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>Darth Talon

>nu-bioware kotor game
No you don't.

>implying you wouldn't

"The entire second game is littered with clues as to 'why didn't Revan destroy the infrastructure here? What was he trying to make sure was still intact? What did he/she see that no one else saw?' I thought that was giving a nice nod to 'wait a minute, Revan realises there's an even larger force at work here, and he's focusing his efforts on that and keeping the big picture in mind'. That was one thing - the idea that there was a larger, global conspiracy."

That third game would cast you as "the Exile" and allow you to track Revan's path. "Whether you encounter him or not..." he pauses, wary of spoilers in case the game ever happens in the future. "The idea was that even before the 'modern day' Sith came into being in The Old Republic ... there were even more distant Sith Lords that were considered the true Sith, and the idea that they were still lurking out there in the galaxy waiting for a chance to strike, kind of like the Shadows in Babylon 5, I thought would be a cool finale for that Old Republic trilogy.

"Part of the fun with designing them," he adds, "was if you have these incredibly powerful Force users and they have their whole hidden domain out in the distant reaches of the galaxy, what would that Sith empire really look like at the hands of these things?

"If they could shape entire planets or galaxies or nebulas, and they had all these slave races at their disposal, how cool would that be, to go into the heart of darkness and you're the lone Jedi and/or new version of the Sith confronting these guys? What would that be like? I thought that would be pretty epic."


SWTOR, the Knights of the _____ expansions in particular. That's what modern Bioware Kotor 3 would be like.

If you want a good Kotor sequel... tough luck.


>tfw no sith gf

>modern day bioware making a kotor
>sith are nazis and are no longer the fun route
>only gay romance options and even then everyones ugly as fuck
>probably no mention of slaves at all

>It could have had something to do with new consoles - PS3 and Xbox 360 - arriving and engines needing redoing, which would have been expensive and time consuming, points out Dan Spitzley, then senior programmer, now lead programmer at Obsidian. "That's a good point," concedes Avellone. "Thanks, consoles, thank you."

Thanks, consoles

KOTOR as a series is overrated with garbage gameplay and middling story. You don't actually want it unless you actively enjoy garbage

>Second has all this set up
>turns out the pay out was for that shitty TOR

Feels awful man

First we'd need some studio to make a proper Kotor 2.

where'd she buy her yoghurt? looks like she is really enjoying it

Fuck off

Why don't Twi'lek exist bros?

Your taste is shit and you don't know any better. How sad.


Same reason why KOTOR3 doesn't exist, Bioware


Fuck this, I'm gonna post one without a dick and delete that one.

About to play the first one. Are there any issues with running it?

there, that's better


no kotor1 plays fine on any pc
kotor2 on the other hand is still full of issues after modernizer patch that was supposed to fix it

people whine about one but of all my playthroughs, i've never had an issue. kotor 2, even with the fan mod/patch that fixes bugs, it fucks up constantly and isn't even worth playing cause of it.

anyway have fun, user.

Why doesn't Disney try to milk the Star Wars video games potential even more, even though I'm sure it would be dogshit if they had Bioware do it I still don't understand why they don't try to make a new Star Wars RPG

Fairly certain EA said SWTOR was kotor 3+ going forward.

because games today now have bigger influence and power and making something thats better than the movies would bad be bad for the shitty nuwars movies

EA can eat shit if the Mouse wants them to

ToR is literally Kotor 3 and beyond.

its pointless to talk to these retards
they cant even comprehend the simple fact that it was never up to bioware if they make a singleplayer kotor3 or an mmo

What's so good about KOTOR in general?
Does ANYTHING distinguish it from other CRPGs apart from it being Star Wars?

And EA also said that BattleFront was the ultimate star wars shooter, people still would rather have a BF3 by pandemic.
Same thing with kotor, even if the entire series was disappointment ending with a wet fart in the eye with TOR.

>Disney giving a shit about non-canon stuff

Makes you feel you are adventuring in a gigantic mysterious universe with so much to discover (similar to how original Star Wars made people feel back then)

At least that's what made those games special for me. That they are good CRPGs are a good bonus

It is worse than the others, and only comes out ahead because of the star wars name.
That is a feat of sorts.

>Does ANYTHING distinguish it from other CRPGs apart from it being Star Wars?

most of us played it when we were 10-15 years old

everything is better when you are that age

>EA and modern Disney

Just let the franchise go.

Fuck KOTOR give me an RPG set in the Legacy era. Disney canon is utter trash so far and they ruined both the Prequel and Original eras too.

10 years later I'm still mad

>made by EU

im happy its dead.

What are you, British

sup Sup Forums

Addendum: KotOR 1 does this
2, not so much

Story was going to far more interesting places in the second game though

I wouldn't touch a single sith, expect the ones with light side affection.

>get my entire party in kotor2 to become dark jedi
>can't bring handmaiden or bao-dur along anywhere because they bitch about me stepping on an insect and I lose a shitload of influence
Tell me there's a mod that fixes this.

>will never rule the galaxy side by side again with this qt

But The Old Republicâ„¢ MMO by Bioware and EA is KotOR 3, 4, 5 and 6 all in one and it's free to play right now! :^)

>just shitty siths
>not Revan, Exile and everyone else against the Yuuzhan Vong

>Make a male character
>get fucking talked down to by female NPCs with neon hair the whole game
>You are not allowed to take any action.

windows 10 has issues with it, you'll probably have to run it in compatibility mode
and then you'll have to use a fan patch for widescreen

Wasn't it more or less confirmed that the Jedi Guardian's storyline in SWTOR is what KoTOR3 would have been?

Wasn't the empire essentially space-nazis in the original trilogy?

I don't know what this swtor is you are talking about

The Empire had its own flair and the nazi influences were more subtle, as opposed to the First Order's "HEY GUYS LOOK AT MY SPACE NAZI SPEECH ISN'T THAT COOL"

No, the Empire was entirely apolitical. They seemingly had no ideologies, they were just "evil" and wanted to rule over everything, like most regimes in fantasy tales e.g. Sauron's Mordor. Only their aesthetics were loosely based on WW2 germany.

play with vsync

What would KOTOR3 even be about? Prequel? Sequel? Revan+exile adventures?

which is funny considering that KoTOR 1 and 2 are monumentally better star wars experiences than either TFA or TLJ
i routinely recommend them to people whenever a discussion of how shitty the new movies are comes up

Following the Revan and concluding his story would have been good. Or just good old exploring and travelling the Old Republic without any connection to that storyline like Mass Effect 1, without the doomsday machines or a grand galaxy scale plot like that. Movie timelines might also work before the Jedi are exterminated but Old Republic has more than enough material to make such game work anyway, with the added bonus of not screwing with the movie canon and all the shitstorm that follows

I'd rather rule with grandma.

That's a good attempt actually, would have been even better if the robe wasn't made out of bedsheets

They were fascist as fuck though, incredibly militaristic, crushed dissent through force, targeted civilians to set examples.

>tfw still no Star Wars game where I can pilot a Star Destroyer

It's hardly a one man job, mate.


What order should I play these games in, Sup Forums?

Thanks for the tip.
Also, pic related.

Literally left to right

There's a new W40K game that might satisfy you user, Battlefleet Gothic or something. Game's basically tacticool space battles in real time

I think continuation of Revan story would be nice but fuck the existent lore. They'd have to reimagine it.

which doesn't make them 'space nazis' it just makes them 'evil'

for them to be space nazis they would have had to have deathcamps etc for non black haired, brown eyed humans as well as the EU shit about the nonhumans.

>all of which is fucking not even canon anymore so even any of the old stuff that almost explicitly made them out to be space nazis is totally DELETE'd now anyway

besides. everyone seems to forget 3/4 of the 'evil' shit the empire did / does in eu and OT was purely to fuel the darkside for sheev. he wasn't having people kick puppies and eat babies for shits and giggles, he was doing it for the UNLEEMATED POWAH corrupting people into doing that shit gave him, and Nomming the delicious dark side energies of all the suffering et al.

Didn't they finish Revan's story in that MMO turd of theirs? At least I'm sure I've seen some screenshots on Sup Forums with people going "OMG REVAN'S IN THE GAME".

Battlefleet Gothic : Armada

and it isn't new, it's been out for over a year now. and it's awesome.

>which doesn't make them 'space nazis' it just makes them 'evil'
Because they resemble space Nazis. I get that the Holocaust kind of overshadows the whole regime but it wasn't the only thing they did.

Yeah Revan's a lesbian now

I mean, it's not like it could be worse than what we got with TOR with the whole "he was really mind controlled and then he split into a good and evil half" shit

Yes, yes he was, but we don't speak about that.

It was supposed to sink. What the fuck happened?

Looks like Empire At War or Sins of a Solar Empire, I'll check it out. I just want to broadside a Mon Calamari cruiser with a Super Star Destroyer desu.

What game is that pic from?


empire at war

>Revan's a lesbian now
Normally I'd be sure that's just some lighthearted trolling, but knowing it's a Bioware game makes it sound plausible.

>he was really mind controlled and then he split into a good and evil half
Or this. Both sound equally bullshit, really.

It tanked, didn't it? Granted, I don't really follow MMO news and whatnot, but from what I've heard, it bombed pretty hard.

Empire at War. Decent on it's own, but really comes to life with mods installed.

Fine have some dried up white men

and as stated, only in the wiped out nont canon EU did the empire do anything horrible nazi -like.

hell, even delete-ing alderaan is a legitimate move. do you really think the west wouldn't have fucking nuked pakistan into glass by now if they didn't have nukes themselves? everyone knows that 3/4 the funds for terroism etc come out of that corrupt fucking shithole.

if anything, star wars empire was just a space fantasy version of Imperial England, down to the projection of control and power by sailing ships to the colonies (star destroyer squadrons in SW)

why does no one ask GL why he has such a hateboner for historical english empire?

>hell, even delete-ing alderaan is a legitimate move.
Fuck off fascist cunt

Wasn't all of this done in TOR, but shitty and uninspired?

I'd be fine with SWTOR's premise (Revan and Exile going to Dromund Kaas to confront the big threat aka The Sith Emperor).
Fuck everything after, though.

Stop this horrible meme, no one wants this, not from current era BioWare EA. Stop it, stop this absolute faggorty!

B-but perhaps Obsidian will do

Neat, I'll have to check it out.
Any recommended mods?
It bombed real bad. Which it deserved, crap pile that it is.

This. FUCK those companies.


Sith and the Empire were always space nazis. Even in KOTOR and the original trilogy they had elements of it.

>entire planet of rich armchair revolutionaries funding a rebellion with their wealth and 'lol we're all diplomatic and shit you can't touch us'

>he jus an innocent rich ol white guy! he dindu nuffin! dey stole his money obviously, an his space ships, an his crews, an his guns. he innocent!

fuckoff yourself space hippie.

I'm pretty sure I encountered slaves on every Sith planet I visited in TOR and quite a few quests revolve around oppressing them.


>the people behind torment tides of numale lgbtivasdfasdfasdfasgg and tyranny : can't actually be evil, only saturday morning cartoon retard evil

fuck no. the last thing obshitian did OK, was fucking New vegas and alpha protocol. everything after has been a fuckup.