What are some game series where every game is good? Pic related, every DoW game is good
What are some game series where every game is good? Pic related, every DoW game is good
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>every game is good
rarely true. series either get cancelled before a bad one shows up or survive long enough to have several bad games
Only good DoW games are DoW1, SS, DoW2, and CR.
>making bait this obvious
you're going to have to try harder than that
>doom 3
frag yourself
>doom 3 is bad because i can't go mach 5 while shooting every gun in existence at the same time like in doom 1 and 2!!!!11
super mario and final fantasy.
>every DoW game is good
Not him and I never played D3. I'm open to it, but you don't make a good case for it
that's what doom has always been you fucking millenial. even nu-doom realized this which is why its so highly praised and doom 3 continues to get bashed and feebly defended by you retards
it was a change of pace, but the game was still good faggot
True, Kirby is consistently meh.
Dark Souls, Dead Space, Half Life, Postal and Quake.
>i-it was a ch-change of pace
that's a new one. nobody wants to creep around in the dark with a flashlight you can't even attach to your gun in an fps. certainly not in a doom game.
>doom gaem where you can't go mach 5 while shooting every gun in existence at the same time
Do you realize that's literally what doom is fucking about, and it was also released in an era filled with brown and bloom, dark, realistic shooters?
Final Fantasy has to be the most inconsistent series in terms of actual quality. I’m not sure if you could have found a worse example.
>every DoW game is good
Dow2 and Dow3 were trash, only Dow1 was great
>likes Soulstorm
>but not Dark Crusade
I've seen this picture probably a hundred times already, but it still disgusts me.
justdontreplyjustdontreplyjustdontrep- FUCK!
>DC not being superior
>not liking Last Stand
>acting like Dow3 isn't superior to horrible mp of Degenerage of Wuush 2.
>Even tho both Dow2 and 3 were horrible and nowhere near as good as dow1.
>has literally been autistically posting this stupid fucking image for years
Kill yourself my man
>dow2 was trash
watch your fucking mouth, heretic
you're right about dow3 tho
liking Diablo of War 2
have you played ELITE? it's got new maps and a whole new faction (grey knights) on top of continuous balance changes since relic abandoned it. it's still being updated to this day and has a pretty tight knit community. it's still the best 40k experience out there imo, and like most genuinely good things, most people don't know about it
>emperor of man tier trailer
>everything I could have ever asked for from 40k
>dark, brooding, ominous, beautiful, bloody
>hyped for DOW3
>see gameplay footage
>game releases
>its a fucking disgrace and the polar opposite of what that trailer portrayed
gentlemen, we have witnessed the fall of a titan
>using fake science man with trans fetish
Isn't that comic from a boltgun's POV?
>DoW 2 is bad meme
>DoW 1 the Starshit rip off is good
>What is Dead Space 3?
>What is Postal 3?
>What is Quake 4?
if anything dow3 was a starcraft ripoff. they wanted to make it competitive but abandoned everything that made the game special in favor of making it more starcraft like. the problem is why the fuck would people play this over starcraft if they wanted to play starcraft? that's where they went wrong and it's a crying shame they fucked up something that could have easily been great.
all they literally had to do was make company of heroes 2 but 40k...so dow2 but bigger
Dead Space 3 is fucking good mate Quake 4 is good. Forget Postal 3 existed.
if I was CEO I would have immediately fired that twit that came up to me talking about power cores and dome shields and no cover and escalation phases and moba elements in my fucking dawn of war game.
>Dumb frogposter likes shitty games
Why am I not surprised?
>microtransactionspace 3
EA drove that game into the ground with forced co-op and game breaking microtransactions quit lying to yourself. also it wasn't scary. at all.
>trans fetish
the space part was fucking godly
>What are some game series where every game is good
>liking Soulstorm
>implying Dark Crusade isn't the best DoW release
>implying Winter Assault isn't better than DoW1
DC was a shitty unplayable pile of wank full of glitches and non functioning online no matter how hard you samefag
better game mechanics than whatever shitty game you like lmao
>liking shit crusade
>implying Soulstorm isn't the best DoW release
0/10 apply yourself
Relic has never made a good RTS. Dune 2 clones are out of hand and bad games. Thank god they are dead. The only downside is that the insufferable faggots who are infatuated with the subgenre cry that RTS is dead. No, RTS isn't dead, just that shitty regressive lineage. I wouldn't even care that much, except the salty tears of people who claim only Dune 2 clones are RTSes are delicious. They are the most insufferable cultish community in video games and it brings me joy to see them so asshurt.
DoW1: Vanilla
Classic squad based RTS game utilizing cover with a heavy focus on map control, agression and micromanagment. A solid game, had some balance problems and hickups along the way but most of it got ironed out throught the games lifespan.
Winter Assault
Released in a very poor rushed out state, game was clearly unfinished, was extremly buggy with units shooting in melee and various other game breaking glitches. Not bad when Relic got round to fixing it though.
