = 250 million

That's 0.016% of the install base. By your logic, the game failed and the people who made the game are wrong.

I brought a PS3 6 month ago for P5, vesperia.

Still see Zero fucking reason to own a PS4.

I already have a switch also.

This. I'll wait for NPD.

Sony just the best nigga

>He doesn't know

Yeah because they've thrown Xboxes out for $150

I can bet you bought worse performing multiplats on switch than you could have on ps4 which costs $100 less. And if you wanted versperia and p5, there are more games you would be playing on ps4.

Cool blog user. Where can I subscribe?

Zelda sold pretty much the same.

how's Sonic Forces?

Like what?

What multiplat? I have SMO/BOTW/XC2.

please shut the fuck up.

I can't imagine playing a relatively fast paced FPS like Titanfall on a controller. Is it any good? Are there people playing?

In that case, PUBG is the game of the generation if you take into account the following:

>Sup Forums says PC gaming is dead, and maybe one million gaming comps exist at best
>pubg sold at least 10 million units
>therefore it has a 1000% attachrate

It even beats Zelda's 100% attach rate.

I fucking love how Nintendo shills try to spin it all into a versus fight between Horizon and Zelda. It's like the last thing they got is compare their one Switch game to just one of hundreds of PS4 games.

>what multiplats?
>I have BOTW


pick one

Why are Nintendo shills using the sales of a multiplat game (BoTW) against an exclusive?

If you want to measure multiplats, compare BoTW to GTAV or Ass Creed. But you're too pussy to do that.