Dark Crusade
HORRIBLE game, some of the worst balance in any RTS game to date, random changes for no rhyme or reason, extremly buggy, was absolutley hated by the community, fire on the move bug crippled the game and online was plagued with connection problems that would drop people from games mid match and rampant hacking. Relic promised a patch was coming but it never happened.
Fixed many of the problems with DC, saved the DoW1 community which was on its deathbed after the mess that was DC, had a few minor problems on launch but not as bad as WA or DC and they were patched out with updates, best balance out of all the DoW games. Still has an active community that plays the game regularly online stood the test of time, great game.
By Relics own words the game was dumbed down to appeal to a wider audience, they even said they went too far.
Casual moba trash, Relic literally learned nothing.
>was dumbed down
>literally learned nothing
I have a theory, which is that publishers expect the developing team to make every game more "accessible" then the previous one.
It cannot be coincidence that every single game series became dumber and shallower over time.
>I'm an autist that can't read faces
That is not a boastful smile, quite the opposite,- a humble, accepting smile. He's accepting his death, unregretting, having spent his life in service of the Emperor . It's a satisfied, but not a self satisfied smile, pretty fucking far from "smug af".
But yeah, the trailer was pretty good. If only they brought the same understanding of the feel of WH:40k to the game.
What shocks me is that they made DoW2 feel like Company of Heroes, but they also watered down CoH's mechanics and managed to carry over all of the poor aspects of CoH without any of the good ones.
Maybe DoW2 would have been better if it actually had some decent maps - but holy shit were they all bad.
DoW2 could have been a great game but they hamstringed themselves. The campaign was fun - once but it was too slow otherwise. I tried replaying it fairly recently, once I had to slow through another 15 minute mission on the same map a second or third time I gave up.
Trailer was shit, who the fuck kills the hero like that in an announce trailer?
DoW2 campaign is way better than DoW1 campaign though.
You must not be familiar with Warhammer 40k
SS is by far the best version of DoW
No memeing, The Legend of Zelda.
Soulstorm was a balancing mess. It had the worst commanders, worst setting, and aerial units completely broke the game. I'm not saying Dark Crusade was perfectly balanced, but it was certainly a better game than Soulstorm
I can't comment on the multiplayer, since that's not what I'm into, but DC's campaign was objectively superior to Soulstorm's
>All this awful taste.
This is legitimately why it's bad.
Like I said it's fun once. Then it becomes apparent that it's a painfully slow slog through the same five maps for 20 hours. At least Dark Crusade has some amount of replay value, it's a shame they removed persistent bases in Soul Storm. That really killed the campaign for me.
>inb4 multiplayer autists.
Soulstorm has by far the best balance out of any of teh DoW1 games, what the FUCK are you smoking, you either never played these games or are trolling
unironically splinter cell
>better balance than SS
>People defending SS
Never ceases to amuse me.
>play Tau
>use Barracudas
Remind me how Soulstorm has great balance?
Dark Crusade is fucking horrible once you start playing on higher difficulty you only play against cheating AI every game boils down to the same build order. DoW2 has fun mechanics like the item system.
Its objective fact, theres a reason why Soulstorm still has a strong online community a decade and multiple games later
>nu-sam games are good
>and aerial units completely broke the game.
No they fucking didn't.
Make it less obvious you have never actually played the game next time.
Because it's the latest expansion and has the most races?
You're not very clever, are you?
The only good thing Soulstorm gave us was memes
I'll give you that one. DoW2 makes the mistake of taking about 6 hours to get out of the tutorial, and the movement speed being about half as fast as cold molasses. If the game wasn't so fucking slow it would be a lot more fun.
The amount of time you spend not doing anything, or just waiting in DoW 2 is astonishing.
>use Barracudas
LOL is this a joke?
Have you even played the game?
Do you even own the game?
Barracudas are AV only and get shat on by most stuff in the game, not only that but they are HARD capped at 5 and have a large power cost
hey now SS3 had a slow start but it gets really good about an hour in, mainly after you get better weapons than that pitiful pistol and shotgun
>>use Barracudas
And THIS is how you spot someone who has never played the game
Fuck you, conviction and blacklist were unironically good.
story was top GOAT
>The amount of time you spend not doing anything, or just waiting in DoW 2 is astonishing.
What the fuck are you talking and DoW 2 has nids
That are in little clusters spaced out across maps that take 5 minutes to walk across.
>use Barracudas
Oh my sides!
>DoW2 was a slow ass casual MOBA!
>OK let's play 1vs1 and then talk again
>No, I only played SP and Last Stand
>use Barracudas
>use Barracudas
>>use Barracudas
>use Barracudas
>use Barracudas
>use Barracudas
absolute kino
Look at all this samefagging
Gee Bill, two wieners?
>use Barracudas
>use Barracudas
Give them all (you)'s and I'll prove you wrong.
>Forgetting about the Cdi games
>Forgetting about Twilight Princess
C-, see me after